Needs a caption, "Life sucks!" |
TBA (or is it "TBC")
Revelation 3:16
Go read reviews of "Through the looking Glass" if you doubt my veracity, when I recall that viewers reviewed with disdain and disfavor, the overexcitability of most of the movie.
(It was too much for their tiny brains?)
It was too "woke", prolly, bah humbug (and stuff).
No, give them a western with a really mean villain and some guns.
But they're entitled to their opinions, and it is my misfortune that Alice is owned by Disney, and it shall remain perpetually expensive despite their hoity-toity reviews.
Me waiting a year (years?) for the price to drop didn't help.
And so I own this fluffy nonsense, and I think it's been a year since I watched.
Seriously, "too visually exciting"?
Screenshots are forbidden, so instead I bring you a phone camera shot of my monitor, which happens to have the movie playing on it.
Queen who?
Well anyway, the kid Iracebeth went psycho after her sister stole some tarts and left telltale crumbs next to Iracebeth's bed.
I haven't actually *seen* that part, it's from my head.
Bonham-Carter tends to play parts like that, maybe she's good at it.
Typing does not lend itself well to quiet mumbling....
YouTube still allows screenshots (I think) |
This next bit would help a LOT if someone commented, commercials excepted.
OK here goes:
What is it with Microsoft making screenshotters lousier? Was it a security flaw, or nepotism, I don't know, but they made it worse, and I've lived with it for at least a year.
WHAT is so wrong with it?
It's tough to explain.
The screenshot completely disappears, and you have to click on the little program a second time to save the screenshot or draw on it.
That line you see worked perfectly (of course it did, %^$#) but usually it starts at some random point far away from the drawing pen, and I need to erase the line and start over.
I don't know why but it used to work better.
OK "First world" problem, and of course, YOU have no problems....
So would-be commenters, I already know that.
No, I won't reinstall windows,
and yes, the snipping tool is "updated" (or rather I checked and there is no update)
So ok, ignoring the snarky, snobby, advertisers, I really don't want any comments (I guess,) I just want a program that auto-saves or close to it, and lets you draw stuff or makes you call up the auto-saved shot to draw on it (either way)
I swear, "Snipping Tool" is behaving itself right this exact second, allowing me to save instantly without dredging the shot from the taskbar, which is all I ever wanted.
I threatened it by downloading "
Lightshot", although their license agreement
(As snapped by "Snipping tool") is very very (very) creepy.
Fucket, Maybe Snipping tool deserves another chance.
"You behave, now"
So, a violent game with (perhaps) a couple nude-scenes is right-out. I'm gonna, uh, NVM |
"As good as gold, and better" they said of Tiny Tim (and Snipping tool)
A totally hot but scary TEST screenshot:
IDK (This is a test anyway)