
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

My blogs (in a sentence)

 Hegel vs Kierkegaard: Which would use an iPhone?

Did they fix "linklink" yet?

https://www.quora.com/How-were-Kierkegaard-and-Hegel-similar-and-different#:~:text=Hegel%20describes%20culture%2C%20history%2C%20reality,of%20the%20grandfather%20of%20existentialism. (The very top answer)

Hegel, because society as a whole approves of (the last-est) iPhone.

Kierkegaard, because there's *something* about iPhones you adore.
Conclusion: You all suck (I'll edit this)

Old men quote "Hegel" but younger more pretentious wannabes 
https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/09/kierkegaard-trump-camus-existentialism-absurdity-anxiety.html (Well, *this* link is just a name-dropper)

Peter O'Toole quotes "Hegel"
Diane Chambers quotes Kierkegaard
The defense rests.


"Disembodied Voice(tm)" says a sentence about Nietzsche would be appropriate.


A total butt, he'd beat you to death with polemics, his sister was a nazi (before they were invented)
And, he literally lost most of his mind at 44.

Truth is subjective, he'd say. 


Sunday, April 28, 2024

(Bing headlines) Not sure....

"Can't do Whut?"    "Cancer? omg"     "BKFC? not, the chicken place?"

 Not sure writing a blog about people I don't know is advisable. 

They never did anything to me, why should I write about them?
On the other hand, I've "met" really nice people over the years, choosing to watch randomly named movies wherein none of the cast was familiar.

"Why don't I know them??" I ask myself, and google gives an answer:

Emma Thompson I know.

And I've never heard of most of her movies, I'm sure she'd have something deprecating to say about that...
The one where she plays an author was my favorite, and the one about a shakespeare play was fantastic, neither of which are mentioned above.
Best movie ever

She claims not to have thought much about "Mary Poppins" 
Making Nanny McPhee and compares herself to a cantankerous old bat (har har)
Well anyway, I can browse Bing headlines daily and only grasp why a very few are there at all. 
I should know who "Fearless Girl" is, or who people turned her into.
I didn't.
I've never seen a "Goofy" cartoon. 
I must've seen his commercial. (Are we going for a list here? It would fill a book)
The wikipedia section on "Free advertising" is very telling.
But you'd rather I just spelled it out, Google's headline page is free advertising.

Buried non-headlines:

A senate subcommittee has been elevated to the lofty position of "Congress" according to the press.
It's still a buried headline.

(Really Random) Link

Not so random a link. Anthem blue-cross-prime-focus (whatever) is actually "elevance" but this tidbit could be dated, could be wrong.
I really would not know, and the stationery still says "Anthem."


Ted Faro (in my game) is eveil somehow, I just cannot remember how.
It's been a couple years since I played.
I *do* remember you're supposed to avoid every subquest everywhere.
The Gate keeper is an insane madman with delusions of power, best to move on (He sticks in my quest-craw.)
His twin Brother the high-up eveil-guy character (I prolly should pay more attention to the proper-nouns in this game) Looks the same.
There is exactly one single hot woman in the entire game, and she's the wife of a mole and a traitor who reforms, thanks mostly to me.
I guess I'm saying, I'd write lots less with more interesting uplifting games.
Zero forbidden whatever is pointless and impossibly hard, and it's one of the games I like!
(but I already can figure out Aloy will die pointlessly but a new Aloy will get born to save humanity, or a reasonable facsimile thereof (because the real people are dead)
Old entitled ones will wipe out the unworthy so that they may start their utopian whatever's, but I only saw them for a second.
"National Review" types.

Ancient games (I've got a few) are gonna be the themes of blogs to come, I think.

This last bit isn't even trains of thought, more like discarded rusty train cars that don't fit anywhere else.
1. Ted Faro was such an asshole that he thought, given enough schooling, that the human race would turn out as badly as he did, so he erased all schooling everywhere (aka, "Culture") and then sucked all the air out of the room, via remote control.
2. Schools taught per what they thought was biblical, that the universe was centered around the Earth. Anyone saying different (Copernicus, Galileo) was banned from teaching.
3. enter 2024 (the year) and headlines are still being written about evolution and creationism. (The link editor here is totally busted (totally bustedtotally busted,)
(I'm doubtless missing an umlaut or other HTML character elsewhere in this bombastic morass)

4. a 3AM lecture on creationism and how they explain dinosaurs (did I mention it was 3AM??) says, between a couple verses (paragraphs are called "Verses")
in Genesis 1, were many millions of years (reference some bombastic list elsewhere in the Bible)
So they can have their 7-day cake and eat it too.
But I think they've sort of lost whatever point there was, or the offending ones have been excommunicated (I cannot google a decent link for MIB "Be Kind, Rewind", the beginning of a religion. (apologies for the ads)

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Ringtone 2: Playing a damn ogg (ARRogg!!)

