
Wednesday, November 30, 2022

phoo (phoop?) TBA

A very loud obnoxious-type guy wants you to buy a product so shit won't stink.
No, not for cats, for everything.
OK first off, I need to seriously edit this.
Second, they already make commode-liners, paper-towel-looking things that (vaguely) absorb.
Absorb what? Poo smell, Juices?
I'm lazy and don't wanna schlep shit daily...but if a person does not, it smells godawful.
TMI except I want a product that sort of de-odorizes it. Desiccation is nice but superfluous.

I'm off to google "Poo deodorizer", gawd...
Bear with this for a second:
Buying any product to mask the smell of shit will cause you to be revolted by whatever smell it is.
Lavender? (rolf)

And visitors will be revolted by the train-station smell of industrial-strength deodorizer/disinfectant.

(I wonder if pooph is shit or good stuff, (at $1 an ounce.)
You pay more for cologne and way more for perfume, but perfume lasts lots longer, 

judging by the spray bottle they send with Pooph.
eau d' Febreze is more in my budget

Badass? Yes, but I like it too.

Actually, antibacterials are somewhat dangerous, if you're lazy or incompetent (or disabled) and only kill germs in spots.
The germs aren't stupid and they just move to non-disinfected spots.
Where they start gyms and little tiny academies.....
um, so I'd rather buy Non-bacterial smell-things.
I'm very tired of looking and will probably pay 3x too much at CVS because they have the highest prices, how depressing.
Can a person eat non-stinky food? Nvm
Damn, I was looking forward to the coconut-topped arugula

Apparently after you buy bags for the commode, you buy pads to go into the bags.
These pads might or might not reduce the smell.
And if you're real lucky you'll find what I did not, *padded bags*
I don't think I found my answer, a black hole of a setup that absorbs smells.

Ardat Yakshi" must be buried in some book about my game, because they don't discuss it in-game much.
My get-up-to-pee dream was about mind-controlled prisoners rebelling against the guards and being controlled by Mr. Big, the local crime boss.It's not a pleasant thing to have happen to you, which is why the dream was so effective, but waking up I realize it's more harry potter ("purebloods") or some other story.
(I had it on the tip of my tongue)
One more reason to stay away from the blue people

If authors made these situations pleasant, um, hmm, it might not make very good stories. There is no story I can think of that takes mind control and turns it into a good experience, although a person would not remember anyway.
The very first mind-control book I ever read was "A wrinkle in time,"
which was a highly regarded book about space and time (and mind control) so it's a really old subject for sci-fi.

Citizens United

 They're on a mission.

What that mission is or was, I'm not sure, except maybe that there used to be more limits on how much a person or group could contribute to an election.

Now, with a couple added rules, you can donate whatever.
We're lots more banana-republican than we used to be, seems like, 
But you can find their confident fact filled speeches all over the internet.
Don't believe the media, believe them instead.



My internet is jittery, I've been told, really jittery.
A busted car could be there in twenty minutes...The point is, My setup works, theoretically.

Me reading news and writing these blogs doesn't actually matter, it's supposed to be when I watch movies.
But They're fine.
I suppose I could take a pill, adjust a setting
"Enable QOS" (%$#@, are you kidding me? SLows it down sooo slow, omigosh)
The "Upstream QOS" selection on my router totally ruins everything
And turning off "Ping" made no difference at all.
*Maybe* choose a (expensive, and the price just went UP $15) fast speed tier, because 
if it jitters to half-speed and goes to full speed, 
Yer not going to notice on a typical movie setup.
I feel extra decadent (profligate?) since they raised my price. 
I'm nearly positive that without their arcane discounts, 
I'd be paying $99.99 a month.

On a cold day (in hell, lol) my speed is technically 570, and the advertised speed, 500. So damn fast no one notices. But it makes a person wonder.
Lettuce sey, uh, "Speedtest" is so damn popular that it gets bogged down at noon.

Mebbe uh, 3-percent of 500 is 15 megabits, but you have to use math and translate that into, um, bits per second (Bits per something, my brain just stopped working)

Point being, testmynet gathers dust while "speedtest" is too hot to touch, hmm

Oooo, yeah....I remember now, how do you translate that little number on the picture above, "115" to mbps??? Seems high.
An unresponsive server *could* be what's going on, a crowded group of PCs nearby watching movies...

What is jitter as shown by speed testing sites, and how can we translate it into speed variance??? 

