
Monday, March 28, 2022

secret sidewalk

 going mad trying to solve itty bitty puzzles to kill time and avoid real life for as long as possible.

accomplish the thing to get the status to upgrade the route to be able to do the piddly insignificant !@#$%....

kill sixty horrors and countless men, wonder how granny managed to get there to drop the fucking ring in the first place.
She's old and can barely walk, but she won't shut up about how she dropped it (after traversing many cliffs and broken bridges)

It's like calling T-Mobile to correct an error.

Did I change games?
Not really, the protagonist is in space now, saving the human race,, it's her day-to-day job schlepping crap while traipsing many miles across the landscape to perform insignificant tasks (like turning on a switch or reading something.)
It triggered a get-up-to-pee dream about the world's fashion never stepping out of 1938, where everyone smoked, women wore too much clothing.
It's hard to explain a dream that had no point; it was all scenery and vignettes, backstory but no plot.
Lotsa backstory in this game, many details to remember that I don't.
I freeze and die but go on.
"Go to the kadara port in the kavorkian system" if only I remembered that long enough to do anything useful with that. I cannot remember anything or math.
Kill stuff, OTG for that whole friendly-fire block, or I'd have been executed as a murderer long ago (it's in some game I played recently)
And the nested quests are frightening in that every tedious quest leads to another within that quest, until you've forgotten the reason you're there in the first place.
*I* like quests that end, starting a new better one, with better armor and guns,. but this game hasn't even allowed me to change armor, and I need a shower. 
Changing guns in a battle would be nice as well.
I see they've written an entire page on how to change clothes

I only wish I could remember the name of the ship.
It was "Hyperion" and now it's "Nexus"
And my dinky ship is "Pathfinder" 
But where did Hyperion go?
I think I'm on a space-station, but I still wonder about Hyperion.
I googled it, it's a glorified sewer

I hate games you have to google to win.
Find the soldier at the entrance. (Die ten times, get electrocuted, explore basements)
Google "Find the &^%$ soldier at the entrance" pretend to be the guy in "Apocalypse now" (The horror)
"This is the end" plays on the Victrola
Google says "follow the river" and ten seconds later, voila. GEEZ!!!

Instead of writing entire blog entries about my decent phone, I'll add some sentences you can gloss over if you want.

The built-in calculator sort of disappears, maybe it's a samsung feature I opted out of.
"우리를 거부하시겠습니까? 그를 가져 가라." (says samsung, which roughly translates to "FURIO") but seriously, they don't know I exist, I'm a statistic on a frighteningly huge database-server. 

And I got caught up in translations and forgot my ROTD.
But it boils down to smiling spies bowing and listening hard for anything I might do or use, uhm, 
(O), I can't dismiss them, uninstall them, eradicate them from the phone.
Call a contact, it's added to a list.
Play a game, (Added to a list)
Play a song, added to many lists.
Well, nevermind. No wonder everyone's battery dies so fast. (e.g., "Bixby", you can lay him off but never fire him, or "Sound Notifications" (get notified about important sounds) I can't really describe this one, having never turned it on, but if your phone can hear it, can't you?

Google is more helpful, but only slightly. 
The "Private(?) DNS" server is not an IP address anymore,
It's literally words that should be numbers. is now 1dot1dot1dot1.cloudflare-dns.com
How do you know it's private and not some funnel to a listening (uh,) server?
Private to 12-year-olds but I doubt hackers care (isn't that why I'm bothering with this?) I'm so confused.
We see the intrepid engineer on some cop show following the suspect's signal all over the world, (in seconds), breaking into his firewall, (and then it gets fuzzy) but I just want Kroger/Walmart to deliver bread.
The 85% charger works as promised, on my PC (and of course, the charger) so, uhm, that's very nice.
I really forgot...something.
The headphone jack-adapter works but the accompanying USB-c-connector only works for charging, does not allow data through (it doesn't allow MY data-setup through)
which makes it tantamount to useless. My dinky hub needs a headphone jack,
maybe next month or, get used to wireless. Of course my hub transmits sound through one of the USB-A connectors, and I only needed an A to C adapter.

