
Saturday, March 30, 2024

clubby lingo get thee behind me (Electrical ground)

 Fruitless post (so far) on the concept of pre-war buildings having no ground at all,
and maybe (maybe) the "Space station" with all its fancy-ass technology having no ground to speak of (I suppose they use the hull.)

In my head I imagine there are artificial ground devices you can get for $3.99 at some electronics store....
I've heard of "Isolation Transformers" and we used them in school.... 

But breaking it down,
electronic devices are usually plugged in to a power strip, and that strip usually has a little red/green light.
Green=good (It found Ground)
But physics discussions and the role of electrons,
and radio waves, are all I have found.
Plus, you can't go around connecting every damn thing in the Hovel to one protector,
which uses One simulated ground connection (like a pipe).
So this post wondered.
If there is such a device (there is, of course) Google is being obtuse about it.
Whatever makes the Power-strip happy

It would probably behoove the 1000w power supply powering all that incredibly expensive irreplaceable stuff,  and keep it from going batshit-crazy by supplying it with a soothing ground.

People all over want to Define ground with all the philosophical baggage that goes with it, and it fills the page for a well-paid writer or treatise-writing doctoral student.
Frustrating as hell.
Your car, um, the space station, uh, my hovel (the entire hovel) isn't legally grounded, and they make do.
not really what I was looking for, but yeah (kind of)

The point (going off and being philosophical, which means, "trendy")
Hoping like a SOB that "neutral" which is the air I breathe, isn't magically charged up by the sun or the neighbor's iPhone, is all I can hope for so far.
*Light bulbs* mysteriously burn out quickly here. They change the f'ing fixtures to counteract the mysteriousness...

(and a reeeaallly Lonnngg drill) (and a knowledge of where the undergound pipes are)

Another day, another edited train of thought:
Just how many "Caesars" were there?
2, or twelve...IDK but here's a list
(Linkus Maximus)

Julius adopted a kid, (Octavian/ "Augustus") and those are the "two" I mentioned.  
"Gaius Octavius later Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus" what-about "augustus" (again with the damn clubby lingo, ^%$#@)
"First Roman Emperor" whuut??
I guess before that they were just reallyreally bigwigs


PS Not that anyone died and made me an authority, but they don't talk much about the emperors after "Constantius" and maybe only "Hadrian (#14 on the list)
"Hadrian" was a bigwig, and the rest were no-names. I'll try to prove that for the next...(O, my time is up, I gotta go wash dishes, or something)
Wasn't he of the "wall" (Hadrian's wall)?

The 31st, just in time to start shopping around.
"Forbidden West"?
I don't remember "zero dawn" much. Is that the one where mean old women treat her like dirt and a guy loves to make fun of her? And then they all die and her "friends" being dead, it seems pointless to hang around.
I'm not remembering much else about the plot. She travels from city to city, in search of more plot. 
So I read a "forbidden West" review and 
some woman didn't like the main-character much. IDK...
When you put it *that* way, it seems so pointless.
The world is destroyed (I seem to latch onto post-apocalyptic games)

My xbox-controller is dying.
 The main "bumper" button (why doesn't anyone use the f'ing trigger??) is becoming unresponsive.

The "elite" price on credit would eat up a monthly payment.

Most of the last few entries expose subjects I know very little or nothing about, so (for example) when I read a random sentence in my Assassin's-Creed game 
(It's supposed to be in Ancient Egypt
about "Jane Eyre" I was intrigued.
The protagonist (the *alive* one) wasn't going to write a paper about her, nohow.
Jane Eyre is one of those PBS shows (and, prolly, 40's movies) that anglophiles like, but I didn't know Jane was a kind of a feminist.
Or is she whatever the british-wannabe reader wants??

digital comics?

I wouldn't know how you read comics without gloves and tweezers,
in a vault,
on sunny days,
but this entire story I've never heard of is out there for all to see. Digitally???

