
Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Opinions are forbidden


Needs a caption, 
"Life sucks!"

TBA (or is it "TBC")

Revelation 3:16

Go read reviews of "Through the looking Glass" if you doubt my veracity, when I recall that viewers reviewed with disdain and disfavor, the overexcitability of most of the movie.
(It was too much for their tiny brains?)
It was too "woke", prolly, bah humbug (and stuff).
No, give them a western with a really mean villain and some guns.
But they're entitled to their opinions, and it is my misfortune that Alice is owned by Disney, and it shall remain perpetually expensive despite their hoity-toity reviews.
Me waiting a year (years?) for the price to drop didn't help.
And so I own this fluffy nonsense, and I think it's been a year since I watched.
Seriously, "too visually exciting"?
Screenshots are forbidden, so instead I bring you a phone camera shot of my monitor, which happens to have the movie playing on it.

Queen who?

Well anyway, the kid Iracebeth went psycho after her sister stole some tarts and left telltale crumbs next to Iracebeth's bed.
I haven't actually *seen* that part, it's from my head.
Bonham-Carter tends to play parts like that, maybe she's good at it.
Typing does not lend itself well to quiet mumbling....
YouTube still allows screenshots (I think)

This next bit would help a LOT if someone commented, commercials excepted.
OK here goes:

What is it with Microsoft making screenshotters lousier? Was it a security flaw, or nepotism, I don't know, but they made it worse, and I've lived with it for at least a year.
WHAT is so wrong with it?
It's tough to explain.

The screenshot completely disappears, and you have to click on the little program a second time to save the screenshot or draw on it.
That line you see worked perfectly (of course it did, %^$#) but usually it starts at some random point far away from the drawing pen, and I need to erase the line and start over.
I don't know why but it used to work better.
OK "First world" problem, and of course, YOU have no problems....
So would-be commenters, I already know that.
No, I won't reinstall windows,
and yes, the snipping tool is "updated" (or rather I checked and there is no update)
So ok, ignoring the snarky, snobby, advertisers, I really don't want any comments (I guess,) I just want a program that auto-saves or close to it, and lets you draw stuff or makes you call up the auto-saved shot to draw on it (either way)

I swear, "Snipping Tool" is behaving itself right this exact second, allowing me to save instantly without dredging the shot from the taskbar, which is all I ever wanted.
I threatened it by downloading "Lightshot", although their license agreement 
(As snapped by "Snipping tool") is very very (very) creepy.
Fucket, Maybe Snipping tool deserves another chance.
"You behave, now"
So, a violent game with (perhaps) a couple nude-scenes is right-out.
I'm gonna, uh, NVM

"As good as gold, and better" they said of Tiny Tim (and Snipping tool)

A totally hot but scary TEST screenshot:
IDK (This is a test anyway)

Monday, November 20, 2023

(Less) Boring Game III: Psychology


Whoever wrote that was very bombastic, but another article on the same subject was purposefully vague.
Suicidal? no, but they *could* be, and it's related (whut?!!)

They feel "numb" (bullshit)...

Tourettes is related too, and while you're at it, let's toss in autism. (OK forget autism)

OK nevermind, but (while you're still there) what about Tattoos?

Not the one your grandad has, the faded green one, but the sharp black ones, to go with the piercings.

I met a beautiful Muslim woman who had a piercing through her nose, and people wondered what she did with it when she had a cold.
Contrast that with the actor on some crime show with tattoos covering his arms (a stereotypical low-life unsub.)

WTH is an unsub? I keep looking and then I forget, is that dementia or do I just suck at memory the way I suck at math?

Hang on (dammit)

"Unknown subject" as if "perp" was too good for them.
Style vs psychoses, I *knew* I was going somewhere and saying something, it just takes a while for all the pieces to settle.

This next bit is from

an older entry, or it *would* be, if I thought it was worth it to edit.
I don't think so.
After writing how annoying the Front Page People are (Paltrow et al.)
I gave up and wanted to add a slightly psychological twist on an egg promo site.
They want you to see the carefully posed pictures of BROWN eggs (no white eggs)
and then they say, towards the bottom,
Eat eggs

If you had people over for Breakfast, wouldn't you wanna put Hardboiled Brown Eggs into your Cocotte, and a rock-sea-salt grater (or the package the salt came in) on the table? And a cruet of EVOO?
And the sea-salt should be pink (Shouldn't it?) (IDK, I haven't been studying my Pretentious trends lately
In or around 1971, an elitist-type wrote that Americans despise Brown eggs, as opposed to the British, who prefer them.
I suspect a few Hollywood actresses grew up believing this, but I can't be sure.
There's eye-winking afoot, a secret-societal knowledge of the Brown egg arcana that I am not aware of (yet, which is what google is for, to enlighten me.)
But that rogue train of thought is nowhere else in this entry, unless I edit it in at some future date.
Ghetto eggs given as charity to children were white; Villages in the UK long to be more pastoral and prefer brown (I think that summarized this useless article; I'll look for more organically grown ones.)

