
Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Feeling whatever II

 My stomach is totally pissed at me, the sausages had many flavorful ingredients that it doesn't approve of.
Can it be compared to a naggy girlfriend? 
Assuage it using many medications 
(maybe I oughta lay off the "Girlfriend" comparison, 
in this day and age I might be burned as a witch)

So, I've got time to think about the whole debt-thing and social security.
Warning: History-of-world sentence or two follow:
The 17th is the cutoff date for a social security check the following month, I've been told.
If they had enough money on the 17th (of May,) June is assured.
I cannot speak about July, though.

This train left and I watched it go. Something about the exact date I'd need to worry beyond, but nvm.

 Politicians will continue to be paid, and showboat until midnight of the last possible day, which (doing some algebra) is way before the 17th of June, so *July* is assured.

My stomach is *not* assured, and last year I got pneumonia right about this time.
No real reason why, except maybe (I can't remember) my stomach messed up the rest of my body. (My lungs, my foot, etc)
Stomachs are real important, they're the pissant politicians of the body.

Politicians want to hobble the IRS, That's a biggie for them, beeeecause they become millionaires and they don't really want to be known for that.


I don't keep up on news about taxes on the wealthy...Joe Manchin opposed it.
I'm all like, Nah, nowhere but the twilight zone do wealthy pay their fair share, but that's a total guess, because I don't keep up.

Let the hoi polloi use Turbo tax, they'll use a higher authority.
The few, the proud, the IRS should focus more on them, or (eventually) die...
It's a self preservation thing.
ROTD (it's related, sort of)
Mike Huckabee likes to remind viewers that he Used to be a politician.
I idly wondered just how many commercials he is in, and the answer came back pretty quickly.
Now, I'd like to wonder how much of those commercials go to taxes, but I wouldn't want to cast aspersions on one of the next presidential candidates (prolly).
Do they pay him or a superPAC? It's all in my head so far...

You could probably find a generic picture of something, (better than I can,) the press does it constantly. A politician (a good or a bad one) Laughs, shakes someone else's hand, and suddenly an entirely different context is born around the picture.
Remember my stomach being pissed at me?
Not my stomach.

Monday, May 29, 2023

Feeling peckish

 "Being hungry" as a title is insulting to hungry people.
My stomach is sleeping fitfully after a bad week.

My wish: That there's a sale on hamburger meat because of the holiday,
But hamburger is so precious it needs filler. $6 a pound is cheaper than $10, if you're digging deep for something nice to say. IDK.


I cannot eat most of those recipes, although one of them reminded me that they make fake bacon...Mostly I'm totally sick of pasta.
Potatoes take forever to cook. But Mashed potato with bacon-bits and tons of beef?
If the bacon bits are just soy, garlic and onion in disguise to look like Jehovah's witnesses, nevermind. 
And I don't even know what aisle the bacon bits are on...


Avocados are way overpriced, don't taste like much.
I buy them anyway, I'm always hopeful. But they consistently disappoint.

Hamburger, uhm, oh, maybe a can of bush's baked beans.
Or rosarita-brand beans, vegetarian ones, with a TON of cheese on top.

I wonder if hot-dogs mixed in with the hamburger and the beans would be good...Hot dogs are also very expensive, almost not worth it.
Ground sausage to mix with the hamburger and beans, for flavor.
Maybe those hot-link fat sausages all cut up...
People go to the meat section the same way they go to a bookstore, browsing but rarely buying.
The meat-guy comes out to stand there,
It's way more crowded than it needs to be.
But you'll find me there, buying something.
Eggs? (to mix with the hamburger, sausage, beans?)
Extremely lean beef is supposed to make up for the astronomical prices.
I'm um, (the train of thought ran away)
Damn near anything substituting for beef is nearly as expensive, so what's the point, may as well buy the real thing.

Murder-mayhem takes second banana to one pissed-off guy on a committee (They're *really* milking this whole debt-thing)
But at least one article says, people are killing each other more than they did last year.
High-prices, high-wages, it's a vortex. (A spiral?) No one gives a shit apparently (no headline anywhere talks about higher prices)
I want my biggie-bowl of meat, then I'll crawl back to my hovel and let yourselves shoot whatever.
The disembodied voice remarked that you'd need a job to get the high wages to counteract the high prices.
"Stay Hungry, My friend" seems like an appropriate end to this bullshit entry

Saturday, May 27, 2023

ATX 3.0 (yeda bleh mmff hmm)


I started watching a YouTube video from Australia try to explain ATX 3.0, and got something from a math class.