WiFi sits gathering dust, ...
The ethernet speed is exactly the same on this phone as on my old one.
which is to say, it's slow by 100Mb. I wouldn't know about wifi.
Why does Google (whoever) insist I use wifi to set-up? I did, it set up (whatever), and I turned it off.
It NEEDED wifi, not my cellular-internet nor my ethernet.
Strange. Was it for the password?
Despite all the youtube videos and helpful bloatware-elimination sites, my Ram stands at 2.2 available from 6. 
"3.1GB/6GB" used, which is (uh) 2.9 but no, it says 2.2 available.
4 gigs of smiling spies (3.1)
"Virtual memory (6 GB)" is nice but nothing uses it, including the memory-map I'm quoting from. It's there, no one's home. I've been told it's exactly like a swapfile, except they call it something else.

You need a samsung account to tell samsung to not monitor you with apps, rather than just disabling apps, or so I have guessed. 

The thing that forces you to slide around to find stuff like you're on a mission in some game, is called a launcher, I've found. 
Since you cannot disable the launcher it has nor any of the apps it thrusts upon a person, you can at least download another launcher.
Liver&onions vs meatloaf vs meatballs vs tofu.
I'd cuss right this second but it would show off my ignorance not knowing.
'K, I'm stumped. 
Plus, maybe it's time I learned a phone (any phone)

Sunday, March 20, 2022

predestined or ??

I'm having troubles typing today. So  I'll write briefly, that nihilism isn't what I thought.
At least according to google, life's pointless, which isn't necessarily bad.

But all that ingraining over the years tells me nihilists are usually depressed, was I wrong?
And if you stick predestination in there somewhere,
Is it pointless to try because we're all predestined?

This was supposed to lead up to me breaking a mirror, and wondering about the bad luck.

and pasting-in an example of a kid with bad luck predestined to die.
Is he an example we can learn from, or is it some horrible fluke?

Or maybe the press got it wrong?

Burning eggs doesn't burn your house.
Burning your house doesn't mean you're doomed?
But it happened, or they *say* it did (I'm losing my ROTD)
The biggie revelation for me, today is, nihilism isn't necessarily bad, it's more of a pointless thing.

I don't care to (don't have to) read the article.

Google's blowhard definition of a nihilist is one who rejects religion and morality.

Uh, *MY* definition for years was in the little comic.

Be moral, be nice, do unto others, because we're all fucked so have fun waiting for the end.

There's different schools of nihilism, I'll wager.
Become a better person, be all you can be, live for your self and for others, because this is all we have, and it'll end soon.


It's not blogworthy, the thoughts about a song, since none of the thoughts are technically true.

For example, it wasn't written by Stephen Foster in a bout of severe depression, because his Clementine had died of some lingering scarlet disease.

The rhythm of the song goes with a showman on a guitar anyway.

The bluegrass-boys, all strummin up a storm and singing about someone who died of interminable cancer.

It's not in the theme of this entry.
 or maybe it is, lots of songs talk about the inevitability of loss

Like most good stuff it gets politicized, and turned into a campaign song or a state song.
I've severely depressed myself, I'm off to play a pointless game that ends frequently (because I run out of stuff to do.)
"What's *He* doing here?"
Nothing, just passing through

I bought another game (ahem) "Hope Springs eternal" which should brighten my outlook and make my blogs more interesting.

They've decided to give me two biggie games, "Inquisition" and another biggie game that has a familiar sounding name ("Mass-effect-andromeda,") and "Inquisition" has pretty women and lots of dialogue. I *think* I just kill monsters and stare at the pretty. I have not tried the andromeda game yet, they look like totally different games.

It's almost cartoony, reminding me of early 2000's games, but it kills time nicely, except I'm ill today and cannot play much.

