
Sunday, October 31, 2021

F2:medicines to counteract FOD

 This is no well-researched entry, it's a pissed remark that an antacid that should be free is suddenly $13, and it's discontinued anyway.

"Mylanta" is draped in mystery. CVS has a generic brand.
I'm really not sure, but I think 3 bottles for 13 (I think it's three) is a better deal, but it's all so clouded in mystery.
Doctors keep prescribing 3-month-supplies, which would be fine if I joined their little drug-club, but I haven't because I don't trust them and can't get a price easily.

How much is insulin? Join to find out.
How much is a *3-month-supply* of insulin (or syringes?) 
Join us.

How come CVS, the most expensive in my area, does not discount Insulin or Syringes,
with three-month prescriptions?

My obscene pharmacy-bill will have to be cut into thirds.

I don't need 300 Syringes or 300 Milliliters of insulin (300 somethings, maybe not milliliters)

"Insulin Syringes/Needles U-100 29 Gauge x 0.5-in are prescribed by your vet for the injection of U-100 (100 units per ml) insulin to treat your pet's diabetes."
NO, focus, this is a quote about syringes, not my mythical diabetic cat!!
U-100, a full insulin syringe (100 units) would be 1ml, 100ml's per Bottle,
So 100 full-syringes.
twice a day around 1/3 full should last way more than 1-month, but it never does (???)
Not to impress you with my Math-prowess and dexterity,
But more to give a more complete picture, an ml is .001 of a liter (but that part no one gives a rat's ass about)
Anyway, 30 units when transcribed into u100, is 1/3 of 1ml (uh...something micro-liters)
(Again, no one cares)

it's all mythical units, U100 units or U500 units, and in my case, u100
I got lost long ago, forget it.

But a longstanding thought, to impress doctors or maybe to lose weight,
And assuming your version of insulin actually did anything,
*Could* you try to lower your sugar, the way you'd lower PH in a fish-tank,
To keep the fish/Your body happy?
OK with respect to your body, slightly UNhappy, trying to compensate, for a constant 80 (or so) blood-sugar level.
*My* insulin (don't listen to this) does absolutely Nothing, and when I can afford the new prescription, I'll get it and get all Marquis de Sade on my sugar.

FU-RIO, scaring butterballs.
Apparently "70" is just fine, TYVM
2 MUCH insulin = fatness??
So confusing.
It must be an inverse-square formula
Don't eat.
I'm not clear on A1C yet. Too much insulin makes A1C happy, turns you into a butterball-blimp.

But I have to beg them like I'd politely ask a butcher,
 to cut my 3-month-supply-prescription into thirds.

I actually budgeted an enormous amount so I would not have to ask.
Why should I have to ask? I won't be vacationing in the Hamptons anytime soon..
This is stewpid.

Back to "Mylanta," maybe I could live without the OTC stuff, and buy chewy Tums instead.

OK let's talk rent/mortgage, or maybe cars/car-insurance.
WOULD it benefit you to pay three-times as much, on a single paycheck?
NO! Unless there was some heavy-duty discount that they passed along.

There's this faded beige walled restaurant, wooden benches for authenticity,

where you could buy white-rice and green Tea.

If I had a zillion dollars I wouldn't go there, not for the ambience, the rice or the tea.
Banks used to have marbled floors and walls, and antique cars in front,
And all the tellers wore enough makeup to be in a broadway show.
Again, nobody cared (well, *I* didn't care.)
3-months-supply is a gimmick that they don't tell you, does nothing for you.

It should, it *might*, just not at CVS 

a way long time ago, there were services you could log on to, play with virtual toys, talk to actual people, and (most importantly) *buy stuff* using real dollars or maybe virtual dollars.
You could earn virtual dollars for a better dress, so the virtual denizens with actual users wouldn't make fun.
They're rehashing that idea, and giving it a name, "Metaverse" and sort of prodding you to buy 3d-glasses to see the metaverse (they want you to use Augmented reality, And stuff)
Old idea. New virtual toys.
I don't know if anyone will listen, but hire a lounge singer, hire what's-his-face (the music man) to dispel boredom.
Cuz if you don't, rich hotties and men in camo-suits will stand around saying,
In days of yore, mostly men would pick public squares to air their feelings about their god.
As long as they were white and their god was Baptist, and the shills were pretty, people'd listen.

So now there's this new place people can extoll the virtues of Trump, and no one gets shot.
Or it could be a kiddie pool with expensive surfboards

Friday, October 29, 2021

Fodmap (Reprinted, I think)

 I went into this, and since it's long boring and gross, I will skip to the ranty-part:

An official (and extremely ironic) link:


TLDR, if you *know* your possible cure, "Ask your Doctor" so he gets credit, and bonuses from the insurance.