By the way, it wasn't "Rebecca" it was "Tess" And I was supposed to read it but never read a word, or what I *did* read has been blocked.
We discused Moby Dick but "Tess" ( Tess of the D’Urbervilles ) got left behind, IDK why.
Maybe because the teacher thought no one read the novel.
commentators on 19th century literature, unofficial unsanctioned ones, are on Quora or reddit.
Teachers would never denigrate anything that helps pay their salary and keep kids busy for a couple weeks...But c'mon, 19th century british folderol is dessicating and you've gotta pick some unbanned stuff from the twentieth (o, was I ranting?)
"Ayn Rand" ("Altruism is Eveil") comes up a lot, inculcate your charges with approved and sanctioned thoughts.

So yeah, lots of stuff I've heard of, but never read.
I don't know why it comes up in an optional section of a video-game, what am I missing out on, not reading every scrap of useless info?
The controller I'm going to use for a month has a bad USB connection, but the buttons work.
The most ergonomically-designed, most inexpensive, longest lasting controller would be much better reading material...
I don't trust this scrap of info but it makes a nice link.

Another article (link ) is more believable.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Hard times...

 Dyson wooed everyone with a smooth-talking british actor on TV.
Let's review:
"Big Ball" was better than "Ball" right? Except the scandal broke open that the big ball and the ball used the same engine. (so why the huge increase in price?)

MY little ball has a tiny hose snaking from the floor sucker (the long hose) 
to the main attraction, the agitator, only I can never Use the agitator, too many small helpless wires laying about.
IF that little snaky hose gets clogged, a little window is supplied you can open (and then use tweezers or long-nose pliers)
The clear container is nice looking until a few months later, it's black with encrusted soot, clogged with old tissues, it's ... yucky.

The tiny-hose I mentioned has tiny holes now, too many sharp plastic pill containers (from CVS's Imodium.) 
The humungous amount I paid (on a friend's credit) was NOT well spent.

           You have to wonder why infomercials are always a little too loud.
That cloth-glue informercial looks great, I wanna repair a rip too, but the guy yells unforgivably, and why (o why) don't they sell it at CVS??
Well anyway I hate shark infomercials but they hired a nice lady to stand around and she doesn't yell too much.
Amazon users (!) love the informercials, apparently....
The king is dead, long live the king (eventually, did I mention I can't afford anything just now?)

I gotta go read reviews, count the sugarplums dancing in my head...

and then there's this guy on (reddit?)

Yeah ok but which one is for people *working* for the richer-than-god In some beach in the hamptons... 
The extremely poor (OK maybe they're just a-holes) would rather sweep the damn rug and insist you take off your shoes before entering, exposing their precious f'ing rug to your leprous cancerous corn-filled feet and socks from last Tuesday...
This is no farm, dammit, grow up.
sweeping Sidewalk during sandstorm

I'm editing in that collectors of vacuums (collectors? Reeeaally?)
Hate Shark.
Insane ladies with huge empty houses, vacuum to pass the time and they claim "Sebo" is nice.
These Miele salespeople hate most everything.
I'd be convinced except some hate Miele, so I'm skeptical.
(I'm looking at canister-vacs with power-bars.)
If you're totally into one brand, you prolly wouldn't know about others...
but so far I think only Kenmore has power-beaters natively.
Imagine (I imagine, nevermind you) that dusty shops in Podunk Iowa (Idaho?) who sell vacuum cleaners would be the only ones interested in a forum for vacuums.
Anyway they hate Sharks. IDK.

I've gone through "Canisters" and I've decided, I'm not insane enough for one, although it's really embarrassing having an upright sticking out like an exhibit amongst the filthy dust and debris.... (rubble and detritus) 
canisters can be hidden more easily...
I won't be suckered in by idle tradespeople to buy more than I need...
An Upright (*gasp*) is fine!! (heresy!)
Which one.
Ya know, they're right, they DON'T last, but
"Out, out, brief warranty!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor housekeeper
That struts and vacuums his rug upon the floor
And then is heard to vacuum no more."
"Kenmore"-yada-blah-whatever, but I'll always have the pissed-off feeling that this is some common OEM item with a fancy-ass name.
(not sure that made sense, I'll edit this later)
Kenmore=Panasonic  Cleva North America "Vacmaster" (I think):
You might have to click this to read.
TLDR Manly, yes, but She Likes it too

I'm not  real sure a shop vac is the way to go, reading reviews. It's like buying an expensive ladder knowing *someday* you'll need to change a lightbulb.

