
Saturday, August 31, 2024

Upper-crusty 2: technospeak

 This will be brief for now with lots of stuff to add, later.
RTG ("richer-than-God") routers usually have 4x4 antennas.
Cheap lower cost routers use 2x2 antennas for WiFi.

Somewhere in here (not sure where), I want to edit in a few lines about Mesh and other features.
You've bought maybe a bargain-basement brand with mysterious properties left over from much more expensive (much!) routers.
You've maybe read about the guy with the house larger than a mansion using "mesh" to tie a network together. 
More conservative types with tiny spaces to live in and two or three meager devices don't need "mesh", and yet techs from the cheaper router company will say, the hidden networks are from "Mesh", as if you needed it.
The BIGgie-est house could run ethernet.
Bah humbug, a guy wonders if some of the features on huge and extreeemely expensive routers that didn't work well, made it into your sorry little router.
Speaking plainly, 
Does the Mesh have an "Off"-switch?


Does the router have a "remote-access" switch? (so strangers won't come calling?)



It prolly would be a good idea to research features first, but tech-specs usually quote from a dictionary of tech-specs.

*reviews* on the other hand... well, it depends on the reviewer (I suppose)
Are they an Apple Lapdog, a freebie whore?


"Stay away from Netgear" with a link as to why.

I've gotta sleep in the bed I've made. You can do whatever you want.

Ya wanna feel good about purchases, which explains why people spend $1000 or so on phones, every year. I'd like to feel good about my Router (my netgear router) and I don't.
Not enough to run out and rack up another debt, but I'm still reading reviews and such.


*I* think the tired old bromide-maxim, "You get what you pay for," applies here.
Wanna turn a feature off, lock down your router? 
Pay more money!
so, hmm, right this exact wartorn-supply-chain-embargoed moment, I'd venture that the minimum is $800.
Any less and you get vestigial features that cannot be turned off (Mesh).

It's either the gem I want it to be, or a dog.
It isn't forum material (3500 sq. ft house and Yard) And I *think* I read it doesn't mesh well with others.
Stuff missing: The actual processor it uses. TP-Link, the competition, says about the same about its CPU.

From BE550's website

Only 1400 down, hmm
And it has a rougher, Also hmm
Judging by my direct-to-PC speed (900Mbps on a very good day)
and from what I know about my current wifi speed (when it was working,)
I'll have some overhead. 
Kinda like a cheap 50-watt stereo you only use 10 watts of.
(Bah, IDK, if it works per spec and does not die quickly, I'll be happy. But I would not give them as gifts)

"lowered expectations"🎶♪♪♪

"Which WiFi travels longest?"
The ooold ones, before you were born, tried at least to have some range, but now no one talks range, only speed.
(Whoa! They made a chart?)

They left out "Range." O well.
I do believe 802.11g was the farthest. 
But that's definitely arguable.
I'll try to link up a know-it-all answer.

Someone made up their own version (802.11ah) but you can't actually buy it, it was a stunt to prove a thing.
The picture says, 802.11af
is longest, then 802.11ah,
Then the real world after that.
I'm wasting my free trial (It's paywalled)
YOU read it, be all edified.

But wait, The truly eclectic (esoteric) wise-ones say, 802.11ah
So future-proof THAT, rich people.
So, NOW they can control porchlights and Sprinklers?
Wonders never cease.

"Does it work?"
 is my only real test, that and,
 "does it work at 6Ghz?"

A new google (just to remind myself): do 2x2-antenna routers do 320mhz bandwidth well?
2x2 utilitarian. 4x4, bragging rights.

A way back, around the turn of the century, (hmm), a DVD was a novelty you could stick into a computer, hook up to a TV (I don't remember how) and watch an old movie. If someone dared to walk on the hardwood floor, the movie would freeze up.
And maybe with wi-fi 7 streaming movies, it'll be like yesteryear all over again,
 if everyone promises not to microwave or use a cell phone.

And since my technospeak-piece got stuck on WiFi, 
here, a YouTube treatise on Immanuel Kant.
WiFi should be a means, not an end.
It occurred to me briefly that Abraham Maslow and Immanuel Kant had (maybe) similar philosophies, but I'll never really know, the articles are too dense and written by college students to get a good grade.