WHY the hell doesn't a gut-doctor mention *anything* (besides maybe eggs) about good diets??

We already KNOW about bad diets.

So I'm asking the pretty-assistant, who takes offense that I dared to ask what to eat.

That was years ago, still pisses me off, moreso now.

No cauliflower!! There, was that so damned hard?

No Onions (green-shooty-things are OK!!) Bombastic cooks, take notice.

The most evil of them all, "Wheat, onion, and garlic" what your mom said were good for you.
(maybe they are when you're ten,)

I'm sitting next to a little portion of enticing Cauliflower.
You'd think "Just this once" but my stomach watches closely.
Tiny bits of Broccoli!! Think of that-drunk driving commercial when you think of Broccoli,
"You're gonna kill yourself!!"

No Yams! Potatoes OK!! (Finally, I've been vindicated, the spawns of Satan are most evil on your stomach, but more importantly, they taste bad. Show this to the cook!!)

The list is long and I haven't read it yet.
But why doctors never mention fodmaps is beyond me, unless their teacher was a bombastic idiot who disparages fad-diets.

And, referring to the pithy first link, yes, I already know I'm lactose intolerant (but thank you for that,)
plus, soy and I have issues.

I have no oven. If I did, I'd have carte blanche to fill my freezer with frozen-breaded fish,
and cook them with melted cheddar on top.

I should buy a couple pounds of the stuff, to microwave.
With avocado mayonnaise.
(See, my would-be cook's-brain is full of microwave recipes)

OK yeah, I'll be the blimp trundling to the store a year from now...

Diabetics get harped-on to eat beans. "Legumes," I think they're called.

Well FU-RIO, beans are high fodmap (I think); They're full of hot air, anyway.

OK this next list (way down below) was from ONE site that might have been well-compensated by the various councils to include stuff.

But maybe they're right, I'm hoping they're not totally wrong:

(They're wrong about, eg, "Tofu", at least for me)

Can I hear a "YAY" for popcorn?
No butter no salt. (yay)

Towards the end of her brain-addled life, My grandmother would only eat Ricotta-cheese. She had constant Diarrhea...OK this added-in sentence wonders if she maybe was lactose-intolerant, if Ricotta-cheese has any (adjective needed) and beneficial properties. Were her electrolytes being messed with by her diarrhea? Well anyway, it's a recurring and disturbing thought.
Feta and its minions are listed on the low-fodmap-list but should be avoided at all costs anyway.
So let's see...
Lactose-free, Low-fodmap, low Cholesterol...
What's that leave, Sand??!!
(O, fish contains mercury)
Is it better than no cheese at all?
Trying hard not to get ranty, but if they substitute soy and lactose for good honest cheese, the cure is worse than the disease
Doctors care tons about Cholesterol, and diddly about FODMAP. 
The pat advice givers say Ricotta-good, Cheddar bad.
Well, they're full of it.
Plus, I just bug-sprayed a flea and soaked my cigs in bug-spray, and I could die of cancer before cholesterol consumes me.
I'm gonna age-out the spray, maybe cut off the oily filters.
Cholesterol? Bah-humbug.

I should probably add this next link, which states that Low GI foods are very good for diabetics.
IOW, if you have to eat *something*, best it be low GI.
OK so Low GI, Low FODMAP, what's the last one, Lactose+Soy free (and Gluten free too, I think, although I don't know what a "gluten" is yet.)
I wonder what would pop up in a google search?
They'd prolly have me eating fruit all day, and dribbling into my shorts, o gawd.



Get thee behind me, Cholesterol, three-out-of four Naggy things say Cheese is great!!
(I wonder who paid them off)
Tillamook is the Corsair, the Sony of cheese.
It's so overpriced you'll wonder if it really is better, or just being all Dracula attractive.
After all, the Supermarket cheese sits next to it, all cheapo.
So which is better?
Geez, IDK and can't find out.
https://www.eatthis.com/best-cheddar-cheese/ lists "Organic Brands" (phht, feh) but one organic-brand is low fat.
If it costs as much a $20 and is in some tiny package, I doubt I'd buy it.
Tillamook is like that Gorgon-movie you can't stop staring at.
Maybe it's my lot in life to buy Supermarket and be done with it.