So OK, uh, Kenmore or Shark, and the shark-haters might have a point, I wouldn't know but buying blind makes you believe in innuendo, rumors.

Bennu bird over nun ("noon")

 The guy playing my main character has a very interesting english accent.
So when he says "Bennu Bird flying over the waters of "nun" ["noon."] 
Besides being interested in the accent I wondered about Bennu Birds.
It is a heron Or maybe it's a kingfisher, way different birds, 
but the kingfisher-opinioned guy thinks it is because of the way a kingfisher occasionally screams.
None of this can be verified by myself.
A Heron (link)



Wednesday, March 27, 2024

camera (not wind, not home-depot) "SHEARING"

 Way down in another entry they briefly mention shearing in a camera (not home depot or a plane) 
And I can't find it.
*Maybe* it's a slanty effect... a woman sitting upon solid ground now looks like she's going up a steep hill, thanks to shearing (on purpose.)

A truck on a highway taking pictures of another truck, shows a very slanted truck.
"Slanted" is kind of impossible so I'm assuming it's another example of shearing.

"Focal Length" affects shearing, (I think), that's not saying what it is, just how it works (I think)
And a totally Modal paradigm thing explains:

People *like* shearing
and ask and present pages on how.
(and software programs emulating it)

The time-delay-shearing defect is a LOT harder to find (like the truck)

(well because, it would take a really professional photographer to see to it that nothing is just blurred...) (blurry blobs blinking is what the whole brouhaha is on about...)

"slow Readout speeds" they didn't cover that in my book yet.
shit. It's like people try very hard to make all this complicated...
Me googling "shearing" is asking too much of the AI engine, it blathers on about earthquakes and steel-beam strength, 
and narrowing it to shutter-speed makes it go all, 
"O! You want to talk shutters, well!!" 
And it launches a bombast of defects in phone-shutters.
One guy has his electronic shutter take multiple pictures and wonders about the
"You have a shitty shutter," compared to upper-crust.

(put Some really nasty meaningless phrase here)
*Mine* is 21 24mm(?) ois pdaf, grrr.

I'm still learning about "photobombs"

No, I despair finding camera-produced shear, or the reasons the (original, as-is) picture is desirable or undesirable.
It must be one of those esoteric things only known to a select few scientologists in the illuminati...

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Overweening micromanaging a-holes, (Roman trivia and stuff)

(Link (very very loong link) talks about those bundles of sticks high Roman officials carried.
The kind you were forced to learn about in school, without much rhyme nor reason.
             Miss Jean Brodie was fascinated with the fascist Benito Mussolini, but the fictional teacher was a type, a trope, not some outrageous idiot.
Anyway, Fasces and Fascist (the words,) are related.
I don't plan on teaching world history anytime soon, and my game is a month old ("crush, kill, destroy" gets old)
but for every terrorist there is a micromanager, dueling fascists.
This is missing the bombastic diatribes teachers have about Order and how much more efficient the government would be if only we were a dictatorship....I can't remember back that far. Something about the glory of the Roman empire and how well it ran. 
(That might also have been a line or two from a "Godfather" movie)

(My game character is a computer simulacrum, a ghost of what really happened.
(That's inside the game)
And thanks to cheats, the guy is this great hulking killer who defeats most of the romans... and then I restart. (I haven't seen the end)
But once the poor employee doing a great "Avatar" simulation gets her friend killed, the game loses some of its magic.
One more bad manager to crush-kill-destroy
But the real game-stopper for me is the damn sea-battle, one boat against many, and I avoid/ignore that quest. ("and then I restart" because of it)
so not the snake/turtle/spider/lizard (etc) it's an exercise in futility

Different people blame different things for the so-called Fall of Rome.
Was it a unpopular emperor? Was it a divergent religion (Arian Christians)?
Was it because they treated their immigrants so badly?
Fucket, I'll die and when I do, twenty dead people will have twenty different opinions.
But it must be easy to poke at politics and religion.
Moral bankruptcy, that's one, only it's not in some book, it's word-of-mouth sermonizing by know-it-alls.

No, they skip most of that in school, emphasizing Constantine and Constantinople, only I glossed over all that, I think I was having a bad year. 