Friday, March 18, 2022

22572 etc

Is he being deliberately vague? I dare you, go google "High hitting"

 Explorer should hit straight, but it was hitting high, it's a baseball analogy, right?

My disk drive *died* for you. Actually it's slightly sick, but I'll eventually replace it out of an abundance. just in case.

They must have overriding priorities, a "damn the torpedoes" attitude, that takes precedence over broken shit they are constantly fixing.

Speaking of broken shit they're constantly fixing, and trying hard not to look like the snaggletoothed pariah you all have made me out to be (what is it, do you own the fucking store, are you protecting your stock for the second coming?)



Uninstalling powershell and installing their latest version, doesn't get rid of the old version, it sort of hides like a proud mom behind the stage-curtains.

"Punkin Seeds II"

"Saw Palmetto" does the same stuff Finasteride does, but if you were into selling OTC goodies You *might* push the untold goodness of Saw Palmetto.
Really vaguely, without hype or technical folderol, the hormone-blocking/converting capabilities are in both drugs, and everything else it might do is magically enhanced by stockholding authors.
I shall seek documentation. But...
OK first, to be clubby and technical-sounding, the lowly appellation "Saw Palmetto"is elevated to medical status by referring to it by a name in Latin: Serenoa Repens
And, (you must understand) they hire people who know the lingo and talk in a folderolish-way..
So I still don't know what this next bit says, except maybe "Finasteride" is no placebo, no slouch.
Second, "AGA" is a very fancy way of saying hair-loss, baldness and everything in between.
Finasteride is supposed to be good for hair loss as well.
(Which is what the link was about, so that was kind of a waste of time, but at least you see what I'm up against.) Finasteride is synthetic, Saw Palmetto is natural. I don't know if that makes you happier one way or another.
2nd quest:
They don't really say not to take both at the same time, but I just sort of assumed, it's seat-of-pants thinking.

My camera has locked me out of using it, telling me that security is preventing use.
I smell a virus, but maybe it's a button I pushed.
I wanted to take a photo of the big beautiful actress trying to get you to buy vitamins.
It's a long boring commercial, except for her. "Nature" something. I'm pretty sure it's a vitamin. 
except maybe Life insurance for the really old, 
and Medicare. 
My point being that, 
unless they get careless and start spamming her all over,  
I'll never know who she is.

O! My phone works again, after being factory-reset and grilling me about who I really am. 
Maybe it really WAS a virus.
Ya know, lotsa people flip out their phone to record some injustice or them about to be killed, and maybe some bigwig somewhere in the world wanted to shut down cellphone cameras for a while.
Or the phone broke, but my bet is on the bigwig.

Punkin seeds

 It's usually some big-ass ad, something for prostate health.

And if you believe the ads, they're "all natural" something.

I don't have the time or the will to spell out this train, but I'd like to know what's so good about punkin seeds.

"Zinc," you say?
Why don't they check for it on normal blood tests?

In other words, I have no idea if I have enough, and it's one of those where it's easy to get too much.
A medical-type site says it's dangerous taking more than 40mg a day, but all the bottles say 50.
I don't even take my daily meds daily, so I shouldn't worry.
I have way no idea if they'll do anything; I was all hot for "Magnesium" but that fell flat (And they don't test for it either.)

For paranoid hypochondriacs, there's the multivitamin. It covers all bases but it makes you pee more and your pee turns funny colors.

So I choose zinc, for a week.
There are other dusty bottles of vitamin-pills I should probably be taking too, but no one tests for them...

Ya have to wonder why.
Is it because, if you are uncertain, you'll buy more bottles?

If you *knew* what to get they might lose money and bottles would wither and die on shelves.


From the same types who said beer and Starbucks cured cancer, comes the news that vitamins are a money-pit.

Someone hasn't been paying their association dues.....

cancer.org, (o nvm) redacted snarky about donated money, hmm

And yew thot I made it up. FURIO

Fat people who smoke, need vitamins to compensate.
Freaking arugula & rice-cake eaters need not apply.