Does your video card *already* operate on the hairy-edge of power requirements?
Marketing blurbs (written by mathematicians) say that in a new standard, a typical 3.0 supply could up the power to accommodate voltage spikes from a video card.

Makes ya wonder why they don't just design cards with well behaved limits that do not spike, 

I'm not done but there isn't much else to add except for reboots and power-downs being common around here that I cannot duplicate on purpose; or record or document, it's too brief.
Something is set wrong! Something hasn't been bought!
duh, IDK Let me browse your wares.

EPS 2.x vs ATX is explained (not) by


and if you're into exegesis you might conclude that they are mutually exclusive.
Whether that's true I wouldn't know, since I use both. The BIGGIE connector is ATX, and the (two) little ones labelled "CPU."

I had some time to kill so I wondered.

850W (what I have now) with extra bling for voltage spikes, yeah, you've piqued my interest.

WTF is "shift"??
IDK, cheaper than seasonic, uh, 
Not to be confused with RM1000E, which is for the great unwashed, the plebs, the uneducated (???!!)
(wait, some nice person might have compared the two, but don't wait up)
Well, *apparently* RM1000x is cheap-ass but once it's mounted I won't care.
That's looking at the *side*, not the back, like normal upright church-going supplies since the dawn of time...

I'm adding that my cable-installation looks exactly like the above, only messier.
The cables press up against the plastic-window, and if you're into hiding the cables, forget that.
But they are correct when they say that the cables are much easier to access.

Two different models.
(godrics heart, ^%$#@)

Only 2 PCIE cables get some users' panties in a bunch; I (think that I) only need two. 
No wait, they're shills or moles: The factory sealed supply has SIX connectors, Two of them are on a Y-Cable (five cables, six connectors)
 of ATX 2.0 (no dinky pins)
Three spares, two installed... and is the rightmost cable in my pic
*another* Y cable? That makes *Seven* connectors total (right?)
Too late to check.
I'll find some site

Two Connectors, NOT ATX3.0 (more like 2.0)
What else...well, I'm here so obviously it works.
But I need to check BIOS, the PC sounds too quiet (!)
If your monitor is slightly Dim, I apologize for the black-on-black picture, but trust me, it's two atx (mmff) versions.

Some guy somewhere wrote that the PSU craps out at 1135-watts...if that's true, wtf is the "ATX3.0 (ready)" for??
I won't really notice and the PC won't care I bought this model, and there is no way to test it, not really. A let-down, kind of.

Without any external equipment,
I'll never be able to know what a "Spike" is
or how much it demands of the power supply.
Some guy wrote that with his super fantastic power-eating card,
he never got above 600-plus Total watts
(I'm going on memory), 625, 650.
This next pic is even more conservative 
Gilding the pig

But then there are the loch-Nessie spikes.
I couldn't write anyone, nor talk in any forum,
without having a better supply,
because Some guy would bombast a bromide about power-supplies,
and this is my "defendo" spell.
The same mostly, but lots quieter
(but the panels are off, so...)
Changing the most piddly setting in BIOS in a microscopic way is like punching a friend in the arm, they wake up for a bit.
(Or something, IDK)

BIOS readings (from supply to supply) are identical, which means the motherboard's regulators are doing their job.
"12.000V" so cool

Uhm, but it's eerily quieter. Did I forget a fan? 
The bugs are restless, you might be reading soon how this died suddenly...
The CPU is ridiculously cool in this 80F degrees-plus room.
34C? Ridiculous.
My eyes were deceiving me, it's a steady "35" now.
By comparison, it never used to go below 39 before and usually stayed on "40"
 I'm specifically asking Google if modern power supplies (as opposed to 2009 or so) are quieter because of some ATX or EPS design.
I never heard an answer back.
ONE site claims to know but all his charts and graphs are gone,
and everything else he says is filler, history-of-world stuff.
I don't know if this is relevant (not being an engineer) but once I replaced the Ballast on a fluorescent light fixture with a new trendy high-frequency ballast, which was (I forgot what it was or why.)
Maybe it was quieter.
And Tom of tom's hardware (I think it's them) claim they dislike the capacitors inside my cables.
Hey, whatever helps!!
Capacitors are usually there to destroy "Ripple" which can be heard as hum (high or low frequency), so, biggie guess, they lessen the hum.
*My* cables are corsair type-5, which may or may not actually *have* capacitors, he might have been speaking about a slightly different version.
I'll keep an eye out for the real reason....

