
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

usb c c (5/10/20gps) 5w/20w/100w (wtf %$#@)

bedtime reading (*yawn*)
But what do reviewers say?
WTF do they finally buy? (That's apparently classified, "top secret")

(Fucket) bring on the dancing girls, peel the grapes...

A ghost or a gremlin made me lose my wallet temporarily, which gave me time to decipher (in my head) the possibilities of a generic "Thunderbolt 3" cable, which is sort of like buying a freaking freeway to ride a tricycle, but whatever.
Accordingly, at least one of the cables (I haven't looked yet but) I buy will be "Thunderbolt 3" or an aftermarket-equivalent (if a huckster doesn't waylay me first)
Huckster, thy name is "Thunderbolt 3"

so, I'm reading a generic no-name review site, which differentiates thunderbolts by length.
In other words, VERY SHORT thunderbolt-3 cables can do monitors; longer ones (six-feet is Long??)
uh, hmm.

I'm uh, fine with that, I think.
(O, I don't know)
I'll think about it tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Skip this

I must have been reading a news article,(this news article looks good,) when my foggy mind hearkened back to the olden days.

Or something (It's a day later and I can't remember why this came up)

Although I can guess it had something to do with government funding and legislation for rural internet, which everyone wants but few specify what the money will go towards. 

A new satellite? 

Cell phone towers?

something with "WiFi" in the name?

Teeny towns wanting money love words like infrastructure, but I'd need to back up the images in my mind of amber weeds growing by the sides of fenced roads with actual articles, and it must have been much easier to write the below.

A guy calls his Girlfriend, talks late into the night, gets charged $700, stuff you're too young to remember.

"Local-long distance area Calling" is for the truly old to remember...actually I'm not *that* old and I don't remember all the names.


calling within your own area code could still be charged extra, you just didn't have to dial any extra numbers. 

"Toll" / "Long distance" prolly mean two different things but it was a matter of price.

Calling your friend at the beach vs calling san Francisco vs calling London vs calling the Pizza-place...

It got very complicated.

So they had discount plans you paid for in advance, to get a discount on (maybe) the pizza-place, just a block outside your free-unlimited area.

So.....the vestige of all that, is,

they'll charge you more high flat rates for "Unlimited long distance" as if it were still a thing people remembered (they don't, not really) but they still charge more (or try to let you know they don't) for "International dialing", another very complicated mess.

If you miss the old days, I still think you can rack-up extra charges by dialing "Station-to-station"

which was cool cuz you heard about calling boats or planes, and having nothing much to say for $5.00 a minute (It tends to stifle your conversation knowing every 30 seconds you could've bought a hamburger)

But no, hamburgers are way more than $5, phones are stuck on plans you're granddad paid less in a year than you pay a month.

It's like, stuff is more, they itemize less (or something) this train broke down, please board another train, and thank you for reading P&D. "Have a nice day"


People get paid more than your phone plan charges in a year to write crap like the below:

https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2016/06/remember-when-you-could-call-the-time/488273/ calling canada (the UK?) to get a recording in french/english "Veuillez vérifier le numéro et composer à nouveau" was a real gas, man

I was looking for "local-long" calling, keep coming up with related folderol
please see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-distance_calling

Ginger??!! OMG, GINGER!!! (nvm)

Interesting (ok ok, I only *glossed*):

I like this next article "What boring fools these mortals be" although (again) I only glossed:

Insomnia II: Bat-sounds

 I don't know what a bat sounds like, I'm trusting Google/YouTube.

That loud thing around 500 feet away could just be a pissed-off bird...

But it sounds like a very nervous fire alarm with a low battery, or maybe more like those car-alarm-remotes.

I don't think, judging from the YouTube-sounds, that bats sound the same, they're varied.
This one really does sound dull and unimaginative...chirp-chirp-chirp, a single note faster and slower.
So maybe it's some copycat finch or sparrow, how the hell would I know.
If I googled birdcalls, this could end up being a book...I'll assume it's a bat, it's simpler that way.
"Baby bird??"