I'm typing this badly in HTML beeeeeecause, The editor can't seem to get it right.
But let's say their testing tools are free and flawed, And we're supposed to believe them, whether it is true or not.
I had a premonition of me making a false or exaggerated statement (Like in the first paragraph) and a humorless reader is not amused.
Maybe I should concoct disclaimers, refer to Homer Simpson, etc. IDK.
But..."It's not the size or the speed but how it's used" seems fodder for your homophobian attitudes...lemme see.
I *tried* your freaking QOS and it was disastrous.
Let me propound the Signal-to-noise theory, or maybe the Speed-to-latency theory (pick one) that says, fast enough speed and the latency won't matter, high enough signal, noise won't matter.
Your opinion of me has no cash value, Trump 2024.

Monday, November 28, 2022

new week

You probably don't know how reassuring it is to have cheap headphones and a nice equalizer, (insert many words here) Or even a decent MIDI player (more words.)

But if you can see that device manager picture, you'll see that in order to enable the Coolsoft Midi-mapper and a decent synthesizer, I had to disable everything else.

Someone somewhere just went apoplectic, "You don't have to disable anything and *I* have no problems..."

Well normally, I'd agree with you, butthole, but this time was different, for whatever reason. The synthesizer Microsoft normally uses sounds like an organ-grinder and his monkey. Is this symbolic?
Reenabling the little group disabled any midi sound again after restarting, so at least I know it isn't some setting I had wrong. Because if the stuff starts magically working, which it does, it dies after a restart.
I'll disable them, one at a time, to see if sound for midi returns. (Mp3's are fine)
They came out with yet another version of windows and foisted it upon me, so I can see if it works (that's kind of what beta testers do, unless you wanna compare them to your retarded sister that you bring toys home from work for)
I usually can fix anything they throw at me, like dung from monkeys, but you'll recall that last week, their version was intolerably slow in 3dmark (It was slow, whether you recall or not)
Is it still slow?
Tune in tomorrow.

"Chipset CLDO" is one of those clubby terminology-thingies you can't really find anywhere, and googling it brings up more questions than answers.
are highly googleable, buuut...
"Chipset CLDO" (default:1.2) is mighty hard to find.
1.2, isn't that a little high?
"Mother PLEASE, I'd rather do it myself!!" (says a commercial about a lady with a headache)
Lower the voltage until it crashes, RAISE the voltage til something melts, or
Leave it be at 1.2.
Seriously, make fucking millions and buy a house on the beach, publishing a book on voltages besides the usual (1.1-1.5, default 1.2)
Get a clue, whatever this guy is saying, his PC is dying, so.....
(get a clue)

WHY would I want to pay triple for your motherboard, with advice like this?
"Dumbass: says dumb useless stuff. Can be ignored"

Every day without a crap is a good day.
My PC runs timespy ok. Everything else (like, food ) is secondary.
O well, mediocre scores are better than shit-scores. 13,000 yada.

I *could* be doing market-shopping instead, but *why*?

Stereotypical weak female with digestion problems

https://www.eatingwell.com/article/7944098/best-snack-to-eat-when-you-have-diarrhea/ Can it just be "Bread"? 

I swear this thing had more pictures, Sometimes I edit these and it totally ignores me.

They oughtta be sued, "Peanut Butter"?
And You have to be careful with bananas.
Being poor and wanting to hoard them, you might eat overripe ones and die of diarrhea.

Face it, Nobody knows the trouble I've seen....

I Like bread!! 
Plus you cannot microwave toast and, not to go into too much detail 
but toaster-anything's are dangerous. (WTF, spell checker, no one invented a plural for "Anything?")

I like cream of wheat. I could put it on bread.
There's this pre-made toast you can buy for kids, but it must have soy (everything else does)
But OK you're on a lifeboat, your ship sank.
There you are, the stereotypical female with four burly men, and the last thing you wanna do is poo (over the side or in your pants)
The snacks are laid out by hungry men eager for you to eat something.
What do you do?
What DO you do?
(Unless you're very cold, you could dive off the side, take a biggie dump and climb aboard) but the point is, uhm, 
the food's there,
 but pooing is a biggie problem for me.
Think "Busted Toilet" which is inaccurate, but it'll do.
The entire bathroom is a deathtrap, 
you already saw the woman who died 
because she fell and couldn't get up.
Fuck that, in her house there are no flies or hungry cockroaches.
And she didn't hit her head on anything and she isn't bleeding, 
so what does she die of, thirst??
ME, I'll fall off the little bridge-thingy. Forget it, never mind.

Hamburger with elbow macaroni, but.... you have to really drain the hamburger.
Anyway, cheese, lots of it, mixed in.
Normally I'd add tomato sauce or mayonnaise, or both, but forget that.
I don't think there's a stomach-healthy way to cook pot-roast, if you have an allergy to fat. Spices too, such as onions and garlic.
Even *salt*, I think (I'm not sure, salt gets a real bad rap)
OK so this hamburger-concoction is a hassle to cook but it doesn't take long, and shouldn't piss off my stomach too much.
I wonder why they don't mention it, "Apples?" Ptui.
"Peach cobbler," mmmmm but I can never ever find it.