Friday, August 30, 2024

upper crusty

Paradigm (I added that one, but yeah)

Anandtech is shutting down it's new publications, and with prosaic flair,
will allow newer writers to "take their place within the zeitgeist."

Pretentious crap words that all mean the same thing, you drive an empty truck to a Starbucks and pay too much for coffee, because that's your paradigm, and you enjoy the milieu (of the parking lot.)

"You mean you don't know who ... is? You're old."

Speaking of old, people either defer to you unnecessarily, or are openly hostile (for no particular reason, and yes I need a damn link, waitasec)
Did you wear the right color shirt? That's a gang color, be careful.
Actually that *should* read, "That's a ______ color, "be careful".
Black, gray, white OK? 

There are tons of clubby words that mean the same with simpler words, but right this second I'm only interested in the word "Anamorphic."
It's like synthetic widescreen, only more upper crusty.
And what exactly is it?
I go blind reading this and then trundling off to the kitchen. 
I wonder what that's called in filmography.
Fried-apple pie

This next excerpt is still in effect, or they forgot to change it (I'm being optimistic)

Being a habitual "heavy user" and paying $50 extra to be one, doesn't give me a dispensation, a golden-ticket, to bypass their arcadian rules (fossilized.)
So, at 3AM I'm consigned to the 390-450Mbps-crowd, far far away from the 900Mbps when I was a new fresh customer. (happy ending way down below)
On the other hand...

Maybe my data bucket has holes.
Seriously, 47? I never watch anything. 
The mandatory windows and phone updates, 
and this bombastic blog, 
are killing my allowance, hmm.

Anyway, it's spooky.

I'm editing in a note that, somehow, the modem assigned me an IPV6 address, but no IPV4 address, for whatever reason, and for five tension-filled minutes I was totally locked out of the internet.
I may never know why.
(Overlapping voices)
Unworthy! Ob-so-Lete!
I've got this here ipv6 address, but you can't see it.
I *guess* that's a good thing, I wouldn't know.

I wrote a couple sentences here that got erased.
I don't understand the myriad dd-wrt features, some of which are called "daemons". Stuff should be yes/no, 
not daemons and secretive little codes...
I seriously wanna buy a router now, one that talks english and knows what this router doesn't (or it does, but it talks way-too-Greeky)
Ports! I forgot Ports! and MTU (of course)
and "Scope ID!" 
(that funny little percent sign on a f'ing DNS address)
I don't care, let it be a caret, but I'll bet a ZIllion that NO ONE lets you stick percent-signs into a DNS-field.
Something....to do with DNS and lots of Jargon, it bokeh's my milieu.

So yeah, I have an IPV6 address on my WAN, but my LAN cannot see it (I don't think) and that's why test-ipv6 fails it.
I'm confused, I don't run a promiscuous server, I just want faster internet, and I'll try anything that helps.
THIS looks like the wrong dark-alley to go down.

This blames my router for being too thick.
Yeah but thick *how*? Why?

Fucket, pay drug-dealer prices for a router or buy cheap and suffer.
I think I'll pretend I'm rich.
OK proof positive my router totally sucks.
Looks nice, though.

2.5G connection, cuz it might matter (don't know why) 
And um, it can have piss-poor radio, I won't mind (It's not like we have a pool to sit next to)
But I don't wanna buy from embargoed communists (TP-Link)
and I uh, prefer "Netgear" but everyone else hates them.
Yes, I'm rich, but miserly.
Maybe I could,
 (no) or, um, 
Y-yes...Netgear doesn't scream "pretentious"
and "Future-proof" is a myth for the very very nervous.
I'm gonna buy it!
Made lovingly by Thai women.
Just, not now, it's too early yet (gotta wait til (IDK) the 10th or so.
And it's fairly new (OK I'm sold, I can shut up now)

I wrote an entry about making payments to Affirm early, wondering how early could a person make payments? 
e.g., if a bill is due on the 4th of a month and you pay it on the 7th of the previous month, does it count?
Yes!! Hallelujah, it counts. So if you're suddenly forgetful on the 4th, it won't matter.
Well, it mattered to me but I erased the entry and demoted it to a footnote.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

yet another doctor rant

 I need better keywords, I *know* I've written about this before, but in a different way.
Should you give a rat's ass which medical group your doctor belongs to????

There are rules, but I don't know them.