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Biased (I know you are but what am I)

Put some chili on it, extra spicy

 Google isn't biased, you are, says the little blurb teasing the article you can't read unless you pay for it.

OK explain this, top of the toppest news, the highest up on google:

This train of thought below (not above) is from the cat-loving, wellness aficionados (all female) on the web (Pick a disease, only women get it, but especially tummies)


Pay for your bullshit...I'll find a better bullshitter first.

Satanic rituals...sounds familiar. Wasn't some satan worshipper going on about dog-abuse in a forum? 
Anyway People make up shit and get famous. Zillllllions in profit.
And there you are looking stupid with your gun in your hand because of something someone made up.

R2-US5-IV (trust me, it matters to someone somewhere) I woke up and one of the keys was stuck, a control key, I think (alt or ctrl)
And I'm a lot poorer than when I bought the keyboard, and Amazon doesn't sell this model.
WHY does "Das Keyboard" truly suck?
Double-types (ddoouubbllee tyypees)
That's it, my keyboard seems to work ok now and I get to avoid the dreaded DAS for another year.
Realforce forever (bzzzzt)
And it has not been a good night for the videocard...several powerdowns so I lowered the GPU-clock very slightly, 2368 to 2350. B I Ggie guess.
Then windows updated itself, so I ran the obligatory 3dmark, which I do after every update. There were a few versions of update last year that would really slow down my old card.
"Great" yeahbutt,why??
One minute it's imploding, the next it's stellar.
Does this sound like a relationship-thing?
It's Friday, if that's any clue.
A bitmap kills (killed) the computer, that's a little extreme, don'tcha think??

Twilight-zoneypi+-- (killing teeny bugs) picture, but it's PNG.
convert it to BMP at your peril.
Hours later, pleading and imploring and stroking (the clock, 2360)
It finally relented and came up with the same result.
Major- things that really make a difference, I have no clue about.

But a guy wonders, those bombasticating
 they get 22,000 on their score, are they full of it or did I miss a setting?
Or were they parroting a marketing blurb (a "leaked" one)

I can't remember much, or I would list the pointless dead-end quests in my game.
The girl pleading for help everytime you pass her is one. Apparently she cheats at some game, so someone hid her playing pieces.
And an old Lady wants to know what happened to her brother, but he's undead and beyond help, and do I really need to tell her that I had to kill him because he's a nosferatu now?
Let her grow old and eventually die in peace.
What else...there's more I'm sure.
The statue-quest comes close to being pointless but it at least teaches lockpicking.
I wanna (I so wanna) skip the whole beast management thing.
It has two biggie parts, and the first part is tolerable, and the second part is extremely boring.
The game hints at maybe needing it, due to a requirement of "Nuanced" knowledge of beasts. (IDK)
Insert Line here about Nihilism and predestination.

Nothing Matters (Nothing)

I've gotten the vague feeling throughout the years, that game writers and the companies who support them, try to emphasize how inadequate your card is, usually lacking memory or anisotropic filtering.
Benchmarks crawl like turtles for the same purpose.
well anyway, it's too-too vague a feeling to write a whole entry about.
Way-way-way overdone or awesome?
I asked the same thing about the subway stations in a nearby city.
(Especially one where people never go to wait for a train, they could be killed by madmen)
(Link needed...nvm)

Tuesday, May 23, 2023


 This is one of those throw-away entries...
I wanna know why anisotropic filtering is so useless to me.

I've enabled "Depth of field" and "Motion Blur" because some site said to.
Anisotropic is a heavily pushed feature by shills...it doesn't do jack except it makes 3dmark perform lower.

No, what's important to my game and my card, are those canned-scenes they have where conversations take place that I have no control over, Dark/black scenes have artifacts.
In the actual playable part of this game, the artifacts are gone.
OK Say that Player and some friend are discussing the meaning of life for a minute or two, her black hair starts artifacting.
But when she goes back to the game (gathering mushrooms) her hair is just fine.

I suspected, I think it's an improper setting for the game. But which one?


