
Monday, December 11, 2023

I must read...

 At this point it would be very cool to refer to a blog entry I made here about a girl in a commercial several years ago.

The exact reason SDC went wrong is unclear, did a customer sue, were the commercials bad?

I must know why / if T-Mobile's streaming is so very expensive, or if I'm streaming wrong (is there a package just for streaming?)
Let's (briefly) figure, that phone streaming is mostly unlimited, but "Hotspot" streaming is very limited, and... 
(and today in a couple hours, it went to "6")
I'm supposed to *cast* my screen to a device (like my monitor), yes, I know all that (very vaguely) and that is what keeps me from turning in the cable modem, as someone in my head wants.
Am I "Doing it wrong"?
Disney actually has stuff I'd like to see,
but they don't have streaming deals with T-Mobile, unless I'm doing it (etc)
My timing for streaming is (should be) very important, only use streaming a few times a month, or risk (insert analogy here, "Sword of Damocles", Banishment, get put on the Naughty list (The NSA/FBI/CISA list)
I have a question: Fast-forwarding through expositional conversations you don't care about. and *repeating* small sections to get the gist of whatever they just said,
Does THAT increase/decrease the streaming-penalty?
A tease, Heady perfume and makeup, or an honest-to-goodness package?
So what's up with makeup and perfume anyway, do you want strangers swooning in your presence or are you just keeping up with other female sirens?
The streaming services are free to "Simple Choice" subscribers (who choose from a list?) eg, https://www.t-mobile.com/content/digx/tmobile/us/en/tv-streaming/binge-on/apps-list.html
Unfortunately *I* am Magenta (their color choice, not mine) and Disney is NOT on their (f'ing) list.
Real mean guys on Netflix do not cause me to run out and want a subscription, (repeat this sentence 20 or so times), so I choose what I like, Amazon and Disney for Dr. Who and Marvel.

Well, anyway, it looks like I'm in the outer darkness as far as streaming goes.

The TLDR (bottom Line) is, I don't think dumping cable completely is my answer (YMMV) because of the Caps, because of the extra streaming costs T-Mobile seems to want. ("Unlimited data" my butt)
Both are expensive as hell but cable is faster, and I'd rather not sit in a way-cold waiting room broadcasting my dinky sound and watching my miniscule screen, which is the one way Phones beat cable (in waiting-rooms)

Cable (being equal-time pessimistic) is changing quickly and the prices inevitably go up. 

But that doesn't stop me from window-shopping for trendier hardware.
But I despair.
Deeply depressed versus Pollyannish types (as seen below) do Not help a careful buyer make decisions.
"I only use 3.0, but they've got 3.1, and have you heard of '4.0'?"
"Buy 2.5 gig because 1.0-gig 3.1 modems are unworthy" (whut?)

And, while I'm at it, WHY did 3.0 go to 3.1 and then shoot up to 4?
WHY are people buying 3.1 still?
They do look ever so tasty...(wait, that's from my game)

My phone had an update to UI 6.0, which I'm reading is associated with Android 14.
Great, I guess, except the Samsung phone wants more than ever for me to have a samsung account,
And I do not trust Samsung
My analogy would be, people's mistrust of Microsoft or even Google
But this isn't about mistrust, it's wondering what the hell the update was for, and so far, I don't know.
As always, I'll edit this later.
Well OK (if you really wanted to know) is the phone faster, "Optimized", more secure, or, is there just more bloatware?(I think, more) Is my dinky network card in the phone, working better?(no)
Stuff like that will be edited Later, in a perfect world, but don't wait.
(did they add the update data to my data consumption?) 
("OMG, I'm sorry, I didn't know")
iow, not the speed but what you do with it
5g not only "enabled" but actually connected.
I'm unclear on why (was 4g-LTE that bad?)

I was incredibly slow yesterday, optimal (for a cell phone) right this second.
Lemme totally guess (I'm doing that a lot lately): My normal plan ran out of download allotment, and it took a bit for the extra plan to kick on.
That, or I had a setting wrong and did not know it.

I wonder (that was the gist of this blog-entry but I got stuck on phone-internet)
about the magical properties of eggs, which I've documented (sort of) in a much older blog entry.
Should I keep on editing that old entry, or place the new stuff here?
I vote "Here" but I know you dislike entries that are too long.

I would not presume to start a blog entry about "Doctor Who," or let's just say I'm not up to it right this second.
WHO died and made you all critics?
What gives ME the right to lump all fans together everywhere into one biggie opinion? (Sorry about that.)
OK the fans who spout numbers and acronyms to beat the band...
https://www.reddit.com/r/gallifrey/ Dissing Directors and writers like they owned the series, or maybe are related to the bigwigs.
I like some parts of "who", dislike other parts.
The eternally annoying (never dying, ever, at all) "Daleks," those trashcan-looking robots with the very annoying voices.
What was this paragraph about...uhm, the way people pick the series apart like they are in a bible study.

(Pic credit)
I was going to sample some forums to see what they thought of their latest doctor.
I didn't find *anything* yet.
Forget the forums (for a moment), this professional writer opines like Charlton Heston fresh off of the mountain. The personal investment with these guys and their show is astounding, but at least this guy is coherent, kind of.
I feel like I've wandered into "Star Wars" territory, where fans can wax treatises on Jar Jar Binks.
In other words, a TV show didn't go their way, they're pissed, but try to make their peace with it, as if it mattered.
And I can only repeat my wish that I wish these very smart people applied their knowledge to real life.

As long as you're republican, you can toot "live free or die hard" but the founder of the ACLU(?) Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, had her memorial removed, so someone sued (months ago) and now...(what? Hello?) I need to read!

You gotta be kidding, 
Next you'll be blaming smokers and democrats

So, what I was reading on some news page was supposed to scare me or sell vaccines?
(and asking for the vaccine makes you suspected poor gay and a glutton?)
An eater of subversive-restaurant foods? 

(wth is "heplisav"?) Part a, part b, ocrap.
Lemme look up "A" in my big-ass-book of Vaccinations...(?)
They (the people pushing Brown eggs) must have started looking at their bigass stock of unused vaccines and decided ("well, shit, time for another news story")
F'n homophobic anti-smoking Vegans:
To make inflation go away, make currency worth Half?
The rich will pay in gold, jewels, bitcoin, stock, $USD
The poor will starve (Let'em eat  pasteles (cake)

My point being, goodies from Argentina should get all cheap (but who buys from Argentina?)
Aren't you glad you asked??

redacted: a rant on Corned beef (??)
The page I got this from was written by a nut or a puppet of one, they rank "Libby's" as #1 and that's ... just... propaganda-squared.

If you're insane or just wanna make yer girlfriend happy, 
Merry ^%$# Christmas (o m G)

In the latest iPhone-propaganda, it says some promotional thing, but
The slightly distorted picture of a woman sitting on a white surface wearing white pants and a green blouse, (is totally an illusion my brain made up when the picture was click-bait-size.)

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