Nokia Jingle for kindergarteners and me:

EDF#G# C#BDEBA (C#,EA (yay!!!)missing final two octave jumping notes so I guessed correctly) and the octaves jump around so you can't rely on letters alone.

E5D5F#4G#4C#5B4D4E4B4A4c#4E4A4(whatever; it doesn't look right this way)
I've been trying to find the string of notes as letters; Google seems very anxious to get me to watch videos, which is totally unnecessary but that's all google offered:

Does it match??

Um, "OGG">"Windows media player: "Ew"

Join the dark side (you will be assimilated)
And 1000 other memes and bromides

Windows Edge is more papal, more catholic, and plays "ogg" just fine.

I'm not sure if /why I need this and why I need two downloads,
(three counting "VLC" but that is a converter too so...)
(Four counting "AV1", different subject, Deleted blog-entry, so look it up)
No, that's "avi" o nevermind)

If you remember cutting your own hair as a kid, then yeah, I cut it down to two
Little Nokia Jingles from a massive piece of music.
If you really listen you can tell it's heavily edited but who listens to ringtones?
Slightly better:

The lady in this next video acknowledges Nokia and plays the Jingle just before she plays the full piece.
(So you need to listen to her spoken introduction, or at least the end of it)

Her playing starts at 1:27 and she does a cool-guitarist move around 2:06.
Her Left-hand spans the entire neck to emphasize one single note, and I can't tell if it's a flourish (Unnecessary) or a very good technique. 
I also appreciate that her guitar doesn't "squeak" when she does that move.
This next professional has the same move sort of, but he does not interpret the song the same.
He stops and starts for emphasis.
I defer to the author (RIP) to determine which interpretation is better.

This one (I'm not being bombastic) is really nice too.
The actual video is blurry.
Paola wins this competition.

A-440, ISO16, Or maybe SonyBetamax vs VHS, it's a snobby thing, according to articles.
cause, you see, it's important to them to Twwwweeeek it slightly, from 440hz to maybe 441 (geez) and revel in their pomposity.
But me, I lost the link, waitasec
Their principled asshole thinking will wreck the world one day

It's prolly not relevant but...A friend busted my cassette recorder and me being 13 or so, walked the ten miles to an electronics store to get another motor.
I installed it but with all the wires attached, it seemed too fast.
With one of the wires detached  it was slightly too slow...
I settled on "Slightly too slow".
So don't talk to me about "A440"
Voted "Most pompous" by reddit.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTEFKFiXSx4 (the actual video, which looks like a clubby spoof)

This next video is not as good as Paula ("Paola")
But I am presenting it as a piano alternative.

My kingdom fer a ringtone

 I could not find this ringtone for love or money, because it wasn't ATT nor Sprint, 
Not verizon.
Not T-Mobile (the names of Cellphone companies have changed throughout the years.)
https://www.zedge.net/find/ringtones/monophonic, the "Nokia" one (I think, I'll edit this)
Everything I said and will say is in another blog, but they severely want you to buy something:

The old-fashioned desk-phone ringer is fine, but This is better.
Maura Isles has it on her (Boyfriend's?)  cell-phone (she did, in one single episode)
So....Now to download it from a place.

Youtube is filled with people anxious to reveal prehistoric artifacts.
I don't feel so alone anymore.
Now if only I could repeat it on my virtual Steinway so people wouldn't snicker when they heard it?

I prolly could not hear this beautiful version IRL (The background noise would kill it)
But yeah, nice to know this stuff.
They make it difficult to have or to download a file, with no app!!
I don't need no stinking app (IhopeIhope)
Future blogs might ruminate on how many formats there are,
and how my phone refused "OGX" but an online converter changed it to "MP3"

Imagine me knocking on strangers' doors in a very dangerous neighborhood....
I shouldn't have to do this.
OK MP3 works, now I await the virus-apocalypse

BTW you could prolly invent formats til kingdom-come but WHY?
Clubby assholes.
But thanks to my PC and an online app, I now have a little kid playing the piano one finger at a time.