They're having a sale on Vitamins. BOGO plus a 5.00 coupon and I saved and paid around a dollar instead of ten (or 5.70 plus tax)

Sunday, March 13, 2022


 I know so little about this that I'm not sure where to start.

A hallucination is usually visual, right? I'm talking audio, or hearing.

Do fans amplify sound or create it??

That very distant stereo playing cheery music isn't real, I checked, by turning off the fan.

But when it's on, it's a loud fan (louder than yours) and sounds come with it.

A factory with many computer fans all going at once, would emanate soft conversations at night. Nothing you could really hear distinctly, just background stuff.

Well it makes a guy wonder. 
This will need to get edited, or deleted quick, before the truck comes to drag me to the home.
But, is it a thing? Google seems to think so, but I am not in the mood for "history of the world" stuff, I'd much rather be blissfully ignorant.

People say my hearing is lousy, I wouldn't know. I *do* know that the sounds of traffic mask a car-engine's idle, and the ringing of a cellphone. (Is that bad??)
So starting from there, I'm off to seek an article that has nothing to do with mental illness, more the science of background noise and how it affects hearing.
Specifically, does background noise create false noise?


I see the appeal of "Satisfactory", kind of.

Nothing lasts forever, all things must pass, but you're not getting older you're getting better.
Or maybe it's time to dip into the "Fund" (lol)

Saturday, March 12, 2022


I type here, a monster inevitably attacks.

I think I've killed the 20th rock troll just standing here trying to type a thought about the (now apparently) troll bait.

There was there is there will be a hierarchy of color, people just don't admit it.

Fuck their hypocrisy, preaching tolerance and making fun of colors they don't like.

I had a thought about "Green" being fairly low on a list of men's clothing, it's nearly as bad as pink.

"Be different," just not with color, it's not allowed. 

The color of the drapes is important in Psychotherapy, or so it was said in a movie.

(really random thought, NVM)

Once upon a time (a really long time ago) there was this "Night gallery" episode, one of a few anti-ex-nazi episodes Rod Serling produced.

Anyway, this ex-nazi on the run from the law, disguised as a wounded old man, would stop at a museum and admire a painting of a peaceful lake with a man rowing.
If he stared hard and long enough, he imagined he was in the painting.
HE was the one rowing, and the water was real.
Skipping the twisted ending, I only want to compare video-games to that show:
If you play a game so immersive and interesting, *you* become the main character, it's *you* reaping the rewards or the injuries and defeats.
I think "Satisfactory" tries to be one of those games, but fails, because the main plot-line is working endlessly for a company, getting your friends to become fellow slaves.

It's the side-plot I'm most interested in, the one where you go off and explore, finding resources.
It's as if....some geeky people who liked building machines hired a marketing type to dress up their little game, to make it more user friendly.
I hate building machines, and the user-friendly part is lacking.
Let's totally imagine that their corporate meetings, besides all the talk about money coming in, have the designers crowing about some new complicated manufacturing flowchart, while the scenery person mostly sits there listening.

What about the mercer-ball, the somersloop?
The discussion kind of drops, because they don't want to arouse the ire of self-righteous people in reviews.
"Too Sexual" "Too Political (brainwashing)" "Doesn't conform to standards"


So it's dropped, and back to the guy who grew up playing with legos.

I bought a game I never really finished, "To The Moon" or something, and it was boring too, and I dumped it.
Digital games never really die, you just forget passwords.
A cartoony secret agent, a cartoony game about cars and stealing them, I've got lots of abandoned games I never liked but tried to for a month.
This paragraph describing my experiences is repetitive and boring and will probably be abandoned, until I can figure out how to type it in a reader-friendlier way.

Most of the discussions I'm finding are pointless and drift off into game companies like steam or Epic.
Plus they're from 2020.
I don't feel good reviewing stuff from so long ago.

