going mad trying to solve itty bitty puzzles to kill time and avoid real life for as long as possible.
accomplish the thing to get the status to upgrade the route to be able to do the piddly insignificant !@#$%....
kill sixty horrors and countless men, wonder how granny managed to get there to drop the fucking ring in the first place.
She's old and can barely walk, but she won't shut up about how she dropped it (after traversing many cliffs and broken bridges)
It's like calling T-Mobile to correct an error.
Did I change games?
Not really, the protagonist is in space now, saving the human race,, it's her day-to-day job schlepping crap while traipsing many miles across the landscape to perform insignificant tasks (like turning on a switch or reading something.)
It triggered a get-up-to-pee dream about the world's fashion never stepping out of 1938, where everyone smoked, women wore too much clothing.
It's hard to explain a dream that had no point; it was all scenery and vignettes, backstory but no plot.
Lotsa backstory in this game, many details to remember that I don't.
I freeze and die but go on.
"Go to the kadara port in the kavorkian system" if only I remembered that long enough to do anything useful with that. I cannot remember anything or math.
Kill stuff, OTG for that whole friendly-fire block, or I'd have been executed as a murderer long ago (it's in some game I played recently)
And the nested quests are frightening in that every tedious quest leads to another within that quest, until you've forgotten the reason you're there in the first place.
*I* like quests that end, starting a new better one, with better armor and guns,. but this game hasn't even allowed me to change armor, and I need a shower.
Changing guns in a battle would be nice as well.
I see they've written an entire page on how to change clothes
I only wish I could remember the name of the ship.
It was "Hyperion" and now it's "Nexus"
And my dinky ship is "Pathfinder"
But where did Hyperion go?
I think I'm on a space-station, but I still wonder about Hyperion.
I googled it, it's a glorified sewer
I hate games you have to google to win.
Find the soldier at the entrance. (Die ten times, get electrocuted, explore basements)
Google "Find the &^%$ soldier at the entrance" pretend to be the guy in "Apocalypse now" (The horror)
"This is the end" plays on the Victrola
Google says "follow the river" and ten seconds later, voila. GEEZ!!!
Instead of writing entire blog entries about my decent phone, I'll add some sentences you can gloss over if you want.
The built-in calculator sort of disappears, maybe it's a samsung feature I opted out of.
"우리를 거부하시겠습니까? 그를 가져 가라." (says samsung, which roughly translates to "FURIO") but seriously, they don't know I exist, I'm a statistic on a frighteningly huge database-server.
And I got caught up in translations and forgot my ROTD.
But it boils down to smiling spies bowing and listening hard for anything I might do or use, uhm,
(O), I can't dismiss them, uninstall them, eradicate them from the phone.
Call a contact, it's added to a list.
Play a game, (Added to a list)
Play a song, added to many lists.
Well, nevermind. No wonder everyone's battery dies so fast. (e.g., "Bixby", you can lay him off but never fire him, or "Sound Notifications" (get notified about important sounds) I can't really describe this one, having never turned it on, but if your phone can hear it, can't you?
Google is more helpful, but only slightly.
The "Private(?) DNS" server is not an IP address anymore,
It's literally words that should be numbers. is now 1dot1dot1dot1.cloudflare-dns.com
How do you know it's private and not some funnel to a listening (uh,) server?
Private to 12-year-olds but I doubt hackers care (isn't that why I'm bothering with this?) I'm so confused.
We see the intrepid engineer on some cop show following the suspect's signal all over the world, (in seconds), breaking into his firewall, (and then it gets fuzzy) but I just want Kroger/Walmart to deliver bread.
The 85% charger works as promised, on my PC (and of course, the charger) so, uhm, that's very nice.
I really forgot...something.
The headphone jack-adapter works but the accompanying USB-c-connector only works for charging, does not allow data through (it doesn't allow MY data-setup through)
which makes it tantamount to useless. My dinky hub needs a headphone jack,
maybe next month or, get used to wireless. Of course my hub transmits sound through one of the USB-A connectors, and I only needed an A to C adapter.
WiFi sits gathering dust, ...
The ethernet speed is exactly the same on this phone as on my old one.
which is to say, it's slow by 100Mb. I wouldn't know about wifi.
Why does Google (whoever) insist I use wifi to set-up? I did, it set up (whatever), and I turned it off.
It NEEDED wifi, not my cellular-internet nor my ethernet.
Strange. Was it for the password?
Despite all the youtube videos and helpful bloatware-elimination sites, my Ram stands at 2.2 available from 6.
"3.1GB/6GB" used, which is (uh) 2.9 but no, it says 2.2 available.
4 gigs of smiling spies (3.1)
"Virtual memory (6 GB)" is nice but nothing uses it, including the memory-map I'm quoting from. It's there, no one's home. I've been told it's exactly like a swapfile, except they call it something else.
You need a samsung account to tell samsung to not monitor you with apps, rather than just disabling apps, or so I have guessed.
The thing that forces you to slide around to find stuff like you're on a mission in some game, is called a launcher, I've found.
Since you cannot disable the launcher it has nor any of the apps it thrusts upon a person, you can at least download another launcher.
Liver&onions vs meatloaf vs meatballs vs tofu.
I'd cuss right this second but it would show off my ignorance not knowing.
'K, I'm stumped. Plus, maybe it's time I learned a phone (any phone) |