
Thursday, December 30, 2021

ROTD 2: Tethering

If there's an outage, how would I read that there's an outage?
OTG I don't have their phone (OMG)

 This tethering thing is working from the phone to the PC.
It's only because I have no internet. But
That ethernet-adapter I planned to buy this month...
will it work from the PC to the phone?
No, I'm thinking, it should work from the *router* to the phone.
The router is currently useless, and there is no WAN-usb connection (I don't think)
but with rewiring, the router could get its signal from my phone, which goes to my PC.
Or (if this happened a lot) I could maybe (um) hook up another router with three connections,
the two internets and the current router's WAN (internet) connection.
See? I'm freaking *prepared*, but it costs tons to do it this way.
OK I'm gone til the normal internet comes back.+ The "normal" internet came back!


It's done this in years past, the connection didn't last.
But *This* year, it looks hopeful.
Can't tell you when, can't say where, but it's back, for now.

Since that benchmark above, speed has dropped. 
No biggie, and I'm sure there are tons of pat reassuring answers, 
but I wonder if it's me or the network.

A dirigible (OK not hindenburg-sized) is what I felt like yesterday.
Some well-meaning people gave me cookies.
Too many trains of thought:
Quoth the internet, "Only women get sick (men just shoot something)"
Roseanne Roseannadanna "I thought I was gonna Die"
Why come republicans own all the memes? NVM

and a vaguely related picture
I'll pick "Hormonal shift" for a thousand, Alex

The treatment for soy is, More expensive soy.
Because you haven't really tasted soy until you've tasted our Ultra Soy.
(what  crap. And I mean that)

Millionaire republican scientists at the Mayo Clinic say,
Your donation of 19.95 monthly might save another soy sufferer (prolly, not)

("Should I avoid 'Soy Lecithin' ??")
Whaat?!! Goshno, the money we'd lose, geez.
DIY allergy test:
Buy a candybar (three musketeers) and Svenhard's breakfast rolls.
Eat everything in sight, wait four hours (or so)
Are you-poopy-pants yet?
Avoid soy and soy byproducts and soy-accessories.

The part about antihistamines isn't clear to me yet.
Yes, you have less stomach problems but it's like gassing the security-guards in your body, when the evil bastards trying to take over your body can move in and stage a coup, and *you* end up in the hospital with limb(s) missing.
NIH, they sound honest, hmm

O crap. We are lost.
Abandon shit.

If you are serious about Famotidine-treatment, you should know that it isn't a lifetime panacea but a two-month max solution.
The better thing to do (IMHO) is to find the fucking CAUSE of the duodenal ulcer, or gastritis or whatever,
which COULD be an intolerance to certain foods ((*coff* SOY *coff*)
Strictly anecdotally, my stomach is lots worse now, not better. My fault for not knowing the exact stuff pissing off my stomach and its friends. 
The probiotic/antihistamine industry, BILLLLLions of dollars, are Not eager to find a cure for whatever I've got.
I'll dutifully report it to (u no who🪴) but I am NOT hopeful.
"Exploratory surgery is profitable and lucrative," I might start.
Unless you think that's disrespectful and me trying to tell them how to do their jobs.

If you've been following along (or at least reading the titles,) Heartburn medications can make you more susceptible to allergies, allergy medications make you more susceptible to infection,
 (Then you DIE)

"Soy Lethicin? Bah Humbug"

Unrelated (because I can't afford a lawyer) https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying/agencies/summary?id=135

Monday, December 27, 2021


 Yesterday I wondered what vlan/bridge mode was, and I got way-sidetracked.
A bombastic page later, I regretted all my folderol and erased it.
I must be a grandmother, according to his post.
I miss dd-wrt, I wish Netgear had a better idea of how to have readable menus that made sense.
And I wish I knew what vlan bridges were for.
My experiment (so far) is, anything on the VLAN - bridge thingy is totally dead, wireless or whatever, but the other ports work *fine*.
The wifi network is broadcasting but connections are not allowed (strange.)
I shall now disable vlan, for another year.
https://serverfault.com/questions/802589/putting-android-on-ethernet-network-using-vlan-s (yada yada, ramalamadingdong, vlan is for more evolved beings than myself)

It's a trivial thing (apparently) to add a vlan-tag to windows, but Android won't, or I have not found the right combination of Google-keywords.
If I could, uh,
but hackers could just break into the router and modify my settings....
But my ideal would be, that my PC and one or two other devices would work, and everything else would be dead.
The solution, if there is one, is a carefully guarded secret. You're much more likely to have someone berate you for style, than have any actual usable answer.
He answers MY question, at least...In theory I could make a vlan for my desktop but I should abandon hope for a phone.
(unless...something about "Tagless" comes up occasionally, but then they start talking switches.)
A vlan that would be my private island to the internet, all wireless and stuff, appears to be a dream for now.