What's disturbing is, a working pristine computer is *supposed* to tell everyone where you live, give out your credit card to anyone who asks, and announce to the world that you love Pink petunias (or GMC trucks, whatever)
You live in idaho, you gamble tons, you visited Amazon 32-times last week,
and you favor flowers over guns
Your handle is "Fortescue_96" and you're liberal

If you're looking to start a virtual business (This is a fast moving train-of thought, and me the terrible slow typist)
You could start by researching the computer-histories of law enforcement personnel, Religious Icons and generic Superstars.
So...You could sell people an instant politically correct screensaver, *history*, files (ok I haven't gotten all the nitty-gritties worked out), letters to some virtual editor extolling the virtues of vitamins...
in other words, when they come to seize your PC (or Google subsumes it)
You could look like Mother Theresa's cousin.
But no...They'd merely have to  look at your Online accounts, the histories of your ISP and your phone-logs that cannot be erased (ever, for all time) 
You're fucked.
OK do the theme-thing and say you're a religious backslider with a temptress-friend (I don't know)
This next pic has several terms you're supposed to know.
And I don't understand a &^%$ word it says, but it SOUNDS like they're taking High Bandwidth and slicing it up like a pie, to save money, and people who want more than ONE slice of pie are vulnerable to an attack by pie-stealers.
Read it carefully and you'll see, that companies demand access to tons of stuff that "hackers" also want.
(Obvious question: block access to the stuff hackers want, from everyone everywhere.
It's, ya know, a thought, But like I just said, I do not understand the marketing-terms thrown into this informational sandwich.

Well...There you go again.
Do you know now what "Edge Networking" is? Not from the above I don't.

My take: residential neighborhood, tiny streets, has ONE tiny street connected to a superhighway which connects Another residential neighborhood (and its own set of tiny streets).
If that single tiny street to the superhighway is blocked for whatever reason, the superhighway is unused, people go hungry, the supermarket loses money (omg, "Loses money," call the FBI, quick!!)

A site completely blocking access to the article unless I click something first, has a googled summary.

See, now, (ahem) (harrumph) It's a distinction (Plessy v Ferguson, et al, ibid) "edge" vs EDGE 

Topical (OK maybe not)
People who want to "verify your identity" in crowded stores or online or in phone calls,
by asking your date of Birth, your phone number.
OK the person in line behind you now has your phone number, 
and any site wanting you to play their game knows your birthdate, as well as your bank, your drug store, the DMV, your doctor....
I'm missing the part where they actually verify ANYthing by knowing your number or DOB.
Creepy jealous boyfriend has no office-persona to disguise his prison-voice with, unless he's a recovering addict with a new job (I don't really know), and he wants to verify that the person he's speaking to is really me.
Bye! H.A.N.D.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Why do you love cop shows and westerns so much??

 Boring old shows from the fifties and Baseball games in the afternoon.

Old shows..... Old...

WTF is "the monroe doctrine" and why do only school-kids know?

We need a good show called "History of the world and everything in it", maybe a series.

Wait, don't they have one already called "Connections"?


We're done. Always and forever there's a total non-sequitur "Page 2"

Asian inventors, Discovery of the cancer Virus, (20% of cancers can be caused by Viruses, but (they rush to assure you) having such a virus does not mean you'll get cancer (??...!!)

One of the most famous inventors of the 20th century and you don't know her name....

unless I'm being unduly influenced by the liberal media (and we can thank Texas for whatever she discovered)

But assuming for the moment it's true...

I mean, My Gawd, you go ON and ON about the traffic-signal and the guy who thought of applications for peanuts...what about this lady?

Flossie Wong-Staal

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Itchy fingers

 I'm convinced that the people working for Microsoft are very very nervous, and maybe paranoid as well, so they keep changing stuff, stuff that used to work but doesn't now because they changed it.

OK backstory: My working xbox-one controller is dirty and could use a button-cleaning, which they've made impossible, so I ordered the same thing online, or so I thought.