That hamburger concoction needs hash browns or a chopped-up potato.
"Hash browns" it is then.

The peach stuff too if it's soy-free.
Too many sharp edges...Maybe if I dunk it in my Tea.

A really gargantuan Pickup truck filled to the brim with supplies for the job, passed this way.
It had a curious whine, but then I'm not familiar with gargantuan-pickup engines.
Diesel, right? I've been close to locomotives and this was like that, so loud, so frightening, that at 3mph or so it was setting off car alarms.
Makes ya proud, a driver actually doing a job with a pickup, not just showing off.
Do you know how rare it is in my town to find someone utilizing their vehicle besides just transporting their single selves?
 I made my hamburger-helper type dish.
It's good, but it could have been better because I tried ready-made pasta, and if you cook it yourself it's fluffier, maybe tastier.
And what about the salt?
Something I bought makes me think of sea-salt. Anyway, Sea salt/road salt is all salt, salt from a mine or from water. 
But it's the *additives* in the mine or the sea that make it special.
What about synthesized sea salt, has anyone tried to make some?
No, not for an aquarium, but for eating and showing off to guests.
Picky guests with labels (vegan, vegetarian, omnivore)
So OK lacto-ovo (what is it with snobs and their fucking labels??) vegetarians,
once they ascend, Become vegans and swear off the evil lacto and ovo sinful practices of their past.
They might travel to india to get genuine pink salt, where the mine-owner uses a spray-painter to disburse the red dye for tourists...That's a lie, they use colored lights on Tourists. IDK if someone tries to make pink salt more pink, but I do know (from ads) they (for instance) have Pink salt Shampoo, and a pink-salt product with "snob" in the name.
The EVOO group and the coffee council and the Pink-salt conglomerate promise to eradicate disease and cancer.
(won't you please send 19.95 a month)

It's made in China or Mexico J2PUO

If you actually *bought* some expensive salt, they'd disbelieve, call you a poseur or naive, because they couldn't believe someone beneath them would have it genuinely.
So basically, don't waste your money on snobs.
I hear brandy is nice....

Dyson vacuum, Roomba Vacuum, Apple i-14 and sea salt.
Yes, You too can look like a snob, except you don't have a house.
The above sentence needs heavy-editing, since I do not know what the idly poor use to look like the rich and uncaring.
Log cabin republicans, black republicans, Pinoy republicans, because status trumps beliefs.
status and the latest iPhone.
(OK now I look snobby (Shakes head sadly)

They can't get Lexus? Let them buy Roomba
laissez-les acheter des roombas

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Neofascism in US (for dummies)

 TBA, but if you're against Fascism, does that make you a part of a group? 

I seriously don't know much about this stuff, I'll have to find some opinionated bombastic people who write much better.

Yeah OK but what makes them fascist?
I'm not looking forward to reading the entire bombast at wiki.

Well, yeah I remember that stuff, I'm all like "Them's fightin words" when you accuse them of spinning fantasies.
Anyhow they sold tons of books

It's like when Dracula pretended to leave this earth for a bit, only to return a few years later.
Nameless and faceless politicians (cuz I'm no dummy) keep recycling the same ideas using slightly different verbiage.
But I'm still not clear on the fascism-part.
dogmatic pedagogical??
Total (fucket) guessing cuz no one speaks plain anymore,
(in a word.)

76th and Broadway will get a person killed for the cardinal sin of waiting for a bus.
Walmart can get you killed, malls, theaters, Driving, churches.
But that might be opening the subject up way too widely, so forget about it, never fucking mind.
The translated-from-russian page says the emoji is bitter.
I can almost imagine the superior acting emoji shaking their head sadly.
I don't do well with superior people, they pass over me for promotion and listen to uglier people running me down.
Wait, what?
O! *I* like the emoji and would like to incorporate it here, but I can't find it.

Superior types resent you the harder you try,
and make up shit
("Tsk", wtf is that?)
And you'll be stuck in hell under their supervision, as opposed to them just telling you what they want (or were they bullies in school before they grew up?)
Seriously though, what's with the tooth-sucking thing? They do it in some movies.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Insulin Blues

 My Dexcom G6 transmitter died.
No real Biggie, but a new transmitter with insurance is $250.00 (from amazon)
and although I can see the advantages of Dexcom, The system isn't worth the enormous cost.

I seriously do not know if they keep sending sensors but forget transmitters.