It just occurred to me, celebrities who show their refrigerator, their food and their house not only get promo fees (for the food, refrigerator and the house) but they can possibly claim a gigantic tax deduction.

Manchin should let us tour his coal mine. 

But I shouldn't knock celebrities, who donate to worthy causes, and eat more nutritious food because they're setting an example. 

(I was following trains that magically appear during boring parts of games (I'm looking at you, "Freecell"-level 731 (that'sa lotta trains!!)

The front-page publishers use the wrong celebrities (I'm thinking), 

it's more psychologically pleasant to wake up to Anne Hathaway or Nina Garcia Or (insert very rich reserved male stars of your choice here, an unfinished train for me "Who WAS that guy?")Max Von Sydow (before your time, nevermind)
(eg, "What does Anne Hathaway eat? or is she an angel, and eatless")

A distant cousin of famous women (and men) touting something or some cause,
is "Product placement", placing brand-name articles in their job, which is movies and singing gigs.
Well, anyway.....

This is prolly a bad example, you know a MAGA-hat way more than you know Skmei watches, (and no, I did not misspell, judgy spellchucker)

Dorky hats and dorky-hats worn backwards, are way more famous with tools (lemmings, puppets/sheep) sporting a company logo.
(now please tell me, there isn't a brand called "dorky")

Before my generation, Fedoras, and After, Dorky hats.
(we experimented recreationally with woolen caps, and (nameless shower-cap-looking things (Durags?) , and forks stuck stylishly) O FURIO, NVM)

Feeling dizzy?

 Said it much better, said it way first.


or stroke, 

or a "Chiari malformation" (google-bait)

Earwig, earwax, B.A.D., TLDR yer gonna die soon.

My usual fever indicator is waves of dizziness, like that 
old theme song with a loud chord of piano music followed by dreadful and despairing cellos and violins (It's prolly a famous musical piece but I have no clue)

Systems-check: sugar too high? Too low? 
The weather?
It's Tuesday?

fat f'n chance they even heard of EPI "isn't that a pen?"
"You should see (anyone but me)"

Pancreatitis? Messed up stomach? Here, have some Mylanta.
I resent having to guess wildly.
One leg ago, I wondered about "rifaximin", a fancy-ass antibiotic, which I asked about and never got an answer.
(Which really pissed off my leg to no end)
Hucksters selling panaceas?

One of the first amazon reviews about a Lipase product, says that they used to buy "Creon", but "Creon" had side effects (they said).
Creon is like a huge dump-truck compared to OTC products that are mini-trucks...
IDK what side effects she spoke of but maybe her prescription was too huge.
Did I say "mini-truck?" Think pushcart vs crane.
O well.
One day I must have been looking for "Schiff"-something that, if you buy the correct version, has "Lipase."
 *Which* version? They didn't have the one I wanted.
In desperation (I seriously do NOT remember) I must've bought some CVS probiotics without reading glasses (bee cause)
They must've been very wise to put milk so people would get real sick and buy more Pills...
This is a drug store, they certainly knew better than to stick (prolly yogurt)
into a pill (and charge 10x more than yogurt)
Well, I was desperate and couldn't see well, that's my excuse.

Important bookmark: (PERT)

Nevermind, preparing the tea and the PC (to write this) and the excedrin, woke me up and I feel lots better, The End

Translating dizziness is like translating a good text-version of the song for the Dead. (WHY is it like translating yada-bla? Bee cause it's so open to interpretation)
The exact version of the above is so very cool, it rhymes!
AND it's in rhyming Latin, who does that?
I'm awestruck.
If you pick the right version of the English translation, it *also* rhymes.
(In the old days, people sung this stuff, and although the "representative text"
below is not a word-for-word translation, it is by far the best translation ever.)

"Dies Irae".
Movies LOVE songs for the dead. 
I don't know why, unless the object is to creep out the viewer by making their weird science (walking mummies) officious and ecclesiastical.
Nunc and Tunc (rhyming words meaning "Now and then")
"Mors stupebit" Death (Mors) will be stupefied
"quidquid" (whatever)
The best version I've found so far.
(Credit to)


A guy seriously died of an allergic reaction, and that's the end of the story for now, him being of some fame and a chef (so, Not a bad cook.)

WTH did he die of?
And what caused the anaphylaxis?
Was he murdered?
Whitewash it all you want, him being a chef and all,
 means he knew what he was allergic to, 
And others knew too.

Pufferfish. (?)

Saturday, November 18, 2023

clever crap in video games

 People who write video games try to show off sometimes, and some of them succeed.