This new one uses USB-C instead of Micro-USB, and "Steam" is blind to it.( I fixed that, yay-me, but it still needs a wireless dongle)

but the one windows was happiest with was the one where it uses Bluetooth while connected to a USB-C cable.

This makes little sense, except maybe the cable is not worthy of Microsoft's lofty standards.

If so, the cable that was fine for my keyboard and mouse, will be getting replaced by an "Amazon Basics" cable which I'm surmising, won't be worthy either.

Note to self...The single usb-c connector on my motherboard (there used to also be one on my defunct/dead video card) might have been better than an adaptive USB-A-to-USB-C cable, or maybe it makes no difference; I haven't read much fictional trivia lately.

(eg) "Fictional Trivia"

No, I'll have to go ahead with the adaptive-cable order, verify it doesn't work (42,000 other people at least tried) and THEN order a USB-C-C cable, because I'm not Caligula.

Buy the best and forget the rest, except it's wasteful

Yeahbutt... is USB 2 good enough? (for a freaking controller?)
I hear the Voice of authority saying something like,
 "we have a failure to communicate"
Or maybe
"We don't like your kind here"

https://www.reddit.com/r/xboxone/comments/3heuqy/help_usb_20_hub_will_it_work/ (yes/no)

Bottom line:
The cable I ordered, the "cheap" usb-A to USB-C, works!!
What was wrong with my old one, I do not know.
But For your information, 1-Meter/3 feet cables are incredibly short, and work if you sit very still.
I WILL order a biggie fat-ass cable but I think I'll wait a month or so...

Thursday, March 25, 2021


 Being old I know I'll die or slip and crack my skull on the sink, maybe soon.
Why should they crack jokes about my twilight-zone of a gnarly grotesque bathtub??
Plus it would look gross in the newspaper photos...
CLR works, kind of.....Sort of, I'd give it a "B" for effort, better than "C".
once it's mixed with water, abandon all hope (apparently) although it's the way they say to use it.
OK, Vinegar, lemons, salt...
Ya know, I did that, years ago, it helps loosen scale you then need to scrape (waking the *dead* scraping a metallic tub)
O...k...How's about, one part CLR, One part Vinegar, and Lemon to taste.
Season with salt.
I'll let ya know....eventually.

Wishlist: Something CLR does, but in paste-form. Like, some acidic gel.

acid...Maybe (if I did all that) I'd die sooner rather than later...'k, maaaayyybe, Toilet-cleaner on the walls, the above recipe on the tub-floor (but bleach and anything else is deadly)

o......k....uhm......."vaseline" and CLR, lemons, vinegar and salt.

Google CLR paste, ignore the reddit posts about scotch-taping paper-towels taped to the tub walls.

Just as paint-thinner cleans grease off of walls, and kills bugs to boot,

MAYBE this next picture might be just a thing (because I don't know what "Just the thing" would be.)

Except, it cannot be shipped (wwwhhaaaaTT??)

ok never fucking mind, I'll uhm keep looking

I haven't actually tried ordering from anyone else.. Would Walmart cancel my card, would Amazon say "There was a problem with your order"?

I'm confused, (insert confusing sentence here)

https://www.theday.com/article/20111106/usr04/111109760 says it might work.

Please see previous blog entries ("ranters", "skeptical," "Hot nuts")
Scrub *anything* hard enough and it's bound to work eventually (*sigh*)

O. OK (whatever) Why can't I get it at CVS/Rite-Aid? Nevermind.
At least amazon has it (I'm not happy but I'm hopeful as hell)

Midis (a rant)


It is possible to hear synthesized angelic choirs coming from a PC, just, you have to read a book first, download tons...

I don't think it's possible to upload a midi here, but it would be fairly pointless, as I've just shown to myself, because unless a person has a decent addon-windows-synthesizer (not the one Microsoft uses)
and also some actual instruments (in a file usually called "something.SF2,") 
it sounds very bland.

