
Friday, July 30, 2021

Dead horses

 My computer says that to log in, I must press "ctrl alt del" as if making *me* do that would maybe make the computer safer, less of a target.

If you want to believe whatever remote-desktop-software is the only one around, fine.

My point was/is, they are able to transmit "ctrl-alt-del" from somewhere else, so why  are they making *me* do it?

If it's so freaking well-known, why couldn't I customize it to ctrl-alt-tab-esc-esc (or whatever).

Year and years (and years) ago I was asked to enter a password into a biggie computer,

and while all the students watched, my entered password was "Tab-esc-esc" which the Operator warned me was not recoverable if I forgot it.

Everyone of those people knew the password anyway...but You come up with non-secure crap that never changes, people find workarounds they write on Google's front-search page, and still don't change it.

Maybe it's for cats, or me squishing bugs...not for hackers.
I looked this up but it didn't make much sense...Not in this context anyway (trying to be sure that anyone logging on is actually there physically)

This could go into a much larger argument, if I halfway knew what I was talking about, and I don't.
The people knowing this stuff talk in flowery technicalities...
*I* am inclined to rant on about stuff that doesn't exist, like ignition-keys for PC's.
No, I was only grousing about something that seemingly does nothing, and I haven't found the reason for it.

Good question follows, no decent answers (unless you're a history-buff)


More interesting (and slightly pointless) link:https://serverfault.com/questions/2912/how-does-ctrl-alt-del-to-log-in-make-windows-more-secure

If you can trust the OS's company not to spy on you, ctrl-alt-del is hooked to a program only the OS has access to (they say), so it's more difficult (they say) to run a program logging your password.
That *still* doesn't really answer the question of how it works remotely.
Lettuce hoap, the key I bought cannot be remotely accessed (unless the computer dumps it as invalid and asks instead for a trivial PIN, which makes the whole security thing pointless.)
Well, let's forget the whole keyboard thing for a second:
Your office-mate knows you have sexy pictures, his quarterly review, or a list of promotions,
and your computer is locked with a key.
He knows that after a couple failed key attempts, or maybe the key is gone (because you took it)
windows will allow (demand, actually) a PIN he can guess at or saw you enter.
I shall now demonstrate this glaring freaking flaw by removing my key and trying to log on.
I know my own PIN but what if someone shoulder-surfed it?
OK here I am, keyless. I know my own PIN but someone could guess it.
All my files, all my online stuff.
OK so it's clear, keys are pretty useless using this OS, but probably would work better if all this stuff were online or on a server, and I only had a bare-bones OS to play cards or use a calculator.
Keys shmeeze, it should have demanded my key or a really long number.
It should have followed its own rules and demanded a "windows hello" type of logon.
It didn't.
I'm bummed.
This only proves (wait, what does it prove?) uhm,....
A qualified administrator somewhere could demand more than a password or a pin, they could demand my key.
But this OS is a beta.
Yet Here I am, online, typing this stuff.
No key, no problem

Enter the pin instead
So keys are only for computers Online to verify you are who you say.
That's fine for a phone (I question why it needs an additional app, but NVM)
But what about a PC???
If someone steals my password, I could change it to "Fingerprint" but do they do that or am I living in the future?
Mobile and its apps, no problem, but banks don't care for PC's much

Your own PC's protection is meaningless.

Reading material I haven't quite gotten into yet:
Three years ago almost exactly, Microsoft wrote a bright cheery website about using fingerprints to log into websites, and either everyone everywhere ignored it, or I'm more under a rock than I previously thought.
Ok, long story short, I AM more of a rock-dweller than I thought, and you have to google it but my bank does allow keys. But while the key was asking for my thumb, something happened and I needed a PIN instead.
So I am not sure any of this was worth it.
Do you get the irony of it asking for a pin because it didn't recognize my thumb?
So that PIN should be an onerous one you'll almost certainly never remember, and need to write down,
so...life sucks and then you die.

Let's talk 9v batteries, OK? They are the avocados, the *pomegranates*, of batteries. There's no special reason WHY they are so high, but people will feed you the company-line.
They're not popular
They're hard to make
and then they sort of drift off into different types of battery technology, and you just want to slam something down to wake them up.
There's a two-pack of 9v energizers, the "special" kind, at the supermarket.
They're behind a case so I can't tell you why they're special.
All I know is, they're $18.00
and the cheaper two-pack is nearly $12.00.
Grocery stores probably aren't the place to buy batteries anyway, they're the liquor-store-priced retail. Let them sell you crackers or bread, instead.
Maybe Markets buy from Amazon and clean up.

