I can't get an answer from the internet about windows image backup, which the program (on my windows 11) has a little label saying "Windows 7".
OK first off, um, wtf does backup have to do with "windows 7"?
Anyway, skipping to the heart of the matter:
I usually erase my portable hard drive and then start a new backup.
This has worked well in the past.
I am gambling *now* that windows is smart enough to erase older files it doesn't need on a disk with cramped space.
So instead of stopping a backup midstream, it would just, do some inscrutable thing (compare old files, erase old backups, whatever)
Today I was hoping for confirmation either way.
Well it started normal enough, telling me it backed up the EFI and then the C: drive.
But when it got to the D: drive, it just said, "Saving the backup."
I already knew you were doing a backup....
Anyway eventually it said the backup completed successfully.
Yeahbutt...is my "D:" drive current?
Or am I fooling myself into a false sense of security.
I checked the disk I backed up to, and it seemed to have a nice list of inscrutable files, dated today.
If, back in the stone age / dark ages they weren't brain-dead and unenlightened,
they would know to erase old back-up versions to free up room.
If the latest kid-wizzes at Microsoft aren't unschooled, they would know how to update a venerable program.
But that's a LOT of "if's."
I want virtual supermarket shopping, please.
Like "Google maps street view" except for the aisles of a supermarket.
Instead of forcing you to have a list, you could browse the aisles.
I don't really know if this would catch on...*I* would love it, but how would it work, *How* would evil people corrupt its purpose to steer you towards their products?
Real aisles are crowded with boxes designed to make you slow down.
Virtual ones would doubtless have ads spamming you every few seconds.
Anyway I still think it could work.
You'd know to look for the bug-spray on aisle 3, the tater tots on the northwestern section of the enormous frozen food aisles (The frozen food aisles are growing, I swear)...
Long train of thought redacted (Alabama where a prisoner was executed, and another prisoner was freed for lack of evidence)
Meaux-Green, Meaux Rocca, Meaux (the Lawn)??
An ad to go with the tooth implant ad.
I blog it, it becomes an ad.
The defunct Herald Examiner was less snooty than the Times, I'm told, but a permanent labor dispute (They would die before submitting to the union)
killed the paper, and now a rich Asian guy owns the Times and is having Labor problems.
Whatcha wanna guess he'll dump a LOT of workers in favor of AI?
Whatever happens, I'm real sick of ads begging for money.
My body hates fried tater-tots, it raised holy blood-sugar hell.
Or maybe it's the philosophy that any enjoyable,
any tasty food,
Kills you.
Join the monks. Enjoy your beans (photo forthcoming)
I'd love doing an opinionated rant no one would read, about marketing.
an older model dressed as a housewife, but with heavy eye-makeup. Odd pose. |
It's from a generic advice column about laundry (I think).
She is seriously posed, tho I don't know why.
Does her laundry stink?
What is her left hand supposed to be doing?
The rant (
this is no rant) would include real-life women with little eye makeup.
But the eyebrows are thick, like in the forties. IDK
I'd hate a washer that I'd have to kneel down on the dirty laundry-room floor to use......
Anyway you could argue that her hand and probably more has been edited.
As if she was originally resting on something (Her kid or a pet) and the photo looked too busy.
This by the way is not related to "AI marketing" but it should be,
only I can't in a sentence explain why Right now.