If Cheddar is aged in little cheese-casks, for a really long time (like maybe 12 years) 
THEN maybe you could convince me to buy it.
I think I read that somewhere, prolly by some package trying to sell me cheese.
But I have not seen that blurb in years.
Maybe Aging is dead.
ONE year, not 12
Plus, "white" cheddar is all clubby, more expensive because it is lacking an ingredient, annatto,
To turn it yellow.
Now, a guy wonders, if Annatto is a replacement for properly-aged cheese, but whatever,
It's a style choice. 
So....counting the hours until the cheese-store (supermarket) opens. 
Yellow or white, "Cabot" low-fat or generic-store.
Tillamook isn't an option, unless it captures my gaze and hypnotizes me.

I'll edit this.

We know now that insulin is fattening;

No insulin, no food,
Insulin and some rarified food.
I vote for the fasting, but I have this insatiable urge to eat.
My body is cyclic anyway, and it's in a very high sugar cycle.
Tomorrow (or so) it'll suddenly drop to 90.
Geez, gimme a hint already.



I'm thinking, Sour-dough hamburgers with sharp melted cheddar cheese. I do not know what "Hard cheese" is, but I'll substitute sharp cheddar.

Maybe quesadillas with hamburger.

"Your cholesterol will go up!

And other dire adjectives (congestive heart failure, eventual death)
But my stomach will have died happy.

You could probably find someone in a bar, eager to tell you about the nutritional benefits of beer, and how a show on "The Doctors" (an infomercial-style program) says to drink more wine.
And if you really look, Remdesivir and Hydroxychloroquine are good for you.
In short, whatever you believe or can conceive of, someone else believes it as well, thought it up first and has a much better blog.

But we're only talking about putting my beast of a stomach to sleep.
I seem to recall from when I was lots younger, that eating quesadillas alone with hamburger, is extremely fattening. Uhm, well, maybe as a monthly treat.
No avocados anymore, they're on the shit-list.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Famous crap

 This won't come out right, and I urge you to read the link:

My train of thought is, the song "Across the Universe" sounds sped-up to me on the album "Let it be"
But I have two versions, one with birds chirping in the beginning.
I'm guessing you don't.

Wikipedia tries so hard to be unreadable.

The "Let it Be"-version can be slowed, 
but I'm being too heavy handed and it sounds way too slow-motion.
That's it, unless you wanted my existential thoughts on life generally.
There are obviously production notes (eg, "Past masters") but I have not read them yet and cannot yet say anything about the pitch.
The birdie-one sounds even more sped-up, and I'm not sure why they keep saying that the song was slowed down.
Unless maybe the birds-one was slowed down and re-released, yeah that sounds about right.
I don't know if the Bee-Gees were around back then, but they could perform live with very high voices, so maybe it's a singing technique, not a recording speed.


I'm editing my ranty for a more topical one.

(edited) Spectrum

What's more dense than calculus...Physics??
OK if you get a 12 month discount, and another discount for adding another service,
And then you drop that extra service,
Microscopic rules *might* say that you lose both discounts.
Unless you're lucky, or...
Call them on bended-knee and beg them to vouchsafe a service unto your lowly unworthy self, (like maybe TV) that will vest your discount.

OK even I didn't understand that... They're big and rich, but they count every penny, got that?
They don't LIKE it when you drop services, and I have proof.
But it takes a huge amount of force on their part to counteract the greed...

I'm signed up for a service I cannot use.
When the wizard of Oz (Billing) finds out I tried to drop it, there'll be hell to pay.
But if not, if Venus / St. Mary in accounting assuages billing, I might gratefully add a decadent speedier tier, until next year. "No discount for you!" My bill says I was right about the physics:

Or did you think I was making it all up??

If you call you'll get a real hard-sell for a phone, making this whole thing WAY more depressing. Praise for services bought, degradation for services dropped, but I do not speak well and I might lose all services in a day or two (historically, that happens often)

A final note on the subject:
Being the lowest form of life with no discounts, I feel unwelcome and might drop them completely, pay "tons" (maybe $25) to increase my phone-tier to include a decent amount of tethered-data (which stands at 5-gigs a month free right now) but it's a freaking bad dream to restart the cable-services.
The details are too bizarre and labyrinthian. On the other hand, every couple years, it becomes an enormous burden to carry any service that has no discounts and also promises none.
I'm 98% decided I will DUMP their ass, as soon as I pay their last bill.
But an upcoming bill (after that) would have to be paid...I'd pay tons to be free from their clutches, for a while, until the tables are turned and my *phone* becomes a burden, in two years.
I only hope that I *remember* why I'm dumping cable.
(Class dismissed)
Retention: Like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat, 

once they *know* you want to cancel, discounts suddenly creep up.