Saturday, December 25, 2021


So my Uncle got the definition wrong. He used it to chastise little kids, in a gentle-jolly sort of way.
*I* grew up thinking it was an endearment, like "you little shit" but cleaner.
Well, anyway.
I told myself these entries should never be "Live"-spur-of-the-moment, 
In-posthumous (I can't think of the word, "Extemporaneous?" BRB)

"off the cuff"

But that's my trademark style, make stupid guesses backed up with links
("Make guesses stupidly," "Make guesses inoccuously" (2 n's) "Innocuously")
Because you don't care (you never cared about the process, You only care about the *results*.)

My Uncle, dead these seven years,  (That's all I've got so far)
died much older than santa claus, younger than George Burns.
I'm guessing it was because George was very rich, and my uncle wasn't.
Fascinated with trivia, his life was trivial, and yet without his life many people would have been affected, including mine.
So in that sense, he had a wonderful life (It's true if you squint and imagine real hard)

I left out the part about the noise on the roof and wondering what was the matter, to hear such clatter (The water heater and its minion the pump are silent as the grave)
Nah! Lumbago.

visions of sugarplums dancing.

Don'tcha hate it when your best efforts are jokes to assholes who joke?
Maybe they were raised that way.
I submit "America's funniest home videos" as proof.
So this next bit is no effort, and if it was, it would look like Wikipedia.
The whoosh on the far-away highway is back, but it's missing the low-pitched roar it usually has.
Does it sound like a deskfan?

I also surmise (whatever the word is) that soap dispensers were designed to fill the hole in a sink.
There are choices: A dishwasher-vent, a sprayer, or a soap dispenser.
Someone long ago must've invented the four-hole sink (a Faucet used to need three, but mine only needs one) with faucets designed to cover the holes your setup didn't need, but that fourth hole (I think) was originally for dishwashers.
Someone somewhere has invented plastic (chrome?) caps to cover sink-holes, but sprayers and soap dispensers are so much more profitable.
That was an ROTD, not some wiki-style article, hmm.
Try not to laugh too loud
Even Wiki is missing (under the heading "Adoption") anything about when dishwashers at home were trendy. I'm gonna guess "60's" but I might be off by ten years, one way or the other.
(It's sorta like looking up when color TV or Microwave-ovens became popular, they'll quote history-of-the-world stuff til you drop off to sleep.)
Color-TV, 1964. Microwaves, 1974 (or so). Dishwashers, ?? (But that's from foggy memory) 

Thursday, December 23, 2021


 People who draft blogs...I don't see it, unless they're not really blogs, they're hoping to be articles on Google's front page.

Speaking of Google's front page, it looks pretty normal now that all the politicians are taking time off.


"hot women (beware of)" would be the title of a blog I only started researching five minutes ago.


"FOAD (Be careful what you Wish-for/say out loud (in texts)" but that title is spurious unfounded and probably untrue.

define "Hot"?

This blog-drafty-entry is brought to you by scrooge and his stomach.

*MY* stomach received something it didn't like and you're reading the results.

Dying puppies (link-photo TBA)
Bad at math but 800,000 is less than a third of the donations, assuming everyone is honest.
2.4 Million in donations, assuming only the above.
(Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses??)
I like scrooge more and more, except maybe his politics.
Plus it isn't 2.4 million, more like 274 million.

Dyyyying puppies.
So cold.

Wounded war veterans
The other veterans
The kids (something-something orthopedic)
The other kids (Cancer)
Kids at bus stops ("silent night")
For only 19.95 puppies kids and veterans and PBS
That's $120 a month (Polar bears, elephants are extra)
And the free coffee cup, the blanket and the t-shirt, and you'll be funding more commercials for eternity,

Other than less taxes and looking cool in your mansion, I'm not sure I see the point.

The next time you're feeling guilty leeching "Mrs Marple" in between solicitations, remember that your donation wouldn't pay for their lunch. Maybe there's some law saying charities must ask for money, but they certainly don't need it.

1.9 billion vs 100k, accounting magic

Sunday, December 19, 2021

dynastic (a note)


and T-mobile

Paramount says you can get showtime through them, along with paramount's stuff, for 9.99 monthly.

T-Mobile offers Paramount free, says nothing about Showtime.

(I seriously do not know)

"What is the Paramount+ for one year ON US offer?"