One midi I have sounds a lot like the piano player has his hands several inches above the keyboard, slamming down on every note.

Midis don't all have to sound like a bad video-game on Nintendo-64...

Unfortunately for me, I cannot play a piano, not even close.

I wrote about this several years ago, Please google "Ted And Edna's Organ Emporium" for the spoof-commercial.

They sound Awful unless you can ...um,...hmm I don't know.

"Voice ooh's, Choir Ahh's"
But now you have Mp3's (Mp4's, wav's)
And Midi's are the abandoned orphan-child of the 90's...

There's a guy on Youtube who got a group of machines to sing Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody...

Anyway I won't buy a piano, bugs would eat it slowly to death.

There's MUCH better blog (of course there is) demonstrating how crappy but potentially *excellent* midis can sound, if you only know what you're doing!!


sometimes I'd really wish you'd comment!!

If I pontificate that there is no KFC locally (we're this incredibly huge strip-mall basically, with every restaurant you've ever heard of or not, But NO KFC)
You'd counter with the reply that just up the road at the end of the rainbow, there's one.

Or if I say we have drug-stores galore but no vaccines, You'd be flabbergasted, outraged, apoplectic to debate that yes, there's one in the little school (the big school, or a bank.)
(Or "suicide by vaccine" would crawl out of the muck.)

Have you ever had discussions with ranters?
OK my family had ranters, Republican ones, and you learned never to disturb the pristine rants, unsullied by current events.
Only nowadays they can rant from their bunker in Alaska... (Ranters, not my famil...o nevermind)

There's an entire culture online for forums that go ballistic if you disagree with their thread or single post. I'm raised the old-fashioned way, that except for crazy people, most can be reasoned with.
Except my aunt, her brother-in-law, the brother-in-law's kids, 
OK forget what I just said, because you can't argue with the unreasonable or pissed.

But I've ranted long and loud...
Where's the KFC?
Where's the Vaccine?
Where's the KFC WITH the vaccine?

OK what about "with delivery fee" (a heavy one, with gratuity and incentive)

$15 dollars to sit here on my ass and say "Bring on the feast"
"Peel the grapes"

speaking of peeling grapes, (and you already know I cannot do math...I'd have a "learning disability" but I was born before they were invented)
The maximum my Video card can cost is 799.99 + miscellaneous charges.
Just so you know 
(I'm not spending everything away, thanks for your overheard comment, though) and I might save up to increase my maximum budget since nothing is available in my price-range anyway.

The chicken is not as greasy as I remember (love the grease) but it's good!.
So then, Birthdays, Christmas, those times of the year when it's officially OK to be extravagant.

Season's Greetings!!!!

a MUCH better rant follows (it's from a few months ago)
Ecce homo (some would say "ecce mono" but whatever)
I love their commercial and the hot nuts' testimonials...This pic is missing all of the hot nuts.


Wednesday, March 24, 2021

searchapp.exe yada blah whatever

 You can google this well-known error...


Near as I can figure, the little white box on the left-hand-bottom of the windows 10 screen checks online for everything, which (they say) if you disable, should work.

Only it doesn't.

Wanna know what does??

You keep pressing the windows-key and typing some damned letter (eg,"P") into the search box which crashes 6 out of 7 times until it finally stops browsing the internet and pays attention to whatcher typing.

If you follow religiously all the regedits and hocus pocus you'll prolly break something; *My* method is safer.

Welcome to version "21343."

Now, I know that the version-numbers have nothing to do with the real world except maybe some code for the year and the day,,,,(maybe)

but *I* always associate them with past years.

21337: '37 was in the middle of a depression, people went hungry a lot.

21343 '43, in the middle of a biggie war, rationing was in effect, things were hard to buy.

Sound familiar?