Faster internet, 1/2 the upgrade-price.
Monthly Discount: Less than I had, -20 vs -25. (Less of a discount, but only slightly)
So (bottom line) I pay $2 more a month, without the accompanying bundle of a phone.
Keep in mind that I am absolutely terrible at math, So none of the exact amounts might be accurate, but He sure made it sound attractive (He should sell cars or real estate)
According to the ####-wavers over at DSLreports.com, this is still pretty bad, But it's kind of par for me
(I think people do better but fucket)

QOS makes this tons worse, Now I have another biggie-book to read, hmm

None of the discounts are forever, they're counted down in months;
I may be writing one of these again in a few months.

How do we know what people see when they read customer notes?
Some reps don't know, or don't really care to look, or this entry never would have been written, three days ago (or so). They act like clones when pushing their mobile-phone service, but everything else was a gigantic crapshoot.
They never mentioned the loss of a $25.00 discount, if I dropped the 12.00 fee for my phone.
-25+12 is -13, which is like saying (um) -0 (instead of -13), but now I have -20 instead of -13, so it's all good. But they never mentioned *any* math.
No, at least one retention Rep was very dismissive about the whole thing, the discount was gone and could not be put back (so how come they put it back??) Better than before?
My old promotion expired next August, and Now it expires next november.
You're right, I should wait for next-month's bill before I make any rash conclusions (the text above looks pretty in an email but is missing from the "activity" page)
Apologies for the "Tome" (treatise?) I wrote, but it helps me keep stuff orderly.
"Tome" is a big-assed book, and rhymes with "Roam", and I only used it because E.A. Poe did in his poem.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Event XX Azure net does not Exist

Well if you didn't join up and promise to pay azure.net, why should it exist (for you?)
But Azure is really hot, your PC is smitten, and tries to hook up with her.
It then cries quietly into the log, that for it, Azure does not exist..
If this unreadable is pertinent, I don't know:
Hackers spent years in bunkers or prisons to craft this little hack, and maybe it's best left alone.
But if it's a thing, Why is windows flailing against its own lock? O, nevermind

The whole windows-terminal/Azure thing sort of explains why their GUI interface sucks so badly;
The techs type stuff, while the interior-decorating designers make endless pretty menus
Power-shell is great. Windows Command prompt is venerable but indispensable.
"Windows Terminal" comes in many colors...and hackers use it to gain access.

Hem-haw, folderol, we only write answers in greek/hex
I'm supposed to be a forest ranger or at least a cloud-guardian.
O crap.
Manually importing a key (Any key) into the TPM is daunting.
Public? Sha 2048? Root? Intermediate? (red wire, Green wire? Oshit)
But I deciphered some numbers, got into the TPM-Key directory, Picked a Microsoft branded-key for TPMs, and....It worked, except, now, nothing.
Well I could repeat the procedure (I did it for "Authorized Timestamps," what-the-fuc) and now I'd need to go back and populate the other (if I could only remember the damn name so I could google it while I'm here)

It's late, and the rest of this won't make sense.

"ENROLL EFI IMAGE," sure, why not.
BOOTMGR.EFI.MUI (yes, google, there is an R)
the second one fails (select it with mouse, use keyboard to confirm.(the "FW" one)
So ...
No differences noted
https://www.veritas.com/support/en_US/article.100015603 (ble??)
(If you can boot enough to be able to bcdedit, uhhhh...whut??)

Gives a calculus-level explanation.
People can parrot this shit backwards, but what does it really mean???
If something went WRONG with the system, maybe it'd be nice to have a backup.
Or...(I forgot the other one)
Biggie can of worms exists if you manage to successfully install all the keys and a fly lands on the installation, changing the OS.
BIOS won't boot because it scrambled the EFI partition on the drive.
Dell knows all about this, they even wrote a PDF.
But instead of clogging your mind with dated details, just google OS recovery, dell data protection windows 10 update pdf.
The TLDR is, the EFI (boot) partition shouldn't get scrambled. They probably figured out some other way of ensuring the integrity of the OS, but it's not something I'm really that interested in.
"Bomb-disposal for fun and profit" would be more lucrative.