"Starting November 9, 2021, active T-Mobile and Sprint Postpaid customers can claim a year of Paramount+ Essential monthly plan ON US - just for being our customer.
This offer is only available for the Essential monthly plan and cannot be applied to any other Paramount+ Subscription plan."


I'll pass (I think)

But this sounds nice.

Today on Google's front page is an article about cell-phones and poor people.
It says T-Mobile and Sprint were being sued in New York for some vague thing I didn't really understand.
My situation is different anyway: rather than pay fees and activation costs, I opted for a "Free" phone which chains me to T-Mobile for two years. So the no-contract contract is still a contract.
The main thrust of the article seems to be that low-tier employees are required to have cell phones.
(To get the texts that tell them to go to work.)

I wish someone would write about the economy of video-cards.
It's too profitable to sell $2000 video cards for whatever reason they can think up, than to sell reasonably priced ones. Has anyone done a profit-margin study on Video-cards?
Unless maybe there's a scheme afoot to eliminate PC's to sell more laptops and cell phones.

PC's need only an adapter, a card, a dongle...I wonder if someone will invent video built into monitors.
It's too vague an idea for me to go into.
But you couldn't "Cuda" or "Phys x," you could only output a packet of video data that the monitor turns into a picture (like maybe TV does already) but I'm thinking out-loud and probably have the concept wrong.
 But if they can "text" pictures from space, you'd think they could do it to a monitor.


The news is so overwhelmingly slanted towards casual remarks made by politicians, this article was mostly buried. Not that it's so great of a story as stories go, but I get the idea that news is just propaganda manipulated by a few to aggrandize their power.

I'm supposed to say something christmassy.
Well, shit, the marketed reality or just plain reality? Kids pretending to be independent will fly back home to their nests.
Charities will bulk up on commercials, wwp dav etc.
Drag out Mariah Carey and old cartoons
 (she was 25, the cartoon I'm thinking about was maybe from 1932)
OK I lost my train. 
Scrooge, the grinch and a few others I can't remember (eg, "Aunt Kitty" to whom the kitties sing in the cartoon)
Had lives way before they became all saintly.
So if you're alone at christmas, join the zillions.
The magic dies once you're eight.
And how many times can people fly in from [Guam] to surprise you?
(Were you surprised or divorced now?)
People make fun.
(well, they do).
But think of it, Scrooge was getting richer.
Fran (Fan, Fern,) his sister was dead, and his girlfriend Belle wanted to be rich magically, with scrooge being led around by the nose.
.I..I forgot the rest, something about crowded airports, shootings, people drinking champagne and toasting airline profits with you freezing waiting to board or for a cab.
Being rich, being under 8, yeah Christmas is for them, and pretty organ music while the basket gets passed around.
I don't know the definition of "Tinsel" does it have anything to do with tawdriness? Falseness?
Pretend to be happy or scar the under-eight-year-olds
(damned tinsel-eaters)
for life
(endless generations of the embittered and the permanently depressed.)

Math class Or something

 Don't read this, unless you like being confused.
Drug-dealer-chic video explains...something.

Wait, so a guy pays $90 a month for T-Mobile, and that's a deal?
"Maxup", isn't that the same thing as internet (with whatever name you want to add)?
"Hotspot", that's so some nicer device than your phone can have internet, right?
I'm paying a huge chunk (50) 
they have these add-ons, see?
Yeah, like 500G of Google storage for $5 (ok)
2TB of "Google one"storage for $10.
"What? You must have misread.",
 Yeah, prolly.
The normal price is the same, why bother with T-Mobile?? (I'm confused)

If T-Mobile wanted access to your google drive, you could sign up through them....But, uhm,
no, nevermind (just thinking out-loud)

Microsoft's version costs more

And there's this whole max-thing.
yada "Hotspot" (on top of your 5gb freebie, or maybe instead of)
Hotspot in my case, being "Tethering" as opposed to having two internet providers.

But Wait! 
It gets more technical....
WHY not just order a modem for $50 a month and forget tethering???
I don't know, Why?
Tethering ("Hotspot") is cheaper, isn't it?

I have a free 5gb of hotspot, and I could pay 
$10 for 15gb.
or $15 for 40-gigs
or $25 for 50-gigs
I don't have a calculator that does algebra...
Plus they keep changing the name of the service:
Maxup Data(40)=$15

Magenta15 to Maxup(40) is five dollars (15*2+10 allotment of data)
but after that, they sort of get stingy, maxup(40) to (50) is a whole $10,
not (uh) (eg) 40*2+10=90, for $10 more.
In other words, Maxup(50) is seriously a bad deal compared to the others, I think.
Maxup Data looks best (But I am terrible at math.)