But this is different.

I wrote about this but once again the game bores me (since I already know about the impossibly hard puzzle to come), 
OTG it isn't just me and my low-brow mentality

and I forgot what I wrote (I forgot I was boiling some eggs and they exploded)

Schroeder's box

In a perfect world, once ya buy a cat and stick it in a box, the cat could be dead (from heat or neglect), so (here's the "there is no spoon" part)

The cat is both alive and dead.

TaDa! PhilOsophy.

But in my game, you've already been to two universes, each coexisting next to the other, so bah humbug on your ass.
Yes, in one universe the cat's tonight's dinner, but in the other (you were just *there* so you already know this) the cat is alive.

The paradox (in the game, which they totally made up) is, you can only pick One reality.
My bah humbug (there's a fancy word but I don't know it) light-bulb moment is, if (al la game) you can exist quite happily in TWO universes and eventually be stuck in One, the other doesn't go away, disappear.

So RIP cat, but you live on, in another reality/universe.

What my game has to do with "Schrodinger" is more of a contrived plot dialogue than anything else... (anyway):

People party on whether or not you're in the outer darkness weeping,
Because (IDK) there's two realities, the republicans running everything (Luke 22:28-30) and the other reality with the (out of fashion & underdressed) people with bad teeth.

The end.


In electronics, there can be three digital states (High, Low, "Ble?" ("whut?")

or so it exists in my head, but.... then they assign a state to the third state and the analogy is spoilt.

"Hi-Z" WTH is that? How the hell does a computing device or a volt meter measure "Hi-Z"?

A clever idea in my head ruined by reality.

IF in fact there is a way to confidently measure the third tri-state, the subject has no meaning, so nevermind.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Hardware acceleration (a note)

 Let's assume for a moment that my CPU/GPU is fine and that my PC isn't busted,
then the only thing I changed recently was to turn off hardware acceleration to enable screenshots in a video-movie.

Since then (the morning after), the computer crashed twice, and although the error messages are super vague as always, along with the umbrage that Windows restarted without its permission (the self-important bloated overbearing micromanager), so the only obvious sign it's video is that the screen goes black before it reboots.

So imagine maybe that some Machiavellian features Microsoft wishes to implement are defeated by disabling "Hardware acceleration" and something somewhere gets righteously pissed off, "Whaaaat? You want it Off??"

Well it's that or this PC is dying.
I'll edit this if it's really dying 
and not just being pissed I disabled their screenshot-stopping feature.

This wordy and vague entry should prolly emphasize that 
I'm not watching movies nor trying to take screenshots.
In fact, I was in "Gmail" and emptying the trash. (Trying to.)
Step two in a mindlessly stewpid experiment would be to go Back into Gmail to repeat the exact same steps...(tba)

The menu is different from edge to Chrome.
For example, in Edge the usage statistic is not shown, ("0 of 15gb", etc)
and the menu to view a different older version of Gmail doesn't do anything.
I know the google-gmail-people and microsoft don't like each other much, but Gmail, being the behemoth that it is, shouldn't care which browser I use.

(But in the bible, a poor guy is cast out of a wedding ceremony for being underdressed, into the crowd of weepers and teeth gnashers... If even God is that petty (in the story anyway), I don't expect much from overgrown teenagers.)

So far, no crashing (after turning hardware acceleration back on)
so, in my ignorance, I'm blaming Gmail and some invisible feature.
I'm real bad at "spin."
The BS artist writing a front-page article (on google) must be a stellar bullshitter, since this is not ancient Egypt, and we don't bury iPhones and such into the sarcophagus, prolly the mom or the little sister got the goods.
But I admit, I am jealous, beee cause her rant rates front page news, and I could be a rock in a very dark cave, for all anyone cares.

IOW a relative wrote to stfu, politely, to stop rubbing salt vigorously into their wound, but no one will see it that way.
"I am a rock"

A very vague ("nebulous") blog I won't ever write, is written below.
Why was the windows-11 expiring soon, in the doctor's office?
Why were they using a semi-portable air filter in their hallway?
Why was the exam-chair wrapped like they bought it yesterday, but bashed-in, in places?
I've got plenty of guesses, none of them are prolly right, so I'm not writing them.
It is hoped that whatever discounts they enjoy from living frugally are passed along, but I'm at a disadvantage,
not knowing anyone working there,
nor belonging to a decent insurance plan that actually covers stuff beyond just having medicare.

(You're penalized royally for only having medicare but the insurance you're legally required to get isn't much better, and not everyone can qualify for medicaid.)