So WHY am I bothering with this??
  • Storage
  • Attestation
And a vague inclination to please windows, the people who talk almost-english.
It's saying my PC is a lesser one, but it never says why.
And it keeps pointing to a non-existent website, MicrosoftAIK.azure.net
My TPM is perfectly healthy but it's in a coma and no one knows why.
https://www.reddit.com/r/Intune/comments/ceg6wz/bitlocker_intune_pcr7_binding_issue/ (BLIND Leading the non-seeing) 
I'm editing out my personal ruminations after googling for 120 minutes.
"wash your hands (use soap) (The antibacterial kind)" is NOT helping at all.
The closest I've come to an answer is, you need to be part of a collective (AKA a "domain") and be a drone to an all-controlling Server.
Because, the server has the keys, and you'll remember that as a kid, the loud footsteps and the rattling keys, carry all the authority.
No Keys, no authority, No Collective, No binding.
Not being bound means you're free, and do not have to depend upon hackers and servers to decrypt your disk, which is really stupid unless you're a drone and someone else has your keys.
I'm "enhanced" and worthy. 
Just, not encrypted.

A Ranty Note: "Thunderbolt"/USB-C

OK I do not have Thunderbolt or what I've read is called "USB 4" but in our shy-new-world, I can pretty much confirm now that my USB-3C connector can charge but not hook up my phone, unless I mess with the drivers and Windows-security.
This note has to be more ranty than I'd like to quash the protesters; Over the past few days I've proven that the connector does work perfectly but is being blocked when all drivers are at their latest, and all security measures are being taken.
I'm editing this to add that when the phone is *completely* powered down while hooked to USB-C, then turned back on, everything seems fine and this problem magically disappears.
Those Useless videos (from India?) don't mention this:
If the drivers are fine, (they are)
If the settings are fine (They are) 
restart the phone/power down boot up the phone.
B-but what about restarting windows??
I don't know, all this is from 10 seconds ago and I don't have all the freaking permutations yet.
But, yes, restart the phone, see the phone in device-manager (inaccessible), then restart windows;
*That* is one permutation.
Tonight (a couple days after the above) I needed to restart several times, but the formula is similar:
See the phone in device-manager, then restart windows.
Or you could just use one of the many, many apps eager to see what's on your phone, (*grr*).
Or you could disable-then-enable the restarted-phone in "device Manager", 
that works too sometimes.
"The Your Phone"-app seems to want to connect to the internet to act as an interested party to see what is transpiring between the phone and the attached PC.
I don't trust it (I don't, &^%$#). Well, for one thing, it wants the internet; 
A direct wifi-connection or USB connection just won't suffice.
Then it has the nerve, gall and audacity to request that it send diagnostic data to Microsoft 
(it asks all friendly-like, after switching the option "on" by default.) 
If your spouse were at the market and were unfamiliar with your phone, 
it could be a way of remotely accessing the phone, but don't hackers already do that?

Once security is onboard with the idea, the phone stops being blocked.
I wrote (then erased) that I had some arcane setting wrong, but this method is lots easier than searching for it.
This all sounds disjointed now, and is mostly a rant that hackers, and law enforcement and congress and any other interested parties, have a much easier time of accessing my phone than I do.
There's a sad song by Judy Collins, a singer before your time, who goes on about how her illusions about love and life have been shattered, and she really doesn't know about love or life at all.
I feel the same about phones and Windows.
Really pissed ex or prophetic soothsayer??

Yesterday and ten seconds ago, Samsung's drivers appeared in "Windows Update."
A cute feature I just noticed is, the files on the phone cannot be accessed by my PC while the phone's locked.
It needs more research but I wonder if Samsung is tweaking its drivers to be more safety-conscious, or is this windows just lumbering about ("duh")

"friend?" Duh. Fire bad.

Friday, October 22, 2021

droidcam II: A research project

 Mumbling into my mic at 3AM didn't seem like a good idea,
So I turned on the TV. Unfortunately Droidcam doesn't seem to want to record, so I used (Xbox gamebar, then "OBS.")

Whatever I'm doing it's wrong, the sound is very poor (The video is OK.)

This is being edited. I press buttons like some monkey in space, and stuff starts working.
*This Morning* my audio was dead, and then it wasn't.

USB C-to-A, "enhanced  Security" on, but the audio was zero, until I pressed "____", and the last thing I remember was pushing the volume-control on the phone up. If this was it, I am glad it works now but slightly pissed they put a volume-control on the phone-mic. 

 I have some really buried setting wrong, which is probably it, but none of you would know about that
The rest of this goes back to what I wrote two days ago:

 3GPP AT yada (grr) should be "Off"
Transfer seems to prefer "Transferring images" But I intend to try different settings.
(No, "Transferring images works, nothing like "Tethering" works.)
("Transferring files" works too. which is better?)
I AM on USB c to C, stuff is fine.
Curse you, arcane settings
Only hackers know

They leave options in for eveeel hackers, don't educate the rest of us; Fucket.
My ass-alligator task is to stop crackling in my Mic (remember?) but I'm usually too tired to go on, forget everything I've learned tomorrow.
It is generally recommended on a modern Android devices, to use MTP rather than PTP unless you have software that only supports PTP.
Now if Only I could find which is which.
Transferring files: It shows all my WAVs and music files,
While "Transferring Images" sort of hides them
Edit: Secure-Boot is involved, somehow. I don't know how.
Droidcam is refusing to see the phone even when windows sees it and can play music.
This whole USB-thing is messed up for me, and those "history of the world" sites don't help at all.