I am seriously suspicious that "maxup Data"
are different besides just the name, because of the word "data" thrown in there.

I wonder then, why the different names.

None of this matters much unless you suddenly get cravings for 4K videos...his teeny-tiny video plays well over my Wifi, um, but that's a different subject.
No, Keep your 4k, I only want tethering for my behemoth of a PC.

So... The modem from them sounds good, BUT...
It's a whole $50,  WORSE than Maxup(50)!!
So it's, uhm, the math is wrong.

Some inner-voice reminds me that data-SPEED might be involved somehow, but the blurbs I'm reading do not mention speeds, only in fine print it says that whatever speed you get is purposefully Slowed if you go over your allotment.

The reliability of an internet connection, and the overall speed, are not really factors, when I choose an ISP, it's more of a monthly-cost thing.
Because sure, one single internet-provider can fail, and it's nice having a backup, but only people with OCD, or a girlfriend, or some server-setup, would care if internet went out for an hour every month or so.
Annoying but not worth worrying about.
Our last power failure, my phone's internet didn't work, I thought, but it started working, and then the power went on, so it's probably something I did.
(My wifi was out, so of course it didn't work, until I switched to the phone-network)

My PC goes through a router with a very-thin firewall (better than nothing.) 
The phone...gets...hooked directly to the phone-network, no thin firewall. (Unless I use Wifi, etc)
My hardwired ISP with my hardwired router to my hardwired PC might be better than some wifi/phone thing with a pissed-off neighbor hacking me because my friends park in his space (or I took the last brunch-doughnut, whatever.)
From what I've heard, you sort of hack into people's networks to have something to gossip about, as if it was an everyday thing no one gets in trouble for (like torrent, spreading rumors, etc)
So....I'm talking myself out of changing to anything that isn't cable (Unless they can hack that too, easier, I don't actually know)
Hardwired FTW

But...(lemme see) any data that is NOT wifi-connected, will be charged to my account!!
Yeah I'm reading my phone's setup-menu, and it sure looks that way.
"Ethernet Tethering", "USB Tethering", OK I am not sure but if you have to enable it for it to work...
But then "mobile Data" is "Off," so....
without using ICS in windows, I could just hook to my router.
Once the router accepts it (details, details) and I punch-up my browser, THEN what?
Not sure. Would it treat it like it would Wifi, or do I have to "tether" and pay, and pay??

And quit parroting (*rawr!*) that I don't know what I'm talking about, why else would I write these?
I'm missing commenters, so it looks strange.
You read these, 
others do too, 
but people who comment on absolutely everything, never comment here.
I haven't found the switch.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

pride and prejudice (IDK, it's 11PM)

 So they took machines, smart ones, and tried to teach them to hire people.

But they ended up being prejudiced, or the programmers were prejudiced (only they didn't know it)

Consider for a moment the famous people named "Jared" and something about sports.

Sporty people named Jared might be good workers, say some.


train of thought, back to front:

I wrote two separate entries about this, which went on about nice eyes, and I think there's a blog-entry in here somewhere about the shape of a face being used to profile people.
The two entries were erased quickly because they looked (*could* look) prejudiced, and I'm not all that sure about this one.
"Nice" eyes, define "Nice" (for example.)
Stereotypical Swoon material (it's his makeup)
Who is your uncle, and who is Satan Incarnate(TM)?
Hard to choose (and I am NOT going to help)

And the entries (they're gone now) argued that, at least on women, eyes can be manipulated with makeup to project a certain image.

Bold And Beautiful

OK, back to whatever I wrote last week:
PS how do you program your own subjectiveness into a computer?
And should you?
The way an applicant shakes your hand, the way they're dressed, the numerical score on some vague test having very little/nothing to do with their job (because the test is for a large company, not one single department)
"Do Microwaves travel in straight lines or do they bounce up and down, in a waveguide" for example, or complicated circuitry solutions, 
That and a calculator give you the answer
to question 7 (which is in pictogram form)

might not judge an assembler or a tester's abilities.
And passing those tests, you might still fail the handshake/dress-code. Do you reek of tobacco, are your teeth covered with coffee stains? You didn't just have a beer (OMG) etc.

Random Pics ripped off of Google
Random Blog off of Google (RBog?)

If we know how to cozy up to AI, ...

Let's see,,,

Find out which brand of machines they use, study up on those machines

(Were they inculcated by feminists, or black caucuses, white farmers, indigent students,
brown-nosers looking for gold-stars, or "Mr. Burns"?)