I only know, the primary-care-physician in my current group moved away or crossed me off her date-list, and I have been notified.
They (The insurance) helpfully assigned some random doctor three or four towns distant.
Why? (Why the distant doctor?) 
Maybe it was a friend of the old doctor, IDK.

So I stabbed at choosing my own, and got a warning: This doctor is outside your medical group!
Will there be retributions, repercussions, consequences, (Biggie Copays?)

Another doctor (The insulin one) lectured me for maybe 15 minutes,
and I got a $400 bill (which my insurance made sure I knew about but paid)
So who got most of the $400, the medical group?

A nurse decided I needed a vaccine, and the bill that came said she got $50 for injecting it (The actual vaccine was cheap or free.) THAT, I paid. Now if I refuse a vaccine in the future, I'm being a curmudgeon (I suppose.)

I'm a horrible patient, I actually talk about my medical problems, 
and that's a no-no.
Obvious problems should be obvious, pills they're promoting should be taken, see you in three months.
Well I'm the eveil patient from hell, beecause my stomach has an unlisted problem they don't treat, and I couldn't care less about heart-pills or "statins."

It's related (sort of) to the above.
Digestivelogical instead of Gynecological (Spell checker is dismissing me) 
But geez, with all their wellness propaganda and social workers, you'd think someone would have made healthy diets.
I'm totally sick of insurance commercials that say basically nothing.

This is interstitial space, under construction, a detour (o, there it is, my browser dipped below the screen)

It being that banks are mostly computers now and the people watching them,
Every few years I like to look back at all the quaint little rules they still have in place.
Never work on Sunday.
So, if a (govt.) direct-deposit falls on a Sunday, The computers wink and nod at each other and post the deposit on the previous Business-day, which is Friday.
But if the deposit falls on the day After Sunday (or after a national Holiday) And that holiday follows a Sunday, (which I just said, o nvm)
THEN the direct deposit is issued on Saturday because by tradition banks work on Saturday.
They *could* change this at any time and inscribe it into new rules buried under arcane italics in teeny print, so don't bet the rent.
But yeah. 
I'll be paid Saturday, (Technically, "Friday night" Just after Midnight) because,
(Beecause, computers work 24/7 and y2k happened yeeeears ago and nothing came of it, despite the movie, but (IDK why) they're being munificent, or whatever.
I didn't find the Willoughby Gazebo but this'll do
Punched in, died, no one noticed for a bit

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

(IDK) "Click Bait"

 Act 3 of Baldur's Gate 3 (or is it "Act II") has the player wandering a crowded town where most of the extra-women wear form-fitting pants. 
I suppose you could call them tights, I don't know. There are commercials on TV for such pants, and I watch with the sound down, so I don't know the name.
No one bathed but they were immaculate. I suppose knitting existed.
There is exactly one filthy guy, with a green cloud surrounding him and flies, but I suspect he's part of a quest I avoid.
 But after my experience writing about pans and getting front page biggie links about them, I hesitate to look for pants in Baldur's Gate 3, on Bing or Google.

Today I clicked on a front-page article about Trump, and ten more articles on Trump started showing up.
Be careful what you click on?

That's it. Anything after this line is an add-on or a different subject.

It's an enormous PITA to install mods; but I digress. 

This underwear mod looks too complicated.

This is why it's f'ng impossible "Use/Don't use" Fucket.

I don't think google/reddit knows what I'm looking for...
those walk-on extras walking purposefully somewhere, the ones you only see for a few seconds (unless maybe you're stalking them.)
They look fantastic, but how would you get into a conversation that starts,
 "where Did you buy your pants?"
*My* Player starts out wearing a freaking house-coat.
The coat is green.
Or, her brother's hand-me-downs in Camp. ("Homely clothes," way to rub it in.)
There's prolly a pay-to-buy decent stuff coming,
or maybe they dumped that idea.
If the poorest denizen in the lower City can look like she's late for her Yoga class, why can't player?
I'm not looking for an evening dress, just some magical teflon outfit that bounces stuff off her and sticks to others, is that too much to ask?
My curse (if you can call it that) is, if I want to use "Chain Lightning" I need to forgo any swords, arrow-shooters (bows) and decent armor.
Cuz apparently I'm so f'ing badass I don't need any of that, whadda crock.