I'd rather have polyphony, but FUC*ET!! You made this Sooo not-fun.


 In search of the beginning of this train,
 blaming Woodrow Wilson and the 16th amendment for taxes
(and also why certain politicians favor tariffs instead) ...:

What was the 16th amendment?
A response to a supreme court ruling (I think)

What is the difference between Direct and Indirect Taxes?
States keep your grubby little hands off of (indirect).
Indirect was a nice way of skirting Article-I of the constitution, but it (the govt) got sued a lot, so they finally said "fucket" and got a few friends together to pass the 16th.


"Blame Wilson" who didn't pass the amendment, it was there already, he just, um, used it.

So Why Elon Musk and the Amazon guy pay fewer taxes?
Good question.  

MY uncomplicated theory (you can shoot this down it's just a theory)
Is that, making every meal a business expense,
every profit a loss, or an investment,
every tax statement everywhere full of negative numbers and abandoned projects,
Makes businessmen happy and full of food.

But what started this train and why it's in my blog...
must be a current events article I can't remember now.

That and
Tik Tok was banned by India long ago, but it (this is important) was banned along with 50 other apps.
They weren't asked to sell something, they were just kicked out.
(My recently erased entry) thinks this would have been fairer than singling out a single company.

Massive deliveries of flour to people with no stove nor oven nor place to cook in...
That's another biggie.
I would think canned tunas and lots of can openers would be better.
But that's another unfinished train.
(canned Ham)

Horses bolting is a common occurrence in the UK, but I didn't know that, I only knew it was on the headlines-page, like maybe the Apocalypse finally arrived.
But no

Yes I wanted the picture, but the titles seem off ("False Peace?")
It says (elsewhere) "conquest" and my white horse is a little bloody.
The whole subject of the apocalypse and related paraphernalia make for good sunday morning reading. 
It has happened, it will happen, it "will have happened" (Bioshock).
I like this Reddit thread (mostly)

Reddit/ Quora are chock-full of very serious people and do not 
react well to irony, sarcasm, dry humor (It depends upon the subject)

Exhibit A (google the answers, I'm no xerox machine)

Horses and Grapes and crushing the grapes (for wine) are sort of analogies to blood and death. 
Go, read amongst yourselves.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

(Rough drafty)

 Haiku, writing fancy letters "Calligraphy"?(the name escapes me) and other psychological tricks and tips.
I doubt anyone anywhere remembers WHY,
 unless they've read "The Book", whatever that book is, and anyway I wanted to focus exclusively on (the therapeutic reasons for) sand-rocks on a tray.
(which went nowhere and said nothing so I moved on)

I noticed severely that I have a 100% repeatable habit of dredging up old memories by playing one of Microsoft's little desk games (like "Solitaire" or "Jewel")
Do sweeping little rugs, arranging little rocks and sand, Calligraphy, have the same effects?

Or am I getting it wrong, your mind is supposed to be more peaceful, more "empty"?
The older you get the more dusty memories you collect, (And mayyyybe) the more games and little sand/rock/sweeping routines elicit a response. 
Good or bad?

Useless or beneficial??
I wonder.
I'm jealous of people with a zillion tasks on their daily calendar sublimating and forgetting deep inner thoughts.
They complain (god knows why) that they're too busy, with too many things to do....
And then they join another group that gives them even more to do.
Waaa! They're too busy!!
Yah OK, what's yer point?
So maybe rock-arranging gives them something to do, in between assignments and duties (IDK)

Pointless yoga-themed commercial that seems relevant...
Buy our protection for peace of mind?

Retouched with a crayon and some makeup

Someone brought up my new term for the day, "ASMR"

which is a thing many videos go on about, claiming you'll sleep better

(beCAUSE or to FIGHT "ASMR?")

I don't know what they're on about.
You get tingles (bad) so you watch videos (good)?

I used to get very dizzy just before sleep, like I was riding a roller-coaster in bed.
Or, I'd "Jump" out of sleep, usually painfully (like when I had a busted arm)
Are ANY of these things what you're on about???
I'm too old for that stuff now, no dizziness, no "jumping" 
I'm still clueless about ASMR (Which I think means something other than what google is telling me)

Big Brother clone from another reality (erased entry)

I'm convinced the (ancient Bioshock) author either has daddy issues or his girlfriend does....
I'm the eveil guy who gets massively killed (drowned, gored) in every story.
I don't think I wrote about any of this (It's erased) but "dredging up old memories" is a bigass part of the game.
(That and running around like a rat seeking the cheese, busier and busier with little goals and achievements, and knowing it all means nothing in the end, you die horribly. 
Others die and come back, but when YOU die, the game ends.
Infinite health? Unlimited bullets/rockets/flames? All for naught.