Friday, March 11, 2022

PSA testing


According to Medicare and this article, the ideal solution for prostate cancer is to wait and see.

I get the feeling that cancer comes in stages, and spreads more rapidly in successive stages.

So you're either dying, or you have nothing to worry about.

They'll know if you die, and if you don't, they'll snarkily remark, "Told ya so"

But if you're a urologist, I'd think they'd have several options for your fat lazy bloated prostate: Bad PSA, removal.

But that's just sad, so they're hoping rather to give it a trim, push it somewhere, do what the commercial says.

Everyone sits waiting for the PSA.

"Is it cake?"

1/13 I had a alphabet-test that has the letters "PSA" in it, as part of a medically approved regimen of hygienic care, but doctors don't trust each other, I'm getting the feeling, and another one is due soon.
(Specifically, I was told, "They don't send us the results"

Let's muddy some waters:
0 and 2.5 are normal
2.5 and 4.0 (OMG!!) are normal as well. 
Apparently (This is hard to google) 
(they keep showing me different companies anxious for you to 'google' stuff, and then they show more 'google' results...it must be a hot google topic
(where was I)
Apparently, 4.0 or less is fine, 4 or more is iffy.
Disclaimer: I have No idea what they said, "ng"?
and those numbers with the wavy decimal points...0.2 or 2.0????

percent/free WTF!!

I uploaded my image of a mercer sphere, and I'm no art critic but it looked like a big black ball. (big black SHINY ball) and this link will be added soon.
But the more feminine, more *tasty*-looking (I keep forgetting the name)
has little candy sprinkles, much more inviting.
My little sloop (whatever) appears to have jelly leaking out of itself.
This bad picture is Not from me:
is it feminine to match the masculine Mercer?


If you could see one, what would it look like?
I swear people have pointed to theirs but it was invisible, or disguised.
In the depths of a tedious repetitive task in some game, my mind wanders easily.
"What if they made 'fish flavored soda' for fish-lovers and their masochistic friends?
Because if *I* thought of it, zillions have as well.
Well OK fine, I'll blurt out some indescribably horrible products that doubtless you all love:
TV dinners with Kim Chi (Or Kim Chi soda?) 
I saw a show on PBS briefly (they're good to avoid commercials)
about the host and another guy enjoying "Stinky cheese," the stinkiest in the world they say.
No accounting for taste.
But it appears to be a trend I've thought about often before, beautiful and refined connoisseurs eat horrible food (just to piss us off and make us jealous)
That still doesn't explain "Balut"

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Disposable blog III

 Courtesans vs Helen Reddy

(This needs more nouns, I've just decided.
OK fine, "Peaches"

She liked older men, hair on their stomachs, executive types.
Or that was her ideal. She'd met males (not actually "Men")
who preached 

and if she had a resentment, it would be those, scrawny types full of hubris.
1970's archetypical

No, she liked (I keep having to google stuff, this entry won't go far)

Executive self-confident

The executives, well stocked tummies, who didn't have to *act* important, they already were.
Beee cause....

Hungry types anxious for their place in the world, were a real turn off, especially the way they preached at parties.

She'd accidentally (it's in another blog) inherited $500,000 (or so) and used most of it to buy a mini-mansion with a gigantic pool that no one really used, to lie on deck-chairs next to their beloved du jour.
Being 1968 (I like 1968) It wasn't a biggie for her to hang around the house not doing much.
("yeahbut get to the sex already")
An executive's daughter, eager to find her place in the world, was an occasional visitor. Once in a fit of horniness or whatever, she held the young woman's face and kissed her, or tried to.
Slapping her away, the woman said,
"Don't touch me!"
......"You can kiss me, but don't touch"
And this was desirable, Them touching wet lips.
So ever after, they like each other, Peaches and the preaching young woman with a very high voice.