Enable "Developer Options"

Enable "USB Debugging"

And why people need a video to say that, why the programmer for the app doesn't say that,
I'm too much in a really dark black mood to know or care.
(It would make a great nag-gy generic error message, "are you SURE you have developer and usb debugging *enabled*?)
did you *restart* the app on your PC? 
(because god-knows-why, but it helps??)
Crackles, drop outs exist.
I need to go into a much more inner circle to find out why.
https://www.e2esoft.com/ivcam-connect-via-usb/ says everything I said, but they were first and much better, but not the part about piss-poor audio. Also This site looks helpful (it looks like a big cake that you nibble the pieces of what you want)
It's a new day, and I have bluetooth headphones anyway (that might have a mic)
But this is like taking a shortcut through Ohio to get to Texas.
All I wanted was to successfully make videocalls, but the phone was inadequate and did not hook up to the doctor's phone at her office (using "Doximity"?) She blamed the building but I had all those little bars.

Now maybe *you* can call friends and relatives on a time-wasting call, T-Mobile-to-verizon or ATT,
android to Apple, but I am not that lucky.
My 2nd step (after a successful video call) would have been to use my PC.
So there. now you know my reasons. 

Pushy people insist that Their method is correct, and it must be your fault (so, reinstall, buy Apple, etc)
Stunning tone-deaf incompetence.

An important note:
Core-isolation-memory integrity
is messed with, because of the Samsung drivers. I don't understand it yet.
Was it me disabling "secure Boot" and royally pissing off windows?
It demoted me from "enhanced" to standard 

And I had to uninstall every last scrap of the samsung drivers.
But I already said that maybe it was USB-C.
They don't say too much, except to hackers, so I'm guessing in the dark.
I could plug the phone back in, but...why?
It's pointless fighting this week's version of windows.
Besides, Microsoft probably uses Apple phones.
That's Microsoft's job, not the job of a street-urchin bothering the megalo-billionaires at Samsung.

Well, it's shown as a portable device, and I can access files. The driver(s) are Microsoft's dated 2006.
Samsung's drivers were eventually updated through "Windows Update" and the takeaway is, I should not use the phone on my USB-C connector; All my other USB connectors don't matter.

Rifaximin is an official med for people with stomach problems. 

You can't be approved for it unless you took it and it didn't help, THEN you can get approved.

I told a doctor about it and was met with stony silence...and anyway, an amazon reviewer claims it only made her worse. But Atrantil helped.
Quien Sabe

A smaller-sized bottle's first review says it didn't do anything, but she was trying to be helpful and said it didn't make her worse 

Dr. Brown is the Maker and the Studier, and most of his studies (that I've found so far) involve women.
"Clinically tested" by himself, truly.
I'm sooo not convinced, but I'll pay my 19.95
Or, I could just stop eating Cashews. They have many unreadable words associated with them, and piss off the denizens of my stomach.
I kind of knew they were bad for you but I did not know why.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

(thoughts II) My very wimpy soap dispenser

TLDR: the O-Ring helped tons. But now more pressure is required from the spring, and it sticks.

So unless you lived here you wouldn't know to help raise it back up.

But once it's standing tall, it works great.
(The new one will be bought in a month or so) 

It's on my favorite-list of window-shopped things to buy

But TLDR, most dispensers totally suck for various reasons, according to consumers (maybe it's a very competitive business) and maybe mine needs a chance. It had its chance (a month later), and the thing is like some Russian 7-11: It will allot you a small amount once an hour,
half-again as much in a few seconds.

Do they ALL work this way or can you get all decadent and go "Squish-squish-squish" and get mounds of creamy goodness???


The guy who says I worry too much about the wrong thing, maybe never shopped spark-plugs or fan belts, or radiator-hoses. You kind of want the best, least expensive version.

On the other hand, This next model that wouldn't match and costs a little more, is made by a snootier company and has nearly 100% good reviews from a very small clique of clubby people:

My train of thought in finding it was asking Google which was best.
Google doesn't actually know, but this ad appeared:

It could be made of chicken-wire and feathers. does it dispense soap reliably (o gawd)?