But does it have anything to do with my game or with current events?
(Probably, who knows)

Saturday, April 20, 2024

My Bioshock (ten years later)

 This little gem of a game has kept me from going totally broke choosing yet another disappointment of a game.
It and a few others like it populate my Library, contrasting with soulless robotic games that remind me of (what I imagine is) super Mario.
I hate puzzles, endless fighting. 

"(Why is it 'black and white'?)"
Hell IDK, another pic Sort of:
You've gotta reeeely zoom in on the pic, sorry about that.
It's a painting in a fictional lodge (o forget it)
Can I severely Digress tons?
Well, not really, "Elizabeth's" actions throughout the game are the result of AI, according to an article, but not our evolved politically correct AI, like what Microsoft refuses to release.

The reporter parroting Microsoft fished his stock-photo pile and came up with a picture that is not from Microsoft Or AI .
As a teeny bait-picture it's supposed to epitomize Microsoft's product (The one they say they won't release, remember?

The caption should prolly mention marketing,
Or horror stories about "Manchurian Candidates" and a Outer-Limits episode about a guy with a moldable face,
And a IRL commercial about a pretty young girl with half an arm who forgot she wears a prosthesis, because her bare half-arm gathers more funds,
And extremely sad puppies posing for cameras.
But I digress (lol)

This (puzzle-filled endless fighting) game has a story and several ways to play. 
It's actually interesting, you get disappointed but hopeful (Not depressed and nihilistic, except for the ending, does the author hate men or something?)
Anyway back to why I'm rehashing this ancient game:
Unfortunately (maybe) the article at wiki appears to have been written by a couple different players and magazine fans.
We get the general sense of things but we already knew most of it, 
minus the useless trivia.
"Elizabeth" nee Anna Dewitt was born, 
had a mother and a father, 
and later was turned into some kind of experiment I still don't understand.
But anyway, was she adopted, a poor indian from a tribe that Booker Dewitt fought at Wounded Knee?
Or Was she the byproduct of a brief marriage to someone.
Booker says in my game that he was married but never had a child.
I didn't read (yet) every boring word of the article, maybe there's a hint.
I got bamboozled into thinking if I just read more about the storyline I'd understand it better, but this Gordian knot of a plot is best left untouched.

I wondered at a sentence.
It's in my head but I don't have the ability to type it.

Plus I haven't read anything like "1984" in many years... which is a fictional book on propaganda (and other things), just like my game is fiction within fiction about propaganda.
If congress is actually passing a law against a business, saying someone should buy it (to keep it from getting banned) I wondered who the biggie-wig people are that should buy it.
Truthy-social, or Amazon, or Microsoft?
Amazon and Microsoft are part of the cabal of evildoers and the deep state plotting to take over our beloved USA....(How was that??
So Trump should rescue it from the fiery flames and broadcast it 
for freedom loving sons-of-Liberty (That's code for "Neo-Nazi," I've read)
Otherwise the basement-building pedophiles in the Democratic party might seize it to use for their own nefarious purposes 
(We're still talking about a Business, right??)
O! O!
"ATT" should absorb it, they absorb everything.

Generic Big-Brother looking photo from Google.
All Actual Big brothers have not been portrayed, I'm no insane-person.



If Congress likes you, fine. If Congress DISlikes you, hang on to your job or die.

(I wrote a whole bombastical paragraph decrying forcing people to follow your position but it was erased, or another entry has a real disjointed statement. Protests in the wrong time, wrong place, are job-threatening.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Not an entry too

So now you know (can guess) why these are written late at night, I can't actually go to bed.
That said...
The heatsink makers of the world have duped us into thinking that thin light heatsinks are better than heavy thick ones, the ones with thick slabs of copper that don't get ruffled by heat.
Thicker and copper are better, to me, but weighty is better too (in my opinion.)
You're waiting for the wimpy heatpipes with the nearly non-existent base to carry away heat, while the base, useless wimpy thing, is already at its saturation point!
"Stuff doesn't heat up *that* fast," you might argue,
"so *I* have no problems"
"(and I use corsair, so I'm confident" (yada blah whatever)
Well, I am not trusting and I wanted to look-see what real world industrial-strength heatsinks are made of.