"Dad" and his expansive tummy, and his daughter Mia, all preachy with glasses, who had a budding sense of her own magnetism (People liked to watch her lips move)
It became a thing, kissing on the lips in front of strangers at parties, although that's as far as it ever got, and Peaches enjoyed the deception, the hungry men being all jealous and saying snarky remarks.
She enjoyed being around the self confident,
but despised posers (Poseurs)

Bah, humbug (TBA)

My train derailed three times, my PC died, this train is history unless something comes to fix it)

I don't understand that sentence.
We exist as individuals (as a group as a nation, what's your point?)
"Why are we here?"
is said at parties a lot.
I hate parties.

 constant process of becoming...what?

Couldn't you have been less opaque and just said "evolving" ?

Fat housewives with psychology degrees and huge bottoms know this stuff, and where did it get them.
OK so they live in the hills with an insurance salesman but, still.
Be smart, talk smart (sell real estate eventually)

If we learn Kierkegaard and Proust (and Kafka for extra credit)
Will we get a seaside house?

"Be grateful for what you have" FU,AH (or is it FURIO)

We are meaningless, why are we here  (GTH)
But chicks dig the words

Google pretends to be obtuse, but think of the bearded genius-geeks working there who, when asked "Life sucks and then you die, 'kafka' ," sort of ignore me and put this forward

Maybe there's a method to their madness.
There's a method to mine: epitomizing Kafka into a very few pithy words, does the above sentence ring true?
Or is it swaddled in history-of-the-world stuff so dense that (I lost the rest of this sentence)

If I'd actually *read* anything I'd know Kierkegaard is the proselytizing (aka preachy) Life of the party preaching the importance of being,
and kafka is off in the corner saying "Bah (Humbug)"

Proust sounds like a sycophantic friend of Kierkegaard, we must strive to be
(until we're married, have the 401K and vote republican)
eh, ?? (Grief fades) (Oh. Well why didn't he just say that?)

Peaches (sticking to my fiction) enjoys the oral intercourse but doesn't pay it much mind. (Reword this sentence)
Cunning Linguists can be boring (?)
Todd du Terde was one of those boring people, insinuating himself into parties, his french accent and ugly polyester brown suit were decorations.
"Who are you, really? What do you do?"
Peaches was a very polite person, and she realized that the man fancied himself as a vault of gossip, so she chose her words carefully. She evaded, referring to the current conversations about living for the moment.
("Are you a 'whore'? A 'kept woman'?")

Peaches could blush on command but this outré little pissant was making her blush with embarrassment and anger.

"I am what I am...(Like Popeye)"

"Suck this" The man commanded, grabbing her head.
She struggled, people noticed, and the man was disgraced (yay), but the rest of the party didn't go well, everyone looking so sympathetic.
"Filthy men and their self-righteous wives," A woman tossed off, as if to be comforting, but her air of disdain cancelled any comfort offered.
So Peaches had a moment of existential crisis, why was she entertaining these people, none of whom she liked much?
Friends of friends and their spouses.
She went into the bedroom to take a nap, hoping that when she awoke, everyone would have left.
"Let them steal stuff," she thought angrily.

Monday, March 7, 2022


 ingots to rods,
rods to screws
screws and plates to reinforced plates,
yada-something to rotors,
(I forgot) and r-plating to smart plating,
Someone write it down.

Two mines, two miners.
two constructors, 
One assembler.
I did this yesterday, but I forgot. it must be all of that "Complying."
Well done, good faithful slave, you've retrieved the black ball that looks like a special dremel bit.
 you want a medal ? Get back to work
Piss on it, on them, ass-alligator scenario taken to the limit and beyond.
I await the dead zombie ex-employees.
Hey throw in a succubus or two. 
Or an eveil computer.
Anything is better than this pointless shit, IRL you get paid, 
eat, pay rent, work some more.
This thing got rid of eating and paying rent, but no one gets paid.
Notes for the bizarre (which are actually way more bizarre but I'm not advanced in bizarre 101 yet)