In real battles, you're a cog, part of a biggie war machine.
In THIS battle, even with cheats, only one person fights at a time.
You're far more likely to be struck down by the enemy if you get too close, they can chop you down, or shoot a massive spell at you,
But you're alone.
So the whole Ally thing is perty-near useless, except maybe they have spells you don't, and it prolongs the battle, which is supposed to be the object of most games, battles.
You saved a guy by killing another guy and rescuing the first guy's twin.
He rewards you with a biggie tree.
An older woman talks big but doesn't do a whole lot except get her minions killed.
A magical Kid, a very temperamental one, has powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal kids, but do they teach you any of them?
USELESS! The lot.
"You are the savior of Baldur's Gate," the game purrs. Yeah whatever.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Little Knell

 Pick a subject, any subject and someone has written a fact-filled blog on it.

1. (This isn't numbered, but I wanna keep the thoughts straight)

WTH is a "Knell"?

It's complicated. Were you Dying, or did you just die, or are they dragging your dead body to the graveyard?
(and, are you richer than god so people would notice)

The part that isn't clear to me is what the sounds of the bells actually are.
Bonnng (from a big-ass bell) 
or "Tinkle" from teeny handhelds.
and they get even more detailed, the first bell is a code: for a woman or a man.

The second bell is your funeral while you're being marched to the services at the cathedral.
The third bell is you on the way to the graveyard, to ward off the evil.
Even THEY got tired of remembering all that, so now the second bell (you're dead) is the only one left.

OK explain why the Bell tolls for thee? (It's a Hemmingway thing, nvm)
Where did...
What the...
O, OK, if you say so.(?)

I was under the impression, having never read the book nor seen the movie, 
that the last line was an admonishment to get involved , not shirk your duty, but that was long ago during a biggie war.

Not Rock Hudson; That was a way different movie

When the witch died, the song says "Ding dong the witch is dead," what were the writers thinking?

I've got more research to do and if this is still here, it's unfinished.
But it's prolly dead.

Oh, the guy "Poe" wrote a whole poem on "bells" and if you are in some schools they teach it as an example, but Poe has been buried by most politically correct schools, he wasn't socially acceptable anymore.

They never said that in my school, just made you read it aloud and went on about how it sounded.

Full-on unadulterated Dickens bores me to tears, and I can imagine why....
Imagine they stuck "all my children" or "As the world Turns" into one single gargantuan movie, and then later put in commercials.
Dickens wrote serials (aka "soaps") for magazines.
It seems to me (without anyone or anything to back me up) that he'd want to embellish each episode with characters and subplots.
Having said that,
And (and) all those foreign accents just before the LOUD comet commercial.
And I would not think for a second that YouTube hasn't stuck in commercials every five minutes.
Nell and Knell are totally different, except Nell dies, so it's related, sort of.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Style (I think)

From my phone

From the web

I get the second picture, and it looks like the same style.
Too-small furniture, random objects.
But the first picture is mystifying.

A man (yes)
on a couch (OK)
with his dog (go on)
is looking at a teeny angel(?) on the wall (whut?)

The first picture evokes memories of post nuclear '50's style decor, when Hi-Fi was a biggie thing.
The second one tries to be all trendy and french.
I'm wondering though what the man is looking at, it will haunt me until I make another call or get a message.

forced 50's retro

A living room with no hi-fi or B&W TV? Fake!

The above picture is much too "Busy" and hard to navigate, like this blog entry could be if I kept going, so I won't.

cause, interior decoration is for the filthy-rich without much to do, and most of the pictures look too lavish.

There's a sofa people like with no legs, and held together with brass tacks, and if you even think of looking at one, it's $1500 on sale.
I wonder what era it came from; it's a train of thought from the brittle matchstick 50's furniture.

But, most of the people with the pictures are trying to sell something, so of course they'll look their brightest and shiniest, definitely not post-depression-dinge.
The lines behind the man form a woman leaning in to tell him something.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

DDR4 because, uh...

 The variables to set on DDR4 memory involve lots of math,
assuming what "some guy said" is valid, referencing DDR math, and is no parrot noise or insanity. 
(This sentence came out wrong; They type good and rattle off numbers, but are they crackers or friends of the insane?)
"12 6" is "extreme"? no shit.
Tfaw Too?
It doesn't complain...IDK

I still wanna know what TWR is.
 besides it being a variable in an equation.
But my outlook is bleak. (bleak)
"Some Guy" (a different guy) says:
Min of 8, huh?
(goes to combine tras and trcd)
uh, (ahem) "22-16=6" FOD!

