This little gem of a game has kept me from going totally broke choosing yet another disappointment of a game.
It and a few others like it populate my Library, contrasting with soulless robotic games that remind me of (what I imagine is) super Mario.
I hate puzzles, endless fighting.
"(Why is it 'black and white'?)"
Hell IDK, another pic Sort of:
You've gotta reeeely zoom in on the pic, sorry about that.
It's a painting in a fictional lodge (o forget it)
Can I severely Digress tons?
Well, not really, "Elizabeth's" actions throughout the game are the result of AI, according to an article, but not our evolved politically correct AI, like what Microsoft refuses to release.
The reporter parroting Microsoft fished his stock-photo pile and came up with a picture that is not from Microsoft Or AI .
As a teeny bait-picture it's supposed to epitomize Microsoft's product (The one they say they won't release, remember?
The caption should prolly mention marketing,
Or horror stories about "Manchurian Candidates" and a Outer-Limits episode about a guy with a moldable face,
And a IRL commercial about a pretty young girl with half an arm who forgot she wears a prosthesis, because her bare half-arm gathers more funds,
And extremely sad puppies posing for cameras.
But I digress (lol)
This (puzzle-filled endless fighting) game has a story and several ways to play.
It's actually
interesting, you get disappointed but hopeful (
Not depressed and nihilistic, except for the ending, does the author hate men or something?)
Anyway back to why I'm rehashing this ancient game:
Unfortunately (maybe) the article at wiki appears to have been written by a couple different players and magazine fans.
We get the general sense of things but we already knew most of it,
minus the useless trivia.
"Elizabeth" nee Anna Dewitt was born,
had a mother and a father,
and later was turned into some kind of experiment I still don't understand.
But anyway, was she adopted, a poor indian from a tribe that Booker Dewitt fought at Wounded Knee?
Or Was she the byproduct of a brief marriage to someone.
Booker says in my game that he was married but never had a child.
I didn't read (yet) every boring word of the article, maybe there's a hint.
I got bamboozled into thinking if I just read more about the storyline I'd understand it better, but this Gordian knot of a plot is best left untouched.
I wondered at a sentence.
It's in my head but I don't have the ability to type it.
Plus I haven't read anything like "1984" in many years... which is a fictional book on propaganda (and other things), just like my game is fiction within fiction about propaganda.
Truthy-social, or Amazon, or Microsoft?
Amazon and Microsoft are part of the
cabal of evildoers and the deep state plotting to take over our beloved USA....(
How was that??)
So Trump should rescue it from the fiery flames and broadcast it
for freedom loving sons-of-Liberty (
That's code for "Neo-Nazi," I've read)
(We're still talking about a Business, right??)
O! O!
"ATT" should absorb it, they absorb everything.
Generic Big-Brother looking photo from Google.
All Actual Big brothers have not been portrayed, I'm no insane-person.
If Congress likes you, fine. If Congress DISlikes you, hang on to your job or die.
(I wrote a whole bombastical paragraph decrying forcing people to follow your position but it was erased, or another entry has a real disjointed statement. Protests in the wrong time, wrong place, are job-threatening.