Does Size matter? You'll notice they said "Three-Inch" and there's also a "Four-inch".
It would not matter at ALL if all they did was lengthen the plastic straw, but IF they modified the plastic-mechanical part, even a little, that might help!
Wishful thinking on my part, probably. 
"Focus" 3-inch, "Talis" 4-inch, "Metris" 4-inch squarish base.
Going by the styles, being almost identical overall, 
The Talis and the Metris are nice 
but I like the round Base of the "Talis" the best.

This (and maybe the bottle) are the most important parts,
The parts no one talks about, unless the bottle breaks.
"It broke, It failed" are all you read.
This video wants to dump the refill bottle and mainline into the Supermarket's Largest refill bottle.
And that's fine, whatever, but...

I found a review I liked:

Because, fucket, you only live once (Four-inch-model)

The guy is clearly biased, having already purchased a Hans-yada Faucet but since I do not work in the industry and install these all freakin day, plus I need to go to the bathroom NOW, this is my choice.

The stereotypical review for other more expensive models, looks like this:

In case you had big dreams for a soap dispenser
On the other hand, amazon reviewers are mostly insane (or at least they write that way)

No one asked me, no one will, but....
I liked my faucet in Matte-gold better, but it's $100 more.
Apparently once they know you're a style-hound, they rack up the price.
No, my faucet is cheap tarty chrome, the chrome most of my family used when faucets were $29 and didn't come in colors.
It makes no sense then to buy a golden dispenser, and chrome is usually cheaper.

And if I were richer than (than I am) I might consider a battery-powered dispenser with an eye.
They are not stylish and don't come in colors; they don't need to.
If bugs triggered the dispenser and killed the batteries and flooded the sink...OK forget it, that is enough daydreaming about pretty disasters.

Old duffers and 99-cent-store, um, Bombasts (I don't have a noun yet)
Answer: Bars of soap make messes, Soap dishes eventually look shitty,
Pump bottles of Softsoap are OK but (remember) the dispenser came with the faucet.
Granted, it was a decrepit and feeble one, but there.
And Softsoap bottles can't cover the hole in your sink 
(which I put for the freebie soap dispenser; o nevermind)
And one day when they drag me away, given enough notice, I'll put back the original non-sprayer faucet, and the feeble dispenser.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

new stuff

 If you're shopping for a laptop and have $2000 or more, forget this entry.

($2999.99 plus tax and shipping)

You should forget it anyway, because it's a blog of my thoughts, not a buying guide.


Why do people insist upon 32 gigs in a PC but will settle for 8 or twelve in a laptop?

"12 " is a strange amount, until I remember they solder 4 (or 8) gigs to the motherboard,
and populate DIMM-slots for the rest.
Intel is a way more popular choice apparently, uhm, hmm.
On a low-end-priced laptop I'd think AMD would be a better choice.

Why is 500 gigs good enough??

It IS good enough, but everyone seems to want 1TB or more.

They forget about things like video.... ... ..

And that horrible looking keyboard with that Humungous Track-pad (maybe they figure you never type, just browse).

Why do laptops always think you want to touch the screen?
An unnecessary expense!!

(Why is my internet freezing up tons, lately? "We're sorry, that page is unavailable," bullShit
Apparently, my ISP flakes out a lot, and I never bothered to check why I was on DHCP and not some encrypted DNS

Speaking of routers, what do you think hackers do when they're not mining? 
Or maybe they do this because they're mining...

Or maybe it's all a publicity stunt (the company at https://www.fortinet.com/blog/threat-research/d-link-routers-found-vulnerable-rce gets awful specific)

Let's say you'd never figure out WTF they're saying, *someone* knows and/or has the educational resources to find out. And an auto program that tests for vulnerabilites.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Droid cam

This former truth-seeking blog-entry has been gutted like a fish for better readability.
Parts might look disjointed.


Poor soul approaches Microsoft as if they had actual smart people...the AI (whatever) tells him, "Reinstall".

So I know now that this is no fluke, I really have no sound (but I *could*)

My virtual microphone passes a test but the actual audio sounds scrambled (almost), like someone was pressing "Mute" around 50 times a second.

Droidcamx wants USB too, if I can spare it, and Bluetooth, and wifi.

It even creates a webpage people can go see, like those TV criminal dramas where a poor tortured person is about to be killed! "Actors, only actors," but I still never watch.

They aren't telling me (yet) why I have no or extremely poor audio.

Plus my Bluetooth is flaky.
Didn't I figure it out in my last entry? No?
The software package is supposed to do it (Isn't it?)


Six different modern windows menus (useless)
and One menu that might say "advanced", "related" or whatever.
The legacy menus always work and are serious-minded.
The modern menus are mostly shit.