the smelter (the "ingots") need to be split between two constructors, 
Let's call them A and B.
A1 is all set but B1 needs help, an additional constructor called "B2"
for (first, b1) rods and next (b2) screws.
Once A1 And B1+B2 are done, two parts (plates and screws)
are ready for an assembler.
But that's only for one intermediate product, called reinforced plate.
The second intermediate product I haven't started on yet.
When I could *smoke*, I had all this figured out and made 50 "smart plates" easy-peasy, but today I'm back to my normal intellect which is lacking.
Given enough time even I could figure this out, but the space needed to make everything work all at once, well it isn't there (or it will be if I eventually rebuild)

Yesterday I was using more than one single mine.
Today I need to play Machiavelli and reinvent wheels to string all this together. 

without two mines, uhm, I could split the single mine off to two different smelters,
And go from there.
Or I could just start over and comply a lot.
I made a severe edit, because sometimes these drifting trains don't make a lot of sense...it's my mind drifting from boredom.
This next picture might explain why (it might not, but I'll try)

This game has a point, but I have not found it.

Friday, March 4, 2022

Command and conquer (I think)

 I bought a game for cheap, being able to use a couple dollars from steam as a discount.
It reminds me of a cousin who would build bases in an old game called "Command and conquer,"
and he was happy if the enemies all waited patiently for him to finish building before they attacked.
But if they attacked too soon, he'd be really pissed off and rant that the enemy was being unfair.

I modified the Automated robot to kill anything in sight instantly, which he thought was stewpid and unfair also.

So now there's this game where you build stuff, but I don't understand it yet, nothing is automated and I keep building at a workbench (holding down my spacebar for eternity)
while my dinky gun fends off monsters.
Why don't I get a bigger gun?
Why hasn't some unseen force told me how to build conveyor belts?
Where are the conveyor belts supposed to go?
Did I do my base wrong, is the foundation missing, will it all fall over soon?
I don't get it, it's boring, (so far,) exactly like command and conquer.
My kingdom for some decent cheats.

I don't get how this is fun yet.
I can cheat my way past tedium for a bit, and then hit a wall "smart plating."
Ah, fucket. Nice scenery though.
You'll be on the trashpile next month or so.
I've edited this entry til it's rotting, I HATE THIS GAME tldr

"That is everything you need to know about how to make Smart Plating in Satisfactory. Still looking for more help? Be sure to check out the rest of Twinfinite for all of your Satisfactory tips, trips, and FAQ."

 don't show me a lot of commercials and then say it's all I need to know.
No WONDER planes crash, no one knows what to do.
We covered this last week, before you were here.
You'll flunk now, 
Have a Nice Day

Sick kids, the president and my contract require me to harvest this Artifact.
I liked this part, anyway

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

many worded 2: growing grass and watching it dry


O, but that's not good enough for you, is it??
PCR7, Yer majesty.

"I wanted Rum Raisin, Take it Back" 
("they don't HAVE rum raisin, deeer (grr)")
"I don't like your attitude"

We don't care, none work, all are unworthy

In the extremely unlikely possibility that someone somewhere who matters reads this,
Please tell them to knock off the BS about PCR7 or write a doc that says how to enable it.

And I'm too lazy to keep looking for it.


AMD looks cute, except my monitor is for Nvidia.
So whichever drops in price, assuming they do, by maybe July.

 Useless unless I find this in 6 months and read it for the memories (good or bad)
I don't know if it's relevant but "Lapsus" is a word, and the word might mean lapse or slip, 
as in the one I just googled where Biden apparently said "Iranian" instead of "Ukrainian"
Which I attributed to my bad hearing since the closed-captioning said "Ukrainian."
I've got really bad feelings about speeches and debates, the state of hairdos and facial hair (republicans keep saying Kennedy won over Nixon because Nixon didn't shave)

a creepier feeling is why companies, really BIG ones, allow sensitive data to be online at all.
Maybe they don't have a choice?