Today my test-strip sugar was "50" and my body tried to wake me to tell me my sugar was low.
How much sugar should I digest to bring it back up?
There's an injectable product (glucose??) for just such occasions, but no one prescribed it.

My meter says to "get over it," because it's too high now anyway. But I'm feeling the aftereffects of the lows.
An ROTD you won't understand
Conflicted feelings as a kid about Angie Dickinson.
Before you were born she looked like this
and when she actually looked like that, I was four (or so)
Really older actresses on my movie screen, women who could have been my mom...
Drop-dead gorgeous women my age as a teen were way more attractive, and ....
It's an ROTD and tons of other ROTD's are knocking on the door.
Wait, so most women people really liked were born in the thirties? Geez.
WHolesome type who looked better when older

Fucket...I'm running out of room. Farrah? I liked Kate.
Suzanne? I liked Joyce
Deanna-Marina? (contact-lenses)
Britney? I liked Mariah.
I'm sort of losing memories after 1991 or so....Wait, super hot and not dead nor agéd...

Nice lady (I think) She talks too fast...

I'm purposely burying this next bit, to defend against the dark arts (soccer moms and their ilk)
Now, I don't care if you donate to zillionaires, but they (the shriners hospital people) have the nerve to keep begging for more, and more.
And more.
The ATTENTION medicare and shriner's should get a room and conceive a bastard child, already.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022


 It's a fluke. 

Or maybe holidays.
IDK, I miss so damn much (I'm off to DSLReports.com)

Totally vague bickering in the forum, O well.
No card or letter, just the usual ad about TV in the mail.

A snippet from Google, but I swear this didn't exist a week ago.

And (I'm leery) it may never exist again, hmm

Every year some yahoo almost kills himself deep-frying a frozen turkey.
Frozen-fries are bad enough...(long rant about fries missing in action)
but no one really likes turkey, except they're trying to elevate it to nutritional status
Races that didn't come on the Mayflower cook their own food.
"lumpia,"(yay) or "Pancit" Gowdawful)  whatever. I defy you to find a person who really likes canned cranberry jello.

And Yams are my sworn enemy all year.
If it weren't for mashed potatoes, gravy and stuffing, Thanksgiving would totally suck (it does if you put giblets in the gravy or the stuffing)
And people seem to hate each other every thanksgiving, they fly in to yell at each other (work and slave over a hot fucking stove just to yell at your kids who live in squalor in NY to get away from you, why can't they be more like George?)
Pumpkin pie is nice.
Mince pie is horrrible (or is that Christmas) sleep off the after-effects and let uncle Benny watch his football game, then schlep leftovers 3000 miles at 5.50 a gallon.
Sure as shit someone will get drunk, someone else gets shot, everyone gets poorer.
I like thanksgiving, the weather, the trimmings, and once every seven years the peace and harmony, but the frozen parades, the cranberry sauce, must be an acquired taste I missed out on.
Effigies of cartoon classic stars I never liked, torturing women by making them wear bathing suits while you dress up in a parka
blablabla(preachy brat)
A deranged mom watched it with her cat

I love Lasagna or real-fresh doughnuts...except crispy creme
Lasagna could be pumped up with vitamins, artificial meat, to please the whole-foods vegan crowd...
https://www.reddit.com/r/masseffect/comments/198yh5/the_true_identity_of_the_catalyst_me3_spoilers/ At one point in time, someone so bombastic it defies the imagination (and my reading skills) tried to pontificate the right answer to my game which is bombastic all on its own.
A game gets written, editors flesh it out, I'm pretty sure. Add a puzzle, a moral dilemma.
I haven't played the end yet, nor romanced anyone, and I've ignored all the advice on dialogue-choices... I still hate the game generally but it might have a nice ending.
A "Matrix" ending, I'm guessing...
"The Catalyst"

(Ble? (Whut?)

I got about 80% of their little bible...They created Harbinger but he turned traitor (or something)
The Apex race is a race of giant cockroaches living under the sea. Or giant Lobsters, it's unclear.
When they finally get off their ass they can actually do stuff, but they're burned out and bored.
Their existentialist philosophies are nihilistic.
(Or something)
The stuff I missed (looking out the window in math class) is too voluminous to write, I missed most of it. 
Like why cycles of destruction are necessary at all. If we're all so self-destructive, what's the point?
Liquified people, what's it for? (Or did the writers just copy every Sci-fi movie ever made?) light reading for later: https://drayfish.wordpress.com/2014/01/27/a-set-of-lies-agreed-upon-mass-effect-3-and-revisionist-history/
Calm down, here, have some Kool-Aid.
Be not afraid, Trump will win in 2024
(and other mind-controlling bromides, platitudes and cliches)

They're waking up, make a speech! Run away!

It's your hair.