Bernie Sanders might have been Biden's Equal (I'm sort of musing) but Bernie wasn't camera-friendly enough to campaign for vice-president....Anyway he cared a LOT more about Medicare than Biden seems to, or are Republicans so dead set against anything, like some contrarian teenaged kid, that it wouldn't have mattered? As long as I'm blurting,
You threw away Hilary and chose Obama, who royally pissed off republicans (mightily self righteously p.o.'d) so much that medicare itself might have been damaged for a really long time or forever.
Now comes the shit-tide of "Dual-complete" insurances, who pay jack-shit but let the government pay, and then preen and crow about being such a good insurance (bah humbug).
But not everyone qualifies for medicaid (or veterans benefits, or civil-service retirement plans) so the flotsam of the insured like me are barely tolerated at all.
We get the dregs of medical care.
(Rant! Bah! *#^%$!!!)

Thursday, November 16, 2023

drooling greedily, commodity brokers

 They'll blame everything from Ukraine to no falling rain, but note the googled responses, they're from Financial types overjoyed Beef is rare and expensive.

The store rarely has large empty spaces where the beef should be, but they did today.
Customers hovered (once again, I'm perpetually in their way) but then they left, unsatisfied.

The Cake-ingredients aisle was more optimistic, although I didn't see much buying.

*I'm* gonna cook a bigass casserole of pasta and hamburger, lord have mercy on my stomach.


While I'm waiting...

Illegal cows and goats surreptitiously raised in back yards will subvert the USDA and militant vegans, but most of us will nearly starve, eating Kale in EVOO.
Or we *could* grow tomato plants next to off-ramps, but they'd be raped and pillaged before they ever grew up. Elon Musk will be able to buy any beef he wants, but most people will read meaty blogs.
Soylent-everything won't be people, it'll just be soy (and seaweed, or whatever garbage they can dredge up)

We'll all learn to Love Kim chi, with that washed-up-beach smell.

Egg fetuses will be in vogue, 

and fermented fish in sauce ("Fish sauce," aka "Patis", look it up)

People will eye cats and coons hungrily.

Easter Bunny food.

It's a f'd up world a-comin',
thank the vegans and the robber-barons.


Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Streaming (or something)


Holy crap, you all really pay that?

OK actually this started out as a train of thought to stream a couple "Dr. Who" episodes.

It's no biggie, but TV isn't all that interesting lately.
I've got a google-cast dongle, if I could ever find it, 
Amazon Max-something costs $10 monthly, I think.
I got confused because when I googled "Max" they kept talking "Firestick", 
and I don't think I want that (because you'd need it AND a subscription??)
OK none of these blogs (just so you know, dammit) dispense free advice, 
they're more (uhm) journeys of curiosity, 
and the occasional rant, 
so I wouldn't listen to me either, 
not being young and beautiful and (so) with no internet gravitas.

Where was I....Dr. Who? Without the bundled crap I'd never watch?
*I* thought, it would be on some british TV service. Now I remember, this all started when a "Britbox" commercial was on. But they never mentioned "Who".

Usually *I* need to watch two or three shows to get a feel for what's going on, plus they usually repeat them four or five times (which is why I'm not too hot on buying season "9")

I wouldn't buy them at all, and maybe I won't.

But maybe I will.

I wonder about the last two (12,13) seasons being half-price, was there a sale or were the shows not so good?

It's so confusing looking for a particular episode.
"Into the Dalek" and "asylum of the Daleks" are both described by different people as the episode(s) that Clara/Oswald is turned into a Dalek.
So....I figured, go for the latest, minus a season or two to catch up.
That means purchasing (I think) the only woman-doctor episodes.

No mention of Clara in the blurb.
NVM (I guess)

Old dude-Who vs younger Who.
Old vs "new(er)" episodes. 
I don't think my opinions have merit, but (since I asked)
Young, newer, more beautiful minions and friends.
English-teacher face, pursed lips, neither old nor new
Now's as gooda time to rant that some photos I upload look candified, or maybe it's my monitor adjusting itself.

No one mentioned Who's wife Riversong (I'm not sure of her name) but that would be on a best-list for me. 
Except the charm and the horror of a TV show (eg "the twilight zone") loses something after watching it again and again. (so forget "Best-of" lists)
Lizard Lady and her girlfriend, was a fond memory I just dredged up, but I couldn't add it to a list, not knowing who she was (really) or her backstory.
So if I do this, shell out big bucks for old shows, it'll be gambling on whatever's been done in the last few seasons, which apparently are not on any list.
OMG, who died...?

If I see a dentist who does not dismiss me out of hand, doesn't want $200 a month for years, uhm, 
(oh) and if I can stretch my food budget for the rest of the month,
THEN maybe I could buy something to kill time, but it's doubtful, the horizon is foggy and gray.

(the winds blow menacingly, distant thunder can be heard, aka "the future looks bleak")

No screenshots allowed?

Yes, screenshots possible Now for something piquant and pathotic