(No? OK forget it, nevermind, sorry I brought it up, %$#@)



It's important or insignificant, Doom awaits or I'm flustered for nothing:

Windows is taking an extraordinary amount of time to get to the desktop, it's as if it's waiting or checking for something online. We're talking mere seconds and no one busy enough to actually have something meaningful to do would notice.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Video Madness (it's a title, don't have cows)


选一个 is a train of thought...too long and boring to explain, and unpronounceable for me.
Schwan Gee? Wait I'll google it. Not even close!! Cha Iga maybe.
I'm messing up hearing the little diphthongs...Ch(y)a eeguh ( I give up)

What went down and when I don't know, but it's like a creepy, trendy decoration having the store windows boarded-up.
"Season's greetings", they seem to say.

Customers hanging around conversing, as if waiting, and eventually buying a quart of milk. 
Was something supposed to happen?
Was there a twitter-memo?

I was going to write about how much I dislike coupons, the ones in your mailbox as you arrive home from the store, and the electronic card that Should have had discounts but did not.
And some items cost an outrageous 100% more than they did a month ago...syringes are 70.00 instead of 35, unless their computer was having a bad day.
But what do you care of syringes...what of batteries?
I'm not that good in math so I won't calculate the price difference...they cost tons, OK?
Buy "Amazon", seriously, They get a lot of bad press (from some rich press-owner) but they're the best around right now.


A plague on how hard it is to read their site...
But Anyway...
Notice "GPU Cores" and Also notice "Compute Units"
OK wtf does that even mean? Geez!!!
Not their fault for parroting the marketing lingo.
Lemme see....My processor has 16 cores, 32 if you believe in the power of Marketing.
It has Cache, broken up into little sublets for each core or group of cores.
I just do not know how to equate that to GPU's.
(A GPU is some multi-core thingy that puts out heat.
How MANY cores and how much is marketing, escapes me.
Please read beyond the picture if you're interested in cores. 

CPU vs GPU, apparently they do not charge per core (they didn't until now but whatever)

I need to point out in case you missed it (I did) that a 5900x is a CPU, while a 6800 is a GPU.
In the GPU department, more cores cost more money, with a sort of an insane range...
well anyway, MY 1060 has 10 compute units, while the 6800 has 60.
But, is that marketing?
Huddle 10 preschoolers into a room, vs three 3rd graders in another room. Which group is more productive, is it all magic and mirrors??
I despair...
Nvidia vs AMD and they talk different marketing-languages.
o ^%$# all to hell
Did you notice "Texture Units" in the first picture??!! Mother..!!
and what the fuck is an "ROP??!!" I thought it was a texture-unit.
Or, part of the processor's inner-machinations.
If GPU A has 12 wires, and GPU B has 16-wires, which is more "wiry"?
WRONG! GPU A has fatter wires.
If I had a game I could not play or my card were dying,
The "RX 480" in the first column of the first picture doesn't look too bad...
Maybe the marketing dept. Had a personnel change, didn't cards get *worse* after that??
So how much??
Never-freaking mind

Remember what I said about amazon??
I take back most of it, read this (but if you cannot see it,
They put their imprimatur on a $250 card selling for $900.00)

Remember the TP shortage, the empty-bread shelves??
Fucket. Anyway,
Prepare for the Holocaust/revolution, buy a video-card.

Friday, March 19, 2021

catchy title boring


It doesn't look right either way.

For years (up until recently) My spelling sense tingled whenever I saw a word that's spelled wrong, and I'd browse the spelling rules in my head.

"sceptic" has a silent "c," one rule says. Sounds like "Septic/Scepter," That can't be right.

"Skeptic" looks greek. Can't be right.

Bah Humbug, I'm sckeptical in my old age. But you are all as well. "The second coming" never happened, the war dragged on forever, Trump lost, it's not one thing but a whole bunch of stuff thrown at a person.

So I'm in an elevator, and some guy is stage whispering to his platonic friend that he can't stand the passive smell of my clothes.

He didn't stop to think how insensitive he was, or the overpowering Lysol-type smell, he immediately blamed the smell of cigarettes for the thirty seconds we were in this smelly elevator. You can't legislate decency.