Wait, I mis-thought. My TWR is way slower than "8", it's 12, twice Trtp (goes thumbing through google to verify arcane trivia)

What is "TWR" all by itself? (and don't say "Trtp*2")

TWR (tba)
and etc.

Suppose, the factory, to save a buck, gave some egghead a few hours to tweak 
a ddr4-3200 DIMM so it would run at 3600 and the factory could sell it as "3600",
maximizing profit on old dimms no one bought anymore.
He'd *prolly* tweak voltages, relax some timings, be done in a couple hours and run tests maybe for a couple days.

Now, You buy the things and try to tweak the settings up to maximum specs
but (biggie surprise) it won't work.

That's where I'm at, tweaking already-tweaked memory.
and hoping (in this heat) I don't fry something.

I get all interested in Latency and IPS's, and then the lingo passes over my head and I forget about it for another year.
I don't exactly know why but in May, I kept running 3dmark over-and-over,
and today with little effort I beat my own score.

If you consider:
Windows has been updated (a lot)
3DMark has been updated.

First edit: Some of these entries are difficult to find, or was that just me?
I'll never know.
specifically, https://orphanrocks.blogspot.com/2023/05/biased-i-know-you-are-but-what-am-i.html#uniqueID

I do not like green eggs and ham (nvm)
I was done (I still am) but I got all interested in "Carbon Steel" vs cast-Iron.

I have to guess because the blurbs are overhyped, but (totally guessing,)
 Carbon steel is lighter than cast iron, but more "delicate" (They warp.)
Bloggers paid to sell products might be biased, but
But I don't look forward to seasoning pans and fending off rust.

I'm still looking, and I get all excited about whatever pan I'm looking at, until someone else tells me they're lousy for whatever reason.
The "316" with the conservative-sounding brand name is thin and warps easily.
The others (not "316") are iffy. The blurb praises them to the skies (except for *this* blurb)
800, 500, who cares, right?

They wear a person down with specs.
I wonder why most of the specs are from men who prefer carbon steel or Cast iron.

Then there are the phalanx(?) of men preferring the $400-style somethings, made in Belgium, Germany or South Carolina. (I swear, Reddit is full of salespeople)
No one cooks, but on reddit everyone is a professional chef (or a factory selling cast iron pans.) 
The "Le Creuset" people are still shopping for pans; why?
If they haven't reached pan-nirvana, it must be an obsession or freebies(?)
Yeah, I get it already, food from Le Creuset is upper-crust and doesn't stink.

b'cause, I give up, this can't be THAT hard, I'm googling the wrong links.
It would have a big brown spot in the middle, it would maybe rock to and fro, 
I DON'T CARE anymore.

The very preachy reviews on Amazon convince me that someone somewhere is getting paid to push cast/carbon pans, but I seriously would not know for sure (it just seems so damn obvious!) 
Anyway "All-Clad," like the lady with the pink toes has, looks good to me.
GunK?? nono, "Seasoning." Now repeat after me, "Seasoning"

Someone said that I edited out why I'm talking pans.
It's simple, at first anyway: Non-stick pans have limited lifespans, some say a year, some say less.
Coincidentally (I hope), "Caraway" suddenly started spamming commercials on TV for pans.
A google search says "Greenpan" is extremely similar, cheaper, and possibly not as long-lasting.
I'm happy with not long-lasting, and I've yet to read any reviews on amazon (because when I do, I'll get depressed)

But, apparently,
Greenpan sticks a different name and a different handle on the pans,
charges WAY more.
"Rio"=cheap, "Valencia" or "Paris" are more upper-crusty.
I seriously do not know.
I think "Valencia" sounds nice 😀😕

This next pan is Stainless, multi-layer, and nonstick-coated, what else could someone want?
It has a kind of an underdog name, it comes in an unattractive color. 
It seems perfect. 

Rampant consumerism, First-World problem, pretensions (etc etc)
we (you, me, us) read the crap out of pan specs, settle on a choice 
(and a color and a size and a brand and a lifestyle and...and...

Yeah but does it cook?