I know what you're thinking, shipping. 
Amazon is the place to think about stuff you'll never need for a while, to be put into a drawer, for a year or so. Weird conservationist light-bulbs.
(I oughta make a list.) 
Anyway they usually offer slow-boat free shipping.


 It isn't like I don't know what I want, I know exactly...

Carefully perched on one leg, I need to attach it quickly and easily, 
noting that if it has lots of roomy space on the back, it'll become bug-real estate.
I don't know, they use google-maps or something, and zoom in on it like it was MacDonald's.

"Is it safe?" No!

Small bugs already use the top of my monitor to take their morning constitutionals...
Maybe it's the nice inviting smell.
The monitor itself is bulky and very heavy, which they use to their advantage...It's a landmark, like that Ferris-wheel on postcards, or maybe a famous tower.
Back to clocks...I window-shop every couple months and despair...
Too many features crowding the numbers or the hands,
 into indistinguishable blobs from across a room.
That "bird clock" is either 3:45 or 9:15 and would piss off neighbors (bugs'd love it) (wait, 3...2:45
or, um 9:15 yeah.
 Firm Hands that proudly state the hour, elegantly assert the minute. Silent (or ticking, whatever)
With a solid backing, until bugs figure out a way to get into the holes.
Or maybe a shelf for, uh, ok forget it. I'll keep looking.
China must really be pissed at us
Poorly reviewed (plus that digital display looks unreadable, but whatever)

Wait, I got one. No glow, Bitter reminder of stern classroom, Forbidding, *austere*, W.T.H. maybe it's a fetish with some people.
A nice bright glowing "18:56" would be my choice (but my god)

Could the 99c store do better? (Probably)

The erection impaired, the slow, the dim-witted (lol)
We're animals anyway, so let us lose our money
(omg alarm? on a wall clock?)
Being a slow demented I might forget to ...uhm (what were we talking about?)
If you were a particularly sadistic-type person you could set all five alarms for 1,3,5AM
To go with that noisy velcro meter, Beeping instrument (pick one)
So they'd die quicker and you could finally have your inheritance 
(It's your money, yada whatever Now!!)

I keep saying "fucket" and settling for the least offensive model, 
then I think of the 99-cent store and the piss-poor reviews, and my terrible times in classrooms...
I loved my tick-tock square Seiko clock I bought in a mall from a hottie...It's not done anymore, clocks are round,
Clocks don't tick.
Clocks should be hard-to-read, so as to look subtle unless you're staring at it.
They shouldn't break, but...We're pissed at the manufacturing world, 
it's a wonder they don't piss on their products.
Gaze into the inscrutability.
Fucket (for the 19th time)
Vitamin-D-Deficient friendly

My administrator has forbidden me to click on Google-ads, so I can't verify that they really,
added $100 because they stuck a name on it making it look like it isn't from Taiwan.
I can only guess and be smug I paid less.
Guests will pull their eyepieces from their jackets and verify it's wood from Scandinavia, not plastic from Taiwan.

The above (cheaper version) clock I settled on, has no power supply (it's assumed you have one,
buried amongst the detritus and the debris littering your little hovel)

I gotta log off and look for a power-supply.

PPSS I don't trust the fast-charger, it could switch into some fast-mode and kill something.
The Google-whatever is what I was looking for, but
It turns out my table-clock already has a USB port for just these situations...
And rejecting the quote in my head from "tell tale heart" (the first line),
I shall daisy-chain the clock, and the, uhm, clock.
It arrived, fairly quickly. I'd swear it has a "dim" setting because it went from Bright to dim,(I guess it's supposed to dim after 6pm. But if you needed a 24-hr clock, chances are you'd be in an artificially-lit room. Anyway, there is no "eye," it just chose to magically dim after 6.)
The cadillac of wall clocks has a remote-control and a count-down timer. They build these into microwaves, AC units...But we're talking clocks (and battery-backups for the clocks)
They want you buried in a rat's nest of wires...
On an ominous note, it did not change the hour (yet,) I had to pull it off the wall to sync it. 
I'll edit this in a few minutes.
It adds class to my trash. I don't know how long it will last and power-failures will doom it eventually...
Tick tock clocks reigned supreme and not much is around to replace them, but it sure looks nice, when the power is on.