Monday, March 25, 2024

judgmentals xxvii, whut? (Anne Hathaway)

I don't read what you do, but this showed up on Bing's headlines page.
"What? What showed up?"

 I (uh) don't really know. 
Is she doing a promo for a new movie?
I've seen the articles about her for a few days....
I still don't know the bottom line.

But this 3-minute research piece is about "Hathahate" which apparently exists...

So neo-Nazi MLP people didn't like her, whadda surprise... But I'd need references,
a snarky tweeter? 
A fat critic?
The Simpsons?
(The RNC?)
Different "Anne Hathaway" (right?)

It's all, some article says that SHE said, 
not shaming the actual shamers (curses be upon their unknown souls) So I'm totally guessing (totally) she is promoting a new project.
("Your three minutes are up")
Yeah OK but I'll still wonder.

I've been halfway following  this saga... she cried at a screening, then came Hathahate,
Now today she had a miscarriage.


Sunday, March 24, 2024


My Pixel-7 fingerprint reader reminds me of an unforgiving teacher never happy with your work.
"Face-recognition" works better but that doesn't excuse fingerprint.

That "duopoly" I read about today is not Google-pixel, that's for sure.
But I plan to at least try to stick with the poor underfed nerd, for at least one more model, so (skipping Pixel 8, IhopeIhopeIhope I can own pixel 9 or ten, but their marketing department needs to eat some serious crow or else Samsung will reign supreme among androids. Cameras are the wrong focus, it's primarily a PHONE)

 A question:

T-mobile has three towers responding:

  • 5G
  • LTE
  • G
G looks absolutely fantastic, and the other two are ♪ so far away ♪,
but "G" doesn't seem to want to connect. 
It bleeps on the phone three times like I got a message only I can't find the message...
The messages are in the status-bar.
One is a wet-floor-sign while connecting.
One is "5G"
then finally "5G UC"
the signal never actually gets better, they're just *teased* in their little logo, but the true result is the same.
(curses, foiled again)

I'm sure all of us have been to pages with weird semicolons and numbers, and I didn't want my blogs to be one of those cryptic pages no one gets (in html, anyway)
O. (Crap)

invented way after XP, Windows-7, and if updates are off, "&whatever;"

Friday, March 22, 2024

Long convoluted (skip it):food and blood glucose

 living happily in bed is not an option!

(watching a d r a g g e d -----out version of Dante's sad life.)

Windows? They have windows?

Alarms sound beeeeecause, sugar is too low beeeeeecause, it was a little high so you gave yourself insulin.

It matters b^cause, the doctor's lecture is coming at the beginning of the month.
Low sugar is welcome, faint praise is better than tired lectures and doctors wondering if they should move to offices in the next town for more promising patients.
(See cuz my clinic uses too many apples, or something, IDK)

So living on 200 sugar forever is not an option.
I'll get a lecture on beans.
My stomach reaaaallly hates beans. I was considering Lentils, or have you gentrified, healthified Lentils? the way you healthified Oatmeal?
Vilified food's prices don't drop, they're just marketed to rebels.
Gentrified food (shit-food with a halo) is given a new price befitting its status.

Grand Rapids Michigan, or rather an expensive apartment complex there, must want young people who're real hungry and check out the apartment's website
after paying the rent, and wondering desperately what to buy to eat.

I *told* you this was convoluted (why didn't you beLIEVE me??)

1.79*2=more than Pinto (They just sell smaller bags)
My slow-cooker is full of broth from Last month, is it swampy or good enough for Lentils?
Or should I buy oatmeal

My elder brother is pushing rice.
I don't know...I dislike rice for so many reasons, Libertine-Pariah thinking, I know,  but (well, for example) *he* says, add butter (I'm allergic) or margarine (which contains soy, and I'm intolerant)
So....Pasta! It's fattening, it MUST be bad for you, but...wars and budgets must be driving up costs.
Yes, but they can only drive prices so high...

Unhealthy, yet so expensive.
For nostalgic Hobos and camper wannabes

Did I mention I'm sick of pasta? My stomach hates everything and me, I hate tasteless filler-food.
"Puffed rice" cereal sounds so tempting but I think they raised the price sky high long-long ago (pre-war)

Canned peanuts!!! YAY! except the salt will KILL me (gotta go sometime)
If it makes them cheaper