All the history books in the world don't wash away the real estate colors of this place (a non specific area proving at least to me that birds of a feather flock together (it's a meme, look it up)

But the guy, the insensitive guy, could have held his breath for thirty seconds. 

But my point is lost on your point of view, about racism, smoking, political nonsense, why try?

I was only wondering about "Skeptical," BOTH are right, but try saying that at some party.


"Vaccines are dangerous,"

"The benefits outweigh the risks"

"Stop the steal"


But there is a congealing, a "valency", around certain subjects:

Masks are useless; vaccines, dangerous, Trump won, unconstitutional closings, no one needs money.

Masks help, vaccines help, social distancing helps, Trump lost.

I'm not going to lump profile and generalize (I just did but whatever)

So, news from anti-vaxxers heavily invested in theme parks, vs (everyone else)


They know when they'll send my money! O, this is no example, I'm just editing-in a happy update that I'll try to keep skeptical.

They'll send it soon!

Why "soon"? (My given date is redacted, I'm skeptical of my readers), why not "Now" (yesterday?)

OK *now* you *really* got me paranoid...

Will snow White wear a mask, will "Goofy" (the giant cosplayer person)?

It's a non-sequitur-train I got from re-reading this...I suppose Goofy is already wearing a mask, but Snow White only has her makeup to protect her.

Prolly a clear-plastic face shield, right?


My money won't be going to Disneyworld or land.

USG still pissed at China, but more importantly, China is pissed at the US (the mainland country's government, just so we're clear) but Taiwan has vowed to fiercely defend their island from China, and Taiwan is who makes video-cards... (a link, because I needed one or look foolish)

It could be $99.95 and open Beer-cans, it's out of Stock so does it matter?



Stay away from the tar!!

And seafood.

People who say "shhh" with pointy fingers

bombastic "preppers"

touchy feminists

Marriage is overrated.

Did I miss any? Tons.

https://www.etsy.com/market/death_toy, part of a train of thought (what's with pinhead dolls??)

Two notes (more later)

The little buildings in the tar kept reminding me of super-mario, even though I've never actually played that game. I never mentioned it beeeecause, you would all make fun. But now that they brought it up in-game, I guess it's OK.

I want to youtube one of the end scenes, which wasn't really the end, it's like a movie that plays too long. Because First there was that beach-TV show I never watched, "Baywatch", then some incongruous crap about the president...Point being my focus got lost because I was trying to screen-capture a decent picture for this blog, so I missed the transition between "Baywatch" and the scene with Bionic Woman.

Horrible screenshot, I know, but the scene kept changing.

"Stay here," was the last line, and then it all went to shit.

I'm getting a lecture from Deadman (which will finish if my PC doesn't crash, it's on "Pause"


Beaches!! (LoL)

"Luke, I Am the Beach"



O. "Sam's Club" nobody mentioned it, but buying in bulk from a club called Sam's must've been on a writer's mind.

I forgot to google "Sam's Club" and if it exists still.

I prolly forgot 49 other references to places or movies. (edit: five or six titles of what look like movies are in the credits, but "Dr . Strangelove" is the only one I remember)

I predicted the picture below in Chapter 1, it's "Bioshock infinite" all over again, but they wanna put on a lecture-presentation, and I can't save for later (I Can't Save!! "We are in hell")


Run to the white lady...
The Speech

I swear I must have bought the "Director's cut"

Biggie drama speech after the Speech

Post-movie, Lou=Louise, plus "Episode 15"

Tomorrow! I love ya, Tomorrow!

You're only a daaaay awaaay.

NOT The end



Memories were locked for me.

I was beginning to wonder at the pointless futility, the "Good job"-faint-praise with dead eyes from the warehouse-managers. 
For true aficionados of pizza delivery, ghosts and gangs, uh, but it's pointless, go home "Game over" "reset" as Higgs would say.

This game (unfortunately) is damn-interesting ONCE and after that it's like some movie you bought that can be played and replayed forever, but the meaning gets lost.
It turns into "sims" after that.