"A watch" quoth the raven tapping at my chamber door...
because the ones costing less than a zillion have bands that break and batteries that die.
I think, um, I've had decent ones but it's too far away to remember. And Washing-machines devour them. And watchmakers snigger and snort if you try to mention any features the watch is supposed to have.
"12 meters?" (rofl)"More like a bathtub...no, a shower, assuming they do not fog-up."
Watches that last a bit might cost 900, around what a good video card costs in better times.
I choose the video card (I'm thinking, someone somewhere will loan me the money to buy one).

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Subtext 2

 The all-encompassing maw of political muckrakers turn everything in to a political scandal.
Mention a thing, it's a scandal somewhere.
I'm not sure I'm mixing my metaphors correctly,
but anyway here's some not-political food
(except it's political in forums, o nevermind)

Question: Are only hot people allowed in sensual fantasies? As they relate to a picture I haven't uploaded yet (because I'm not entirely sure where this is going, and I type real-slow)

Scenario: Large-Marge vs her grown-daughter.

The middle-aged bespectacled crone of a librarian your dusty library has (do Libraries still exist?)
Or her long-haired, wide-eyed assistant.
Which do you prefer?
Eggplant vs Cucumber.
(They put both on talk shows to widen the audience; Do you really Care what "Joy Behar" says?

Somebody's fantasy somewhere (don't you dare involve me in this)

(he's watching her lips move, but what is she saying?)

I gotta learn more about congressional caucuses...I Flunked history and math, but I know I can wrap my head around this one...

In one of the houses (I think it's "The House" of representatives) there used to be "the tea party" which sort of morphed into "Freedom" caucus.
Jim Jordan was the First Freedom-caucus leader, and now it's Andy Biggs.
People not in their caucus get singled out and vilified...but that's too general.
Anyway "GOP" ain't what it used to be, ya gotta know the caucuses, the bits and pieces of what make up congress.
I don't.
I should.
https://ballotpedia.org/List_of_caucuses_in_the_United_States_Congress (Where's the caucus everyone keeps talking about?)
I'm a little rocky on this subject. I'll try to google stuff better.
The above link has no listing for freedom caucus that I could see, but they do list it on a much bigger page (so maybe it's a special caucus)

Wednesday, July 28, 2021


 We'll burn / fry, gasping for our last breath, because of people like this.

They'll die heroes, knowing they didn't succumb to leftist propaganda.

Fire up that coal, burn that mask.

But it would be in bad taste to mumble why assholes never seem to die.

Less friends?

Just a thought.


I hate this ^entry^ for so many reasons....

A small note of apology, these screenshots sometimes look too blurry to post, and clicking on them just shows it blurrier. I'll try to figure it out but meantime, apologies.

You probably don't remember guys like this pushing the notion that blacks had less innate intelligence because of their forehead...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Shockley (I hate looking up links...This guy wasn't some 19th-century bombast, no Yosemite sam.)

On the other hand, this movie-blurb is much more readable...https://www.theguardian.com/science/blog/2013/feb/05/django-unchained-racist-science-phrenology

We live our lives despairing that we cannot write or talk as well as these fools, and now that they have a huge farm of them on Newsmax and Fox, fucket, why try.

So you either wave away the flies or spray them, but they'll kill you because you left out a period or misspelled a word. 




Klan?? What Klan?

There is no klan in USA



2013, so many campaigns ago...who remembers anymore.



I hate jokes that start "white people (yada blah) " especially when the audience is mostly white anyway and feel like it's trendy to laugh, not take umbrage (however)
Actors and celebrity audiences have a face they've rehearsed anyway, call them shit and they'll pretend to love you for it...
Anyway, not all prejudiced-people are white, and the rest of this was going to meander aimlessly in that direction, but, probably not.
Louis Farrakhan is way too distant-past...
This next bit is sub-*something*, call it what you will.
 a low-pass filter for  TV doesn't really care what you call the trendy signal it's blocking.
Is it CB? Or maybe FM or is it Cell-phone?
I don't know, actually, what blocker to buy.
The neighbor overhead jams signals, but how? Is he on a long call, or is a lot of his furniture metallic?
I actually bought a FM filter that did nothing, made stuff worse, sits in a drawer so when I die people can marvel about how technical I was, the amount of my wires. All useless.
Pretty, though.
Fact is, *something* has been blocking my favorite sub-channels all day.
While an eggplant  or judge or rerun is on the main channel, good reruns are on the subchannels, but the whole damned channel, subs and all is being blocked (But it's better, no it's worse (no it's better! (worse))
It's hot, maybe there's a fire at the transmission-tower.
Or they're trying some new tech, or someone is building something in between me and the tower, or cockroaches are eating my TV...
I don't know which is worse, total blockage or shows that reveal stuff that is blocked.
"The killer is..."

Monday, July 26, 2021

Ghetto Chef

 You can't have a cooking show without a cute name, and an accent, or very pretty eyes.
I think, it's a gimmick to sell stuff.

(eg), https://www.dontwasteyourmoney.com/products/rachael-ray-58388-solid-glaze-ceramics-evoo-olive-oil-bottle/ but actually the site wants you to buy her fancy bottle for fancy EVOO. Read the title instead.

They will insinuate the sea-salt, the EVOO, the tiny expensive seafood-bits, and use camera tricks and editing to make it all perfect.
Who cleans up?
Who eats it?
Salt is salt, dammit! "Sea salt" has trace-whatever, but to benefit from the dregs the sea churned up, you'd have to eat way too much salt, did they teach you that on the trendy show?? No?

Look it up.

Avocados come diced and Frozen, in case you were worried about ordering unripe ones online.

They're all so expensive anyway, so a dollar more (that you saved by not buying sea salt) doesn't matter much.

Tomatoes are usually flavorless, feel good in your mouth but are too full of stuff like water. 
Your grandpa's tomatoes were tart and delicious, acidic. The new ones might as well be watermelons.
(acidic, whatever, they used to taste better (and we only get three varieties, "store", "Vine Ripened,"
"Organic," none of the folderol crap in this article https://www.healthycanning.com/heirloom-tomatoes-acidity/ (But if the article is true, better tomatoes exist, just not here, now)

No yogurt in the mail! O well, it's mayonnaise and slightly dated sour cream (How dated? I guess I'll find out)

Salt and pepper. (end of spice-rack ingredients)
No wonder no one ever cooks, they see those shows and think "OMG"....

I'll uhm, be sick for a couple days, mayonnaise doesn't agree with me.
O well, next time yogurt for sure.
And Broccoli!

Sea salt recipe:

Buy a can of salt, stick it in a bowl, add some water, cover (to hide it from bugs) let it dry for a week,

Hammer it.
Get a zip-lock bag to put it in, impress your friends at parties (along with the salad-cruet full of EVOO)

The north sea? Galapagos islands? *MY* method is pre-purified

Not for nuthin but the sea kind of sucks,,,,hmm
Google is half-deaf on the subject.
*wherever* it comes from, I'll bet it's polluted.
Now, *kosher* salt, that's a different deal.
It's more like "Basmati rice"
or water from the French Alps.

OMG the bombast about salt! https://www.foodunfolded.com/article/salt-production-how-its-made
Mentions  so many things that the author's friends must want to hear her talk just to watch her lips move, Or maybe this was her master's thesis.
Canada. (Couldn't she just say that?) deep underground (OK I added the Deep part.)
The more stylish countries make a big show of it, for tourists, but everyone else (I think) works in "salt mines".
I'm full of bombastic bullshit though because people'd rather Write And SELL Stuff than impart any valuable information!!
Politician-speak is incredibly popular.
"what is two plus two?" 
"The ancient egyptians and the greeks first introduced mathematics to the world"

I shall seek the gurus of Reddit, they must know.
No, they've been reading the exact same bombast...it must be a trade secret.
Food-coloring, some smog, it could come from Detroit...

quel merde d'une vache (moo moo)

OK, nevermind


I'll bet they could make salt look like snowflakes, or shards of teeny glass...
And deep down in the recesses of my soul, I'll bet they do, somewhere, for the EVOO-drinking, Basmati-eating crowd, but that's just mumbling.
I mean, imagine it, pink salt at a restaurant made to look like little glass chips.
Or has NO-ONE thought of this, No one believes it as well (and has a better blog?)
Maybe DeBeers owns the patent.

I wondered what a "Paleo Pork rind" was, so I looked it up.
OK who am I to laugh, they're really-really rich.
I'd laugh but my diarrhea would start up again (curse you, mayo and artificial bag of Avocado-mix)

Sunday, July 25, 2021

ROTH (Random thought of the hour)

 Being diabetic (in spades) I get depressed, and go to bed, only I'm not sleepy and my sugar is high (It says.)

So, maybe it's "Sims", the answer to a nihilistic world yearning for the fifties.

I can only play so long before my imaginary character depresses me, and I need to go window-shop or buy something...

Depressing Garden: Nothing matters, We're doomed (That kind of thing)

I don't know if you can read this, but it cheered me up, sort of.

I'm all like, "I want this cheap thing, but don't want to pay tons for shipping, what can I add?"

Something for 19.95 would be nice.

I, uh, despair (yada blah) video card (blah, etc) but remnants of my savings account could still cheer me up.

Avocados!! A chicken!! Macaroni-salad!!

The avocados would be granite-hard. The salad would make me sick, and the chicken (mmm chicken) 

would be a fleeting greasy mess.

What's mushy and lasts a while?
OK besides Pie (it's sort of a no-no)

(If it tastes good, is easy to cook, it will kill you)

It's bugging me I don't know the sister-word to "nihilistic", But
"We're going to fail, nothing to be done" (AKA global-warming) covers it.
I might try to find the related word and stifle myself rather than expound on it here.
But if depression and schadenfreude thrill you, a cornucopia of synonyms await, for women with round wire-glasses wearing pigtails decrying society.

OTOH this is such a stereotype that beautiful women pose for just such a look.


there's this tart-little thing in macaroni-salad I hate, it's red (maybe it's pimento).

And some bright-bulb adds celery and random vegetables...I gotta take off the rose-colored glasses and look at the food in my mind with a hard-cold stare of reality.
So (for example) "Cake" can be dry, sugary, candy-like.
I already ranted on the avocados.
My stomach quarantines the eggs for a week, they set up house.
Oatmeal (you're kidding, it's at least 90)
Bread (my body has a rule about carbs, I don't know why)
Mushy, mushy....hmm.
Something in "frozen foods" Like maybe (oooh) Lasagna!!
But it's hot and...stuff (I'm not even sure it's microwaveable)
Beans totally suck , .Rice too.
Um....?? 'K, nevermind, I'm losing my voracious appetite, thanks for listening.

New paradiggem, outside-the-box thinking:

Greek yogurt with Broccoli mixed in. That'll get the rice-cake people nodding with approval, but I don't know any rice-cake-eaters..

If I were incredibly fat (which I'm not, just mildly obese,) I'd think of things to add to my yogurt concoction.

Bits of the rotisserie chicken. Some hifalutin spice. (no oil, no EVOO, god no)

Hamburger. Hamburger goes with everything!!


Yogurt + Hamburger,+ Broccoli, uhm, avocadoes if they'll fit. avocados avocadoes (the spell check is agnostic about the word)

Google is a zealot, a stick-up-their-ass schoolmarm

The precooked chicken with all sorts of spices my stomach really hates, vs plain, delicious hamburger, and yogurt instead of mayo, for the same reason, and, um, broccoli (Because I like it, not much taste though).

Damn, I could be a cook.
Flash back to when it was my time to cook and I was too sleepy and burned everything, and got scolded by the resident-hottie.
(shakes off evil thoughts) Hamburger, well drained, missing evoo and little cilantro bits, parsley (I'm prejudiced against pretentious garnishes), missing bay leaves.
Now if only my imaginary concoction didn't cost $50 for two servings...
Nevermind, forget it! I'll buy a new toy to garnish my PC.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

credit where credit is due (roach bait)

 The two pictures below show the sad state of blog-writing.

These two guys basically say nothing about how to kill bugs except by buying tons of stuff.
"Along with a pest service" OMG

R U Sure it wasn't just "Black flag Motel"?

If you're looking for what to buy, don't ask these guys.
(Don't ask me either)
Actually I should get some sort of deduction somewhere for all the sprays and baits.
But here's the thing:
99.98 percent of bug-spray ingredients are "inert" and the spray lasts around an hour before it becomes harmless (to bugs, I'm sure your chihuahua thinks differently)
What to buy?
These bugs are hardened to anything you throw at them. Google "Nuclear Holocaust" And "Cockroach".
But I'm always hoping it's so unpleasant they move away.
"Hot Shot" from Amazon is more than from a store, if you can get it at a store, which is why I'm writing this.
And even if you could, nervous buyers stand in very long lines with *water* and *TP*.
I'll prolly buy amazon, but I needed to rant first.
Being a good christian probably helps

But I have some wacko-hints of my own (they probably will Not help, but they did my game some good)

First, what seemed to help tons, is not putting "Origin" into "Run as Administrator."
Origin (the shell for Sims) realizes it's being run it what it calls "Compatibility mode" and reminds the player that if there is any strangeness going on, this is probably why.
I *put* it in administrator mode in the first place because windows was blocking something, I don't know what.
"Whitelisting" it (look it up) made windows not block it, and taking it out of administrative mode made the weeds go away, at least for a day (I will edit this soon)
The rest of the minor stuff probably doesn't matter much, since the cottage-living pack just came out and few have the gardening patch, a brown piece of dirt to grow plants on.
The good part is, my plants flowered (ready-for-harvest) today; the bad part is, they didn't actually grow, I sort of forced them into maturity.
Plus, they shrink back to immaturity in a day or so, which is the subject of a self-aggrandizing file-clerk's website. He can file like nobody's business, but nothing gets fixed, only filed.("fyeled", not "Filled") O nevermind)
"But he's not an employee, but if he helped..." Plus he's given himself the title of "Hero".
I think Gardening is history for me,
This is a very old post. Then people just sort of changed the subject.

I think I accidentally joined twitter (OMG)when dragging my mouse for a screen-shot.
Monk's brother organizes

I'd rather be a mini-power-plant, see this next section:
$25K crop, and it's encouraging me to grow more, maybe soon (suddenly gardening is such a bore)
On to the next problem: If a person can produce more electricity than they can use, in the past it was saved up, eventually sold, and the taxes-calculation took something simple and made it incredibly complicated...
Sorry, it's hard not to rant... took half what you saved up, subtracted it from your weekly tax bill (10K a week or so) and if you had a forest of wind-generators and Solar panels, you wound up with a surplus.
It didn't mean much until the tax bill actually *arrived* but it was reassuring, you were being a good and faithful servant of the state.
But NOW they've cut down the amount you can save! I've doubled my power production through wind, solar, graft and corruption, but it's for naught.
Until someone with a really great mod comes along, I will lose money no matter what!
But I fixed plants, I can Fix this too, it just might be a while.
This is harder than "Gardening" because it's so hard to google. What are those green "$299" things called?
Put a dollar sign into google and right away it wants to sell you something.
"$299" used to be "19,999" or maybe "$99,000" because of a mod, but I can't remember... But it was Tons more than $299
Another mod, different figures (at night):
This new mod would net me untold millllions but I can't go past "299/179" a day, the rest is wasted energy.
Maybe I'll figure this out later, but this dead-horse-blog will be much more dead by then

Not to buff my nails, but I *said* I'd fix it.
Credit goes to the Modder, but I had to know which mod to pick, right?

This next bit is Very "ROTD" and not worth your time.
Google the cities around you.
Are they steeped in endemic corruption?
Or is it campaign time again, I don't know.
They say courts awarded millions to whistleblowing ex-employees, as if that proved anything; all it proves is, they were able to hire great lawyers.
The train of thought came from an article that was about New York getting smoke from the Southwest.
OMG, "New York?!" They care more now because New york is, um, smoky.
Plus I liked the word "endemic" as opposed to "Pandemic".
The root must be "demic" with whatever you want pasted on the front.
But wait, I'll look:
The pandemic was endemic to kalamazoo (??)
Trains going too fast to type, but the upshot is, 
"Pandemic vs Endemic" waitasec:

So people getting shot is endemic, but Trump is pandemic...I prolly used way too much license to stick "Trump" into this rant, but there he is, on every GD front page...