"There's something wrong with him," "I wouldn't hire him"

Monday, December 13, 2021


 I considered the title "In Petto" but that just sounds creepy.
It's about my sewer being possessed, or at least not "on" 24/7,
 like all sewers should be.
Then a train-of-thought hit me that nowadays we expect our internet to be always on, 24/7, or we're pissed.
Is the internet like a sewer?
Then the train ended abruptly, because it could be compared to a gas line, or steamy heat as well.
So nevermind.

Shall I compare it to a bottomless-well that isn't bottomless anymore?
It costs money to unclog, and 'tis the season to raise the rent.

Someone's reading this, I swear...the internet cut me off as soon as this was uploaded.

Possessed-sewer that has the power to kill.
Actually it was being possessed by tree roots, temporarily roto-rooted (I don't know how long it takes roots to grow.)
I wonder about the totally destroyed pipe bleeding under the lawn.

I'm, um, My digestive system never closes. You can't know what that means, except if you imagine sitting above a possessed sewer, you might get a clue.

says the water-heater, And you already know what the internet says (because I just told you.)
"Something wicked this way comes
doesn't really cover it, but it's all I've got.
I can't stop looking at candles...I gotta say, my choices so far have been duds, they don't smell for jack, and the one I bought from Amazon sits in a tin can, so it isn't romantical nor smelly.

I like this one, kind of:
Patchouli and Whut??

What if I hate "Balsam"?

But OK, I've got the brand.
Not much money though.

I've been told, I'm doing it wrong.
Wax warmers are trendier. I think, maybe safer.
Plus they're designed to smell (or what would be the point)
It's not science, it's a faith-based Calling! OMG!!

But no, it's all too expensive right now, and I don't think I want "Seabreeze."

c-could you add wax cubes to a candle?
Just a thought, smell with none of the bullshit.
Soy must be the new EVOO, promoted by the soy-council.
Why else would Bob Vila have a similarly worded blurb about how good soy is.
I'm allergic to soy, and I do not know if smelling Soy triggers a response, but candle-companies mention allergies.
It isn't easy finding a paraffin candle.
Everyone says Paraffin is better for smells.

This won't go over well with the hoity-toity crowd, the ones who pay extra to get their kids in the right schools.
Fucket, it's how I feel, and this is my blog.
Apple-cinnamon must've been banned, along with Rose and Lemon, They're anathema and in their place are vague smells. Flowery smells.
Unless you're a man (what hypocrisy) and then you're supposed to buy oak.
I still like my patchouli and the other thing (balsam) sounds like the smell of a desk, so OK.

Plus, tax, Plus shipping, (OMG)
That, uh, "31-oz", does that count the heavy bowl? (omg)

There's always some bright-bulb every couple of years who shoves a router down the throat of his toilet, shooting the shit out of mine.
And in that spirit, to avoid a brown-disaster that will need candle-therapy for years to come, I hope someone calls, soon, or I call, but half the time whatever they do doesn't work past a few hours or days.

The somethings I ate (or maybe it's just slow death) are causing me to inflate like a balloon.
"Sepsis," google says.
"Just drink ginger tea," google says.
How in hell would they know if it's "Sepsis" and not just Diverticulitis???
Because, ya know (I'd be great at parties) I've been told I have diverticulitis, they even have an x-ray somewhere. 
WHY can't they just, um, do exploratory surgery?
Seeing a doctor is like joining "Fight club", there are strict rules.
You could DIE if you infer (because, Google) that you know more than the houseplant they call a primary doctor.

PPSS (addendum, amendment, ROTD:)

If someone gives you an online "credit card" can you use it to (I don't know...) Buy a pizza, or must it be something online?
Wait, you can buy pizzas online, but that's not what I meant.
I'm guessing you can't use it to buy gifts from the 99c store.
No, they'll (prolly) give you a number, and a supersecret (uh) shorter number (it has a specific name but I forgot it) and the easiest thing to do is buy something from Amazon.
Or pay the phone bill.
(O yeah, the phone bill!! Righteous!!)

Gah! Yogurt-good, yogurt-bad all the advice-giving hosts on talk-shows are overweight. Thou shalt eat EVOO, and sometimes, yogurt. We haven't invented it yet but we will, non fattening yogurt with EVOO from heaven.

It's the yogurt, ban the yogurt

There is ONE cook on tv I'd totally believe, even though I know she's a satellite for the olive-oil council (they've gotten to everyone)
PS Avocado Oil rules. It's a freaking lifesaver.
Now (be honest) when's the last time anyone peeped about avocado oil??

Someone  (SamWan) Delaurentis (I'll find her and edit this)
Giada De

Her kitchen is to die for, so is she, and I believe anything she says (but only for a minute until the commercial on the shows I watch are over)