If you wait around for the credits, acknowledgement is given to Nvidia but in my version, nothing at all is said about AMD. I would like to think that after twenty (at least) years, there'd be standards no matter the brand, But biggie brands promote their own standards.
My own monitor is an example...it's an Nvidia-style monitor and my card won't use features because of that (Something inconsequential, adjustable frame rates.)
Rather than have a standard, the Big three push their own versions of frame-rate adjustment, and there is no switch on the monitor to change from one brand or another.
My bombastic point might be, that those little black-on-black squares might be an nvidia vs AMD thing...But I'll keep poking around at settings and maybe one day I'll discover the right one. I have a clue:

Texture quality (in my game's setting) set higher eliminates a lot of artifacting but really heats up the card.
Can I stand the piddly artifacts and enjoy the coolness?
Who's to know?

I'm just learning about TAA (Temporal anti aliasing.)
I feel like I'm watching a low-budget whodunit and trying to figure out the bad-guy (in a whodunit Everyone looks guilty,) but yeah, "TAA" is something to look at or blame, I don't think I can turn it off and there are no other options.
But this'll get edited if a new breakthrough is discovered.

Official Shill's answer (Buy something)

Why people suddenly go "Postal" after social networking....

I have a burning house problem. O well, I'll wait til it rains. SOLVED

Post-graduate schoolwork:
I don't know if breeding animals requires you to stay in the vivarium for the timer to keep going. If you leave, does the timer freeze til you get back?
You're prolly thinking I should "Find out" by leaving for a bit but that would potentially prolong the boring process.
This whole breeding thing was for people doting on cats anyway...They have entire TV channels dedicated mostly to cats, so this is no surprise.

Player cannot sit down ever, nor take a nap, (and it's in a very wet swamp anyway)

Friday, May 19, 2023

The videocard (and friends)


I find out early on that you cannot avoid people's evil schemes, that they won't help break into dungeons. They might pretend to cast a spell or two after you've slaughtered the lot.

You're supposed to save birdies, and the evil men arrive to thwart your plans.

The good guys (a girl and some biggie horses) stand there (just stand there) while you wear out your thumbs and arthritic fingers.


This ROTD Non-sequitur is to do with directx12 ray-tracing in Hogwarts Legacy... The poor card tilts at directx-windmills until it's super-hot (75c) to no perceptible purpose. I mean, yeah, it works, but at what cost?
I turned raytracing off.

Today I'm in the undercroft, looking at shadows. 
The part where those little black boxes are, are in exactly one single area, all the other shadows are unaffected, and it's plenty shadowy down there.

Best guess
If we were writing about columns, someone would ask,
"Doric or Corinthian?(Ionic??)"
And if it were a refrigerator color, "Beige or white or stainless?"
Beeeeeeeeeeeeecause there are an infinite amount of blowhard best-guessers out there.

MY blowhardiness: Changing only voltages and *nothing* else affects the speed of my videocard (and keeps the computer from rebooting or shutting down)

So we know there are limits, but within those limits are optimal settings, 
Which you only get from reading endless bombasts.

Right this exact second I'm changing VDDP to what it was yesterday, .93
(don't wait up) 0.935

Whoa, that helped tons! Geez.
It isn't ideal because I don't know what "ideal" is,
but 0.900 was low,
0.930-0.935 is better.

There are maybe 5 or six adjustable voltages, and it's like walking on a narrow sidewalk overlooking a cliff (or in my case, a curb that drops six-inches.)
Those voltages *seem* all right, but I don't know.


This setting's wrong, My original settings worked better.
Raising VDDG-CCD to 0.930 *and*
Raising VDDG-IOD to 0.970 or, 40mv-higher, helped.
Let's add "Lumpy" to the description of the narrow sidewalk.

For the record, listed under "curious and quaint," 
turning OFF "global c-states" killed the speed, 
putting it back to "enabled" made it OK again.
Overclockers live by different sets of rules, 
and maybe this is one where I should ignore one telling me to disable it.
(Not that I know what the hell it is or how it would affect speed)
No one (I looked) seems to know what "Chipset CLDO" is 
(as opposed to cldo-anything else, like vddp etc)
And maybe it's motherboard brand-specific.
Yes we've all heard that the default is "1.2" but I don't know if *lowering* it from the default is helpful or just a snipe-hunt.
Go fry some eggs
Yeahbutt, what is it? He changed two things, colonel Mustard and Miss Peacock.
IDK (speed's OK)