https://www.xometry.com/resources/3d-printing/heat-sink/#:~:text=Does%20a%20Bigger%20Heat%20Sink,is%20selected%20for%20the%20application. Yeahyah, "Bigger=Better" but bigger how?
Lighter, less metal, and "Bigger" by streeetching metal, is cheaper than thick and they can charge more because it's organically grown-free-range (oops, wrong rant)
Thicker costs more to manufacture and a bunch of them would be very heavy.
"Heat Pipes," I used to think, were a scam, and maybe they are, I don't know either way: Light hollow tubes vs a huge slab.
Water cooled is nice (for them), the heatsink gets truly small and somewhere (far off) are fans cooling the transported liquid.
If money were no object (like in a space station or a nuclear plant) what would heatsinks look like?
Time and heatsink-paste determine the thickness of my hypothetical "Richer-than-God" heatsink, Time because even thick heatsinks would get heat-saturated after a while.
But don't believe me, go off and find your own bombastic branded POS website extolling the virtues of shiny metal.
Couldn't the heatsinks be part of a part, instead of stuck on a sponge-stuck onto the part?
Large threaded bolts tightened down by little nuts on top?
Heatsink paste everywhere sure,
but those (silver?) soldered-to-the-case bolts would be the primary conductors into your finned masterpiece???
Yes and no... exacting tolerances of size and torque (think of the torque!) would be needed. Water cooled is the "brown egg" of a desktop PC, being overpriced...
Size constraints on a motherboard being what they are, (not too wide, not too tall)
and gravity (not too heavy) restrict the design...
The highly conductive slab at the bottom of any heatsink setup, thick and heavy enough to handle itself in a heated exchange, (*I* think) would be a nice design.
I don't put a lot of faith in shills; the best methods are the ones they use (of course) But this one is worth mentioning (if not, I'll edit-in another site) https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/heat-sink-design-comparison-part-1-celsia-inc
They say (so far, slow-read)
That copper beats aluminum, thicker is better (but weight bites you in the ass) and WATER-heatpipes (do cheap heatpipes have water?
or were they sealed on humid days?)
are even better.

Fuck weight, find another way to handle it.
Heatpipes from reputable people (whoever they are)

Another day, another Train of thought.
Fictional 1912-columbia, an advertisement for the "Fellow Traveller Bar."
What is a "fellow Traveller"?
What, generically speaking??
It's a sympathizer to a cause.
And, in the course of looking it up,
I came across this.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Not an entry

Better blogs exist, you should read them.
I think I said that in my header,,,,,
Anyway, my link of the day
This is more of a train of thought.
kaopectate and Ricotta cheese were my late-in-life grandma's favorite foods.
and I'm following in her footsteps (ok except for the cheese and the medicine)

WTH is "Kaopectate" anyway? Why is spell-checker flagging it?
Nyah, judgmental little shit

I regret having to take "Imodium", lots of it...and I now know (kind of) that cooked cabbage is Still Cabbage.
My stomach won't let me forget that.

Filler veggies: Squash?? We'll see.
Men don't 
(Why am I perpetuating this f'ing myth)
Um, Women make better models of sickitudeness
Just as eveil-type women wear tons of makeup (makeup=Attractive, /Eveil
Therefore, Eveil is attractive?
Eveil bad guy (boo, hiss)

Good guys (They act good anyway)

Where were we....

There must be an "All you can eat" fodmappy food. 
Squash, if given in prison-doses, is fine.

Ya want f'n nuts? Batshit wingnut crazy? 
Here. (the summary, anyway; the actual page might say different)
"this is so bad..."


I disagree with her choices but I'm stepping outside the realm of fodmap

In case you missed my line at the end of her long approved list:
I disagree but (obviously) not for fodmappy reasons.

Acid, Fat (fat can trigger "steatorrhea")
Pineapple, tomatoes acidy hmm
Feta is just gross (I've been told)
Like it says in the Bible somewhere ("Jam Feta")

And eggs...IDK why but my stomach has an ongoing feud with eggs.

My skimmed-fat potroast rocks, and the very high prices (o so high) prove it.
So every month pretend it's christmas and you're one of Tiny-Tim's siblings.
"God Bless us, every one"