So what was it? 

"Exclusive Priority" should be "off" in that all-important legacy menu.

Regardless, this 5-second setting took 4 hours and wore me out.


Apparently, but don't quote me, 

Once a device is paired you should let whatever software package set the rest up.

So that song player in that bluetooth player automatically connects and sets it to Audio.

"Your Phone (the app)" sets it for calls.

And (so far) Droidcamx *mentions* bluetooth but never uses it, Or I'm too tired to read correctly.


My first Caller! 
From someone named "SCAM LIKELY."


(2G saves Batteries!!)

A shill from Pimp Magazine writes:


Pry 2G from cold dead fingers....(or something)
But it answers the question about "All are welcome"; It should be changed to
"We don't Like Your Kind Here" WDLYKH
2g is synonymous with EDGE, which stands for (whatever) but it's a sign you're using 2g.
Whether that's a *good* thing is tons less important than if it's a *billable* thing.
I mean, if they treat 2G like a trip to Disney World, I could be in for a whopping-big bill.
Saving batteries is looked down on.

One last thing...remember all those 5g radiation Naysayers? 
I mean, *yeah*, my phone seems to require a steady diet of 5G *wifi* radiation to be happy, but ...
(I lost the thought, got stuck on "5g is 5g, isn't it?")
5 Gigahertz is Not 5G cell technology (5th generation?)
just like "wifi 6" has nothing to do with "5Ghz" (but it's all related in the marketing-stew)
That endless mumbling-aside meant to say,
"Does 2G use less phone radiation than "5G (cell technology)"??
Real honest-to-goodness "5G" (according to that link) goes from 24Ghz to much higher.
But (this is from me) You sticking to "2g" on your piddly-wimpy phone won't save you from the 24Ghz cell-tower across the street.
People loving to drive everywhere are constantly bombarded with competing frequencies....it's a question I've been wondering about, *something* causes many people who love to drive, an eventual cancerous death.
Is it smog, chemicals, cell-phone towers, or do they all cooperate to kill you???

There's this biggie sword hanging over my head, maybe.
T-Mobile is notorious (they did it a couple-blog-entries ago) for changing their factual information on your account page.
So a payment that's due November might suddenly be changed to "October".
The EIP as stated will never bother me ever, because whatever they charge will be automatically credited.
Unless it isn't.
Where is my first phone-payment-date?
I recently fully paid my bill for this month (October), but will the Phone's payment come due *this* month????
If it does, will the credit kick in automatically or will I have to wait "One or two billing cycles"??
I have to know, Because I can't buy cigarettes or bug spray without knowing.
(Yes, now you also know the account balance at my bank)

 I worry about every penny, 
And I want to pose a question to the aether:
What if I paid my phone early, would I keep getting credits or would they stop?
(I needed to insert somewhere in that sentence, guffaws and peals of laughter, from employees enjoying the joke of me paying an enormous amount for a free phone; It's a free phone, but they paid Lawyers and accountants to come up with a non-contract-contract)

"70%-90% battery charging is optimal," can't they just say that? 
There's this MASSIVE edit I wanna do because I found a better blog.
Warning: They want to sell something.

I'm gonna go look for a pimping shill now.

I was sort of hoping for a page that took all that (edited out) math and stuck it into a charger.

If you read the first few reviews on Amazon, Techie Gurus seem to say that The Samsung Charger in the picture above
Does pretty much what the "Chargie" does *already*, and you'd need an oscilloscope to prove one was as good as or better than the other. 
OTOH, "Chargie" makes a good point. They shut DOWN charging, not ease it off, like some thermostat would. (OTOH it's $30)
I can't tell you how long my mistreated S6 battery lasted until it finally bloomed out of its tight case, 
maybe 4 3 years? Not sure. And I'm about to use the charger from that old phone on my new one!
No "fast charges," I promise.
But as soon as I can, I'll get the Samsung 45w.
I'll have to really think about Chargie.

(Isn't there a way to stick my A32 in a box to hibernate, while my S6 lives a long, happy life?
The (android 7) S6 is a very satisfactory phone but the battery dies so quickly.
So, no, except on special occasions)
A scary letter arrived today; I just had a chance right now to look at what other people said
About my "proprietary" credit-score.
I shouldn't get a phone without a deposit, anything below me is rejected.
So...??? They didn't ask for a deposit, and they gave me a free phone. (EIP with monthly credits)
So what's up, did they change their mind, will I be getting a demand for more money soon?
This is nerve-wracking.

So, I'm worthy, not worthy, it depends (on what? The